hebatnya roti2 u sama seperti di bakery |
Reply sitipayung
I found Y3K blogspot with free recipes in English and Chinese. It includes bre ...
lwyl Post at 2-8-2011 17:37 
i didn't know that y3k ada blog....bes..bes....I ada a few recipes book by y3k... |
Reply 1203# speedial
You like Y3K magazines too? My sis's neighbour swears by it. She told my sister all recipes from Y3K are guarantee to work. Don't know how true that is. |
Reply speedial
You like Y3K magazines too? My sis's neighbour swears by it. She told my sister ...
lwyl Post at 3-8-2011 09:40 
Yesss...the recipe looks convincing bcoz of the step by step guide that's why I sudah fall in love with the mag...so far I hev tried layered cakes...and it's work....oppsss sudah off topic daaa....sorry MOD |
Reply 1202# sitipayung
Thank you. I learnt a lot from Cari FnR forum. Everyone is so willing to share their recipes . |
Reply 1206# lwyl
ada blog tak...share lah with us....your roti mcm pro lah.... |
Reply 1208# lwyl
Thanks....your own blog takde ker ? |
Reply 1209# speedial
Don't know how to make a blog . |
nak tanya...
cadang nak beli BM cosway....
agak2 brand cosway ni kay tak??? |
Reply 1211# adifrs
dulu saya guna BM cosway, after 2 yrs kiok.. now dah beli baru kenwoodnyerr |
Reply 1212# rimbun
. Anyway, my sis passed by CKE the other day. They're having a clearance/moving out sales. |
Reply adifrs
dulu saya guna BM cosway, after 2 yrs kiok.. now dah beli baru kenwoodnyerr
rimbun Post at 17-8-2011 08:11 AM 
ooooo.....cancel laaa.... |
Selepas membaca post ttg roti disini, saya berminat untuk mencuba dan baru2 ni saya dah beli breadmaker brand TESCO. Yang menjadi kemusykilan kat sini:
kenapa bradmaker saya menguli hanya 25-20 minit shj...sedangkan di mesin tu dah set- uli utk dought= 1 jam 30 minit, dan kenapa roti saya agak lembik sedangkan saya dh ikut sebijik2 resepi dlm manual booklet yg di beri...ada tak sapa2 disini yg beli breadmaker TESCO atau sapa2 yg boleh ajar saya. tima kasih |
Reply 1215# fazyan
I don't have a breadmaker so I can't tell you what went wrong in your recipe.
Perhaps you can try one of the tried and tested bread/buns recipe by Cari members here .
Happy bread baking! |
Selepas membaca post ttg roti disini, saya berminat untuk mencuba dan baru2 ni saya dah be ...
fazyan Post at 28-9-2011 10:54 
memang dia uli kejap je. lepas tu dia "peram". lepas tu dia uli lagi kot. saya memang pakai brand tesco ni. dah masuk barang semua, saya tinggal je. sampai dia menjerit, baru saya datang balik tengok. dah siap dah. |
Reply 1216# lwyl
may be kot...tp i dh pulangkan kembali pd tesco...mcm tk trust tat brand sbb motor dia cpt panas, risau lak nak guna..huhuhu.. |
Reply 1217# batricia
yer, masalahnya dia "peram" terlampau ler lama..hinggga yis sya jd masam...rugi...rugi...;( |
Reply batricia
yer, masalahnya dia "peram" terlampau ler lama..hinggga yis sya jd masam... ...
fazyan Post at 1-10-2011 01:30 
dia tak ada bunyi "teeeetttttttttttttttttttt" ke lepas 1 jam lebih tu?
rosak le tu. saya punya dah dekat setahun, ok, going very well. alhamdulillah.
tesco punya brg boleh dpt full refund kan kalau pulang semula within 1 or 2 weeks from the date of purchase? |
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