saya pun dah book...dapat pulak tu time cuti sekolah 27/5 - 12/6...adussss suka nya
start booking ...
whitesurfer Post at 22-11-2010 23:27 
i got premium seat tix for just RM1693(with complimentary meals, seat selection, baggage up to 20kg), i'm not sure AA website got glitches or something since regular price tix was a bit higher than the premium seat when i bought yesterday. |
Tadii saya godek2.. website AA ni.. both london n paris kami asben n wife dah pernah pi.. few times. ...
Iman_Baby Post at 23-11-2010 12:49 
jika ingin beli tiket sebegini, highly recommended untuk consider balik melalui orly since airport tax orly lagi murah more than 50% daripada airport tax stansted. |
kat orly kene bayar tax tak nanti masa balik? mcm airport kat Indon kan kene bayar 150k rupiah :@ |
i got premium seat tix for just RM1693(with complimentary meals, seat selection, baggage up ...
Changa Post at 21-12-2010 14:26 
yeker......return tix all in RM 1693 utk premium seats ?? ishhh macam susah nak percaya pulak. Tambah2 lagi baru book semalam. Kalau betul memang rezeki u la....kira cam durian runtuh tu  |
kat orly kene bayar tax tak nanti masa balik? mcm airport kat Indon kan kene bayar 150k rupiah
gilakentang Post at 22/12/2010 13:59 
kalau kat london stansted, airport tax dah included in the ticket.
so kat airport dah tak bayar apa2 lagi dah.... |
kat orly kene bayar tax tak nanti masa balik? mcm airport kat Indon kan kene bayar 150k rupiah
gilakentang Post at 22-12-2010 13:59 
sila lihat di detail tiket kamu, regulation di indonesia airport tax seharusnya di bayar oleh pax secara tunai di airport sendiri.di tempat2 lain ianya tiada regulation itu.
apa sahaja yang kamu bayar semasa membeli tiket sudah di perjelaskan, sama ada kamu ingin membaca nya atau tidak sahaja. |
rezeki u la Changa. admin tak perasan tu ada bugs. |
nak tanya la, paris orly punya airport ni besar macam stansted ke or smaller?
if let say me & hubby overnight kat airport orly ni jer selamat tak since we're gonna catch the morning flight next day? |
Reply 1010# whitesurfer
Thats a good bargain he got there i must say |
jika wallet orang lelaki agak2 berapa ya? maaf ya saya tidak pernah berani memasuki butik ...
Changa Post at 21-12-2010 11:46 
i tak pernah masuk LV kat KL ni tapi LV yang i tengok kat Paris, for men's wallet the price starts from 350-400 euro macam tu. I told my husband, that price is close to the price of speedy 25 dah. tapi i tak beli la...i boleh drool jer... |
Post Last Edit by boocik04 at 29-12-2010 10:58
nak tanya la, paris orly punya airport ni besar macam stansted ke or smaller?
if let say me & hubb ...
cn7 Post at 29/12/2010 10:19 
stansted airport is bigger than orly... how early is your flight to orly tu?
i don't think you need to stay overnight kat airport.
kalau nak buat journey from central paris to orly tu tak jauh macam stansted-london pun...
the distance is about 20 - 25km je... |
Reply 1018# boocik04
Flight schedule is at 10.30 am (subject to no last minute changes). After dengar story you yang AA tukar ke later flight, i cuak2 gak la if ada pertukaran timing. Later tak per, i boleh ronda2 Paris lagi, jangan terawal.
and do you have any idea if i boleh claim VAT kat Paris Orly tu (if they have a counter to do that). Cuz if yes, i have to come there like 3 hours earlier kan? |
Paris punya public transportation 24 hours ke?
my plan was to gerak evening from London by Eurostar. then reach airport say around 12 am, just lepak airport. tapi is the airport dead or happening walaupun dah lewat malam |
Paris punya public transportation 24 hours ke?
my plan was to gerak evening from London by Eurosta ...
cn7 Post at 29-12-2010 12:35
ooo... ok. you are from london. ingatkan from paris city centre.
kalau camtu better go to airport straight la.
tak yah bayar untuk accommodation for one night in paris.
transport paris takde 24 jam tapi dorang ada night buses.
so kalau you nak get around maybe you kena check schedule night buses ni...
about VAT tu i tak sure sebab masa kat sana memang tak shopping apa pun other than fridge magnets and keychains...
(posted by mobile) |
if i nak check night buses ni which website yer?
and, safe ker travelling kat Paris if dah lewat malam...
i hari tu cuak2 masa kat Paris, sebab banyak sangat pak itam kut.... |
if i nak check night buses ni which website yer?
and, safe ker travelling kat Paris if dah lewat ...
cn7 Post at 30-12-2010 07:59
dulu masa gi paris, lepak2 sampai pukul 11pm pun ok lagi...
during paris strike lagi.
tapi tak tau la sekarang camna.
kalau nak check about paris bus go to this site ---> http://www.travelsignposts.com/Paris/paris_bus.php
(posted by mobile) |
yes..i'm back
tak tahu nak start cerita kat mana, but i ada kat paris masa ribut salji 8/12 tu......pagi keluar cerah aje cuaca, keluar musee salji everywhere, lebat giler , traffic stuck everywhere ..tapi anak-anak aku seronok giler
sudahnya tak kemanapun ...eiffeltower tutup
LV store pun takleh gi.................tapi bagi aku pengalaman menarik kena ribut salji ( mana nak dpt pengalaman ni kat malaysia kan ? )...LV store dan ET tu akan ada sentiasa ....
Oh ye...nak cerita pasal pengalaman naik National Ekspress dari London ke Paris....we all ambik bas malam....sangat selesa dan tak letih pun .... best gak dapat naik ferri dari Dover ke Calais , ferri yg canggih manggih
sampai paris subuh, terus ambik train ke hotel...
we all stay kat le meridien hostel, not bad hostelnya, algerian muslim owner , dekat le Reulin dan gare de lyon station ..kat keliling tu byk muslim shop . makan minum senanglah, pasar pun ada....beli buah , buah kat paris murah dan sedap.
sebab salji kan, takleh kemana, maka aktitviti makan makan dan makan serta tidur saja...haha |
we all stay kat le meridien hostel, not bad hostelnya, algerian muslim owner , dekat le Reulin dan gare de lyon station ..kat keliling tu byk muslim shop . makan minum senanglah, pasar pun ada....beli buah , buah kat paris murah dan sedap...
noridaQM Post at 2/1/2011 12:04 
le meridien hostel? rasa macam interesting pulak...
kalau hotel tu saya pernah dengar dekat area montparnasse...
berapa satu malam duduk kat le meridien hostel ni? |
Post Last Edit by gilakentang at 3-1-2011 14:20
sebabkan less than 2month i nak pegi Paris, sekarang ni i tgh gila tukar Euro. So far the lowest rate is 4.08 kat The Curve (sebelah British India). Ada sesiapa dapat rate Euro lagi murah? Sharelah! |
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