kayrizal replied at 5-10-2015 12:19 PM
Ahsoo....sakitnya tuh disini..
Yaya..makcik..i memang sakit hati..
rupa rupanya haizz artist msia yg i suka selama ni adoiii hipokrit gilerr..
kakasotong replied at 5-10-2015 12:39 PM
Better u dm terus je kat ned. Senang citer xyah panjang2 hal kat sini. Biar diorg tahu true colors ...
Sebab to me, we all kat forum ni gossipp gossipp gaduh gaduh..start forum habis forum..xsangka pula mereka sampai out of forum..macam xde life
I pun gaduh with u masa i fan nora. I pun gaduh ngan fans royani. Tapi non of u mcm these delusional makciks sampai attack me out of forum (at my IG)..
And yes, sebelum ni, they know i mmg ada DirectMessage with Nedim, tapi for matters regarding IG dia, i x pernah bawa apa yg kita bla bla bla kat forum ni to him (yaya, masa tu fanatik minta i sc semua kat sini n send to Nedim. bila i tanya kenapa u all x send sendiri, jawabnya they all xde IG..amboiii..nampak sgt kepura-puraan mereka semua!)
All i wanna say is i wont go to their level. Damn low and hipokrit. Kat forum cecah nedim xguna, kikis duit nora tapi kat IG Nedim, puji melangit.
What we bash n gossip about those artist or kerabat, i habis kat sini ja. Xde la keciaann like them attack someone they never met for some artist whom dont even know their existance. |
Edited by esteryen at 28-10-2015 06:04 AM
Mierafaziera replied at 5-10-2015 01:22 PM
kor dah kenapa ahso????sampai suami,anak2..kor gila ke apa???psycho sungguh la kor nih!! kor tak t ...
Dah nak end of the month ni..
U nak i tunggu for how many longer and most important, tunggu untuk apa ya??
Tunggu u lapor polis ka apa ya?
Peringatan 4 u ya makcik..nanti bukan hanya ukomen or FITNAH yg u tuju kat i..tapi SEMUA komen u yg ada kat FORUM ni will be bukti ya
bukan hanya komen u kat hikhik thread idola tawu..komen2 u yg hikhikhik kat thread lain pun akan dijadikan bukti yg u ni suka FITNAH
cikanggun replied at 5-10-2015 02:09 PM
toksah layan si gila tu.... biaq pi dia memalukan diri sendiri...
adoyaii....blom pernah lg jmpe ...
"adoyaii....blom pernah lg jmpe org gila berforum sampai ker Ig sampai ke personal life pon nk attack.."
Neiii...geng u la yg buat mcm tu..
tunggu ya..i nak tunggu MIERA SWEAR dulu nanti i post all the screen shot ya.
Ada juga RUZANA tawuuuu...
girlfriday replied at 8-10-2015 09:39 AM
esteryen ni memang gila ke hape?takut lak aku baca keobsesannya dgn nora and family..
Ishhh..xde la gila..cuma dulu memang minat kat Nora..tapi takde la sampai minat kat famili dia pula..kakak dia mana yg janda mana yg andartu tu pun i xtawu..
As for her kakak-nadya..just bumped sekali dua je..
xde lah obsesss..hahahas
Edited by esteryen at 28-10-2015 06:35 AM
F685 replied at 8-10-2015 12:48 PM
Lorr gitu rupanyaaa
penakut jgk karat2 ni
Ex-karat TongTRYME
since ni thread Ned, to me la kan, dia kiranya a very gentleman. bila u baik with him, dia balas baik
ramai, especially fanatik nora will think and assumed that nora la yg "putihkan" nedim sedangkan kerana tongtryme lah nedim semakin kehitaman >_< |
kenapa eh u marah sangant dgn ND? i find that shes cute , i only dislike her because of Nedim. because Nedim brings bad vibes to ND.
ingatkan ada cite baru nedim tadi.. |
Edited by esteryen at 30-10-2015 11:25 AM
seattle replied at 28-10-2015 12:39 PM
kenapa eh u marah sangant dgn ND? i find that shes cute , i only dislike her because of Nedim. bec ...
Lastime i used to be Nora's fan.
Rasa dia comel n lawa
It was after Paris Shopping Heaven, not sure u all aware tak tapi ni Personal Shoppers kat IG yg banyak tipu customers n Nora promote that IG acc.
So, as a fan, bila ramai yg attack her for promoting a "scam account"..bukan ribu2 kena tipu, most of them got cheated puluh ribu ringgit. 2 cut the story short, i DM (DirectMsg) Nedim since Nora isnt replying just to inform her that PSH itu penipu. And harap she can stop promoting them. Even RozitaCheWan post 2-3posts about PSH to create awareness. Supaya others xtertipu.
Nora side, sadly is dia x tertipu so its non of her business.
As a fan, i memang ishhh..susah sgt ke nak post just ONE post kat her IG as awareness. RCW posted 2-3 posts as awareness. And Nora promoted that penipu PSH byk kali.
In this case, i nampak her hipokrit side.
I x tertipu..okay.. U tertipu u punya pasal.
Pastu kes BeeKhan..
Yang BK n famili BK attacked her straight kat IG as HOMEWRECKER.
Bila i backlog bila BK cerai ngan news Nedim teman dia balik Mynmar n they are more than friends- its the same year, just few months after his divorce. Tapi sebelum ni Nora claimed she only rapat ngan Ned longgggg after he divorced.
More n more n kes bikini semua tu..haizzz..from minat i see the real of her. Hipokrit n full of drama |
im waiting bile Nedim nak nikah Nowa |
bila ramai yg attack her for promoting a "scheme account"..bukan ribu2 kena tipu, most of them got cheated puluh ribu ringgit. 2 cut the story short,
scheme ke scam?
yeah shes cute, but what you just wrote is very hard to deny....
itik_kuning replied at 30-10-2015 09:55 AM
bila ramai yg attack her for promoting a "scheme account"..bukan ribu2 kena tipu, most of them got c ...
Go edit now..thanks xD |
Eh...........apasal gadoh-gadoh kat sini ni........................????
BORING SUNGGUH...........................
Sooooooooooooooo.....bila nak diadakan WEDDING OF THE YEAR NI.......??????
Adakah Nerd nak tunggu lepas PRU14 tu sebab Ned tak beri apa-apa respond
kepada pengistiharan NOWA .........?????
Kalau nak tunggu sampai 2018.............lamanya.
TIGA TAHUN macam-macam boleh berlaku.
CINTA boleh berubah rasa, jodoh bole terputus, nyawa boleh melayang........ |
seattle replied at 30-10-2015 11:00 AM
yeah shes cute, but what you just wrote is very hard to deny....
Tapi for her fanatiks kat forum ni they cant accept the truth.
Everything also salah orang lain and non is salah Nora.
Nora promote PSH. PSH itu penipu. Ramai tertipu. Bodohnya n salah tu is those yg kena tipu. Siapa suruh beli ribu2 online bla3
Nora pecat her PA. Just like that. Salah PA. Dah 10tahun kerja ngan Nora pun masih not punctual and tak bertanggungjawab.
Nora pakai bikini. Go clubbing. Salah Ms.Kepoh. Sbb post aib Nora. And salah Fasha sebab zaman dinosour beliau pakai bikini kat Bali.
Nora clash ngan Nedim. Salah Nedim. Sebab x guna. Xkerja. Tidur makan n kikis duit Nora.
oppsss...sekali Nora keluar kenyataan "My heart is only for Nedim"..adoiiii...tetap salah orang lain..apahal kepochi pasal hal Nora?
Summary..semua salah orang lain. Nora suci murni tak bersalah. |
wah really this Nedim got the guts to take money from ND??? betul ker? i thought he can afford things, like he drives a sportscar, travel around, lives in a luxury condo.... i wonder how people knows that he took money from ND.
nampak sgt kau tak matang..dia jadi x sbb kena cerai,bukan sbb fil tak suka dia..the whole family inlaw sayang dia tau..dia nak angkut satu family ka rumah ts/ps kenapa kau pulak yg sakit hati..sbb tu aku kata dont follow nora kalau menyampah kat dia..boley.macam aku sikit pun aku tak masuk tread idola@pasah kau sbb aku mmg tak suka pompuan caras laki orang..bukan dia saja siti pun sama ye
see the difference ok...like i say nora takde sbb nak malu..dia tak perlu malu pun..reason.. dia di sayangi,diterima sbg ahli keluarga.yg patut malu hg menyalak sana sini mengalahkan orang gila talak...macam lah ps nak kisah dgn rintihan tak puas hati hg..haha
| |