ku sure nangis time edward tinggalkan bella. |
1223# forum_aje
bestnye korang leh tengok awal....
kitorang ni tgh countdown lagik....letih daa ni...dotter pun asyik tanya jer bila nak tengok wayang crite twilight....huhuhuhu |
apsal aku check NM kt Israel 10 Nov dah start??
lebih istimewa dr US lg
sapa israel diblakang NM ni?
sapa ada member yahudi leh tnyalah komen dia psl NM |
1224# flojoes
aku baca NM pn nangess
kalo scene ni takleh wat aku smpai nanges mcm aku baca
mmg fail ler
tp kalo hubby aku dok sbelah...mmg tesekatlah nak nanges
segan lak aku nak emo lebih2 |
Semalam aku baca balik novel New Moon...Baru sampai Chapter 5...Kesian Bella kena tinggal macam tu jer dengan Edward...And mesti Alice menangis jer pasal teringatkan Bella.. |
bila start wayang???aku mau tengok nie............ |
1229# welds
kt msia - 26 nov 2009
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
Semalam aku baca balik novel New Moon...Baru sampai Chapter 5...Kesian Bella kena tinggal macam tu jer dengan Edward...And mesti Alice menangis jer pasal teringatkan Bella..
gjoy_chester Post at 19-11-2009 13:17
rajin gjoy buat reading revision...
aku skarang saja je nak buat2 lupa jalan crite yg detail2 kt dalam buku NM tu...
bukan apa...nanti kang ada plak scene2 yg aku suka tapi takde kt dalam movie tu... |
haa...lg satu scene aku ske
msa mlm petama edward kt katil bella
lepas balik voltera tu
yg bella cam ingt dia mimpi
kalo christ weitz tak msuk scene ni dlm NM mmglaaa:@ |
1228# gjoy_chester
kite pon dh ulang New Moon lg sekali last wiken
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
aku nk bli mag yg free poster rob kt majalah seventeen, x kasi aku belii
nnty aku try la
silap2 mara aku blek, ckp nape nk ikut rob tu
iloveyou Post at 18-11-2009 18:46
alaaa....tak sporting la bf ko tu iloveyou...
pada firasat aku lah kan...dia saje je buat2 jeles tu...takkan nak beli mag pun takleh kot...
apa2 pun ni aku nak beritahu ni....aku dah beli dah galaxie masa lunch tadi....
aku nak beli yg cover edward tu..boleh plak ah so tu bagi aku yg gambar jacob tu...aku pun cakap la nak cover lagi satu...ah so tu punya la tak puas ati ngan aku...dia siap amik dua2 cover and compare muka edward ngan jacob tu....tak puas ati kot pasal aku cakap ada 2 cover tu...tergelak aku tengok ah so tu...conpius je muka dia....last2 aku cakap isi dalam sama saja...cover saja ada 2....baru la dia bagi aku beli mag tu.... |
1234# mimiekiut
masuk contest! dpt saguhati pon jd la..
tp kalau x masuk pon bagus gak, tinggi la kebarangkalian kite nak dpt..kekekeke
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
1238# naqies
aku dah kata dahhh
dari dulu aku dah ckp...satgi tekenan
tetiba kuar mata biru
rambut bronx
kulit ivory...
wow...cantekkk...aku nak dtg tgk
rob versi melayu
tak kiralah baby boy ke girl ke
muka robert definitely applicable very well to both gender ok |
iskh.....bahaya gak kalau camtu yek...
camni baik aku confess awal2 kt hubby aku yg Rob tu hari2 tengok muka aku....pasal wallpaper pc aku kt opis ni mmg gambar twilight sajer....latest photo rob kt premier LA tu...aku rompak dari benang ni la....korang paste aku rampok...hahahaha.... |
1241# naqies
ciannye qies....
qies layan poster aje la yer....tentation = tension .... |
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