Originally posted by miss_mulan77 at 28-4-2009 07:43 PM
ok ler me tepek sume link ep 25 intimate note tuh kat sini.. nak backtrack me pun dah luper page mana
(ENG) 090424 Intimate Note P1/7
(ENG) 090424 Intimate Note P2/7
7CbB9 ...
kyaaaaaaaaaaa, subbed dh complete!! x sabo nk layan blk dr mula show nih!!
owh, td g selayang mall. sj la jenjln kat satu kedai cd tuh. sekali nmpk poster suju. aku tnya la adik aku, kenal x saper kat poster tu. dia ckp SUPER JUNIOR!! miahahahaha ~~ berbunge jer hati aku even dia just kenal dgn dorg!! and sj gak carik2 album dorg kat kedai tu, tp x jumpa lak. xtau ah dh hbs stok ker atau mmg xder jual kat situ!!
Shindong’s Exclusive Menu to Losing 20KG in 4 Months is Tofu Kimchi.
A few months ago, there was a photo appearing on the internet thatcaused a lot of heated discussion among netizens, this photo is thephoto of Super Junior Member, Shindong. In the photo, Shindong was veryslim and slender, it was completely impossible to see his former“chubby” self. Shindong’s image transformation gave many people a hugesurprise.
Weight loss Menu: Tofu Kimchi
“During the fourand half months, I lost about 20Kg. But as everyone can see now, Igained another 10KG. The photo on the internet was during the peak ofmy weight loss, I also received a shock during that time. Having thedetermination to lose weight definitely has its effectiveness!”
Thisis not Shindong’s first experience at losing weight. Even if he tookpills or took slimming injections, his inborn good appetite and hisaddiction to meat caused him to fail repeatedly.
“During oneperiod of time I totally stayed away from meat, and only ate tofu andfood rich in proteins. Initially, I started from eating white tofu, butafter eating the tofu without any ingredients for a few days, I thoughtthat I would be too bored to continue eating it, hence I chose “TofuKimchi”. Although I ate too much tofu during the period of losingweight, and now I’m a little bored, but I still like to eat TofuKimchi. If everyone wants to lose weight, please try Tofu Kimchi.”
“LateNight Clique and Meat Clique” In Shindong’s handphone contact book,just 75 of the numbers are that of late night shops. This is becauseShindong often works until very late, for example his radio show“Shindong and Kim Shinyoung’s Stop the Boring Time”, when he ends workit is usually already after 12 midnight.
“In the past, I hadover 150 numbers from late night shops, but after choosing wisely,there are only 75 left. These are near my house, are popular shops,near the broadcasting station, near the dorm etc. My menu is alsodivided into meat buns, chicken rice, fried chicken soup etc”
Shindongalso calls himself the “Meat Clique”. Super Junior’s members all likemeat, each time they gather together for dinner, without sayinganything, they would all head to a barbequed meat shop.
Somefans who know that Shindong likes meat even give him meat as giftssometimes. “In the past, there were some fans who gave me an entire pigas a present, and I have received this present twice. I ate eachportion evenly until I had enough, but I still hadn’t finished it, so Icalled some people I knew over to eat together. This is the mostunforgettable present I have ever received.”
“I usually livewith the members, so I return to my parents’ house once or twice everymonth. Sometimes the people in the community would sit in my livingroom, waiting to take a commemorative photo with me. Seeing my parentsproudly say “My son is Super Junior’s Shindong”, my mood would improvealong with it.
Source: 中央日报, taken from Onlysj13
Translations: --dreamx @ sj-world.net
[090428/SJ] Super Junior ‘Sorry Sorry’ conquers Taiwan, after Korea and Thailand
Super Junior’s comeback 3rd album title song ‘Sorry Sorry’ dominatesvarious music charts in Taiwan, after doing so in Korea and Thailand.
Thesong was top on various Taiwanese charts like GMusic, FiveMusic etc onthe 17th. The song is #1 for the international category on GMusic forthe 3rd week of April in just one week of the album release in themarket. Also the song is up #2 for the Chinese songs and Western songschart.
Also the song is up #1 on the Asian Chart for Taiwan’s radio program HIT FM ‘Hito Chart’ for the 3rd week of April.
Meanwhile, Super Junior is still currently promoting the song ‘Sorry Sorry’ in Korea.