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Post time 30-3-2014 01:49 PM | Show all posts
kittycomel posted on 30-3-2014 01:24 PM
kalo najib berani timbul masa PC mmg confirm xde saper lg berani gelar dia najib telor....he misse ...

x habis2 nk provoke najib........

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Post time 30-3-2014 01:49 PM | Show all posts
NURMIMIE posted on 30-3-2014 12:12 PM
dek kebingitan telinga abang hisham ku sayang orang dok kata TUDM tido, DCA lalai, Immigresen buta m ...

Yang akan kena tindakan adalah bilis-bilis kecik

tukang songlap, tukang makan komisen, tukang recommend barang-barang cikai yang menyebabkan ikan bilis semua tak boleh buat kerja dengan bagus akan terus songlap lagi dan lagi untuk sistem-sistem seterusnya.

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Post time 30-3-2014 01:51 PM | Show all posts
dopey posted on 30-3-2014 01:48 PM
gov kita kumungkinan suspek a/c di hijeck ..tpi xde bukti ..dca especially..n tudm slow dri mula   ...

ibarat tarik rambut dalam terpaksa berhati2 sbb ini bukan genuine a/c crash


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Post time 30-3-2014 01:52 PM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 30-3-2014 05:21 AM
Katanya ini radar tulen militari kita waktu kejadian... Dan yg bulatan tu menunjukkan radar ta ...

ye..sbb tu lah dkatakn kejap muncul kejap tak..dkt selat melaka radar kte dr terengganu ke selat melaka asyik2 hilang..bila dkt selat melaka pon yg kuat tu boleh hilang dan muncul kembali..sbb tu dorang tak boleh determine psawat pusing blk atau tak..

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Post time 30-3-2014 01:55 PM | Show all posts
dopey posted on 30-3-2014 01:48 PM
gov kita kumungkinan suspek a/c di hijeck ..tpi xde bukti ..dca especially..n tudm slow dri mula   ...

kes MAS terhempas kt tanjung kupang 1977 tu dpt black box tp sampai kesudah kita xtau apa punca sbnr ac tu terhempas.

doubtful kita akan dpt tau punca sbnr bg MH370.

Sdgkn mcm mana bertan-tan manggis ada dlm kargo tu pun kita blurr.....ker skrg buah manggis dah di tukar kpd local fruits...hehe baru perasan skrg bkn musim manggis ler tu!

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Post time 30-3-2014 01:56 PM | Show all posts
kittycomel posted on 30-3-2014 01:20 PM
he said...deepest regret....ended in the indian ocean.....please respect the grieving familes... ...

The best part now Inmarsat says that they are not involved in the najib's decision. They only gave the data to Najib and Najib made his own decision compiling with other datas he got from other countries....
Bila press conference kat Beijing by Top Official from malaysia...they are no able to answer the family's question abt the data/info that triger Najib's decision. Malaysian requested Inmarsat personnel to come down to Beijing to explain to the family but Inmarsat refused and cepat2 cuci tangan.....

I still think that Najib should consult all the other countries yg involve in the SAR esp China before he buat the 10pm 4minutes PC


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Post time 30-3-2014 01:58 PM | Show all posts
bit posted on 30-3-2014 01:49 PM
Yang akan kena tindakan adalah bilis-bilis kecik

tukang songlap, tukang makan komisen, tukang r ...

tangkap bilis utk menunjukkan kjaan ada usaha utk bersihkan corrupts dlm negara ni. Tetapi ikan jerung di lepaskan sbb ada kuasa. Lgpun rakyat msia mudah redha. Ketentuan Allah saper la yg berani tolak.

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Post time 30-3-2014 01:58 PM | Show all posts
MH370 search draws blank as Australia brings in ex-military chief

PERTH (AFP) - A new search area failed to yield an immediate breakthrough in the hunt for ill-fated Flight MH370 on Sunday, as Australia appointed its former military chief to help coordinate the operation in the Indian Ocean.

Debris spotted by aircraft and then picked up by ships combing the new search zone proved not to be from the Malaysian Airlines' Boeing 777, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said.

"It appeared to be fishing equipment and just rubbish on the (ocean's) surface," an AMSA spokesman told AFP.

As the hunt resumed 1,850 kilometres west of Perth, Australia said former defence force chief Angus Houston would head a new unit to help in the search, which involves the militaries of seven nations - Australia, China, Malaysia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and the United States.


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Post time 30-3-2014 02:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kittycomel posted on 30-3-2014 01:55 PM
kes MAS terhempas kt tanjung kupang 1977 tu dpt black box tp sampai kesudah kita xtau apa punca sb ...

Manggis dah dibawa lari oleh zirafah n penguin kat atlantik nak main ski ice kat sana... Sambil2 dukberehat2 sambil2 mkn buah manggis... Hehehe

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:01 PM | Show all posts
Changa posted on 30-3-2014 11:38 AM
Bimbo bimbo felda pprt sunni ingat komponen pesawat tiada serial number barangkali. Sungguh melucu ...

Blackbox tu mcm bateri kereta je ok.....

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:02 PM | Show all posts
Families of Chinese MH370 passengers arrive in Kuala Lumpur, elude media at airport

Around 50 family members of Chinese passengers on board Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 arrived at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, and left through a special lane to avoid the media glare on Sunday morning.

They had asked to see Malaysia's premier Najib Razak and acting transport minister Hishammuddin Hussein after their arrival to get more definite answers to the whereabouts of the missing jetliner and their loved ones, reported China Daily on Saturday.

The family members were seen boarding two buses, according to an airport staff.

More than 50 members of the media were misled into thinking that the families would set foot at the arrival hall, as some representatives from Malaysia Airlines and about 50 volunteers from the Malaysian Chinese Association's (MCA) crisis relief squad were waiting there since early morning. The MCA team was coordinated by Chew Mei Fun.

Mr Hishammuddin on Saturday pledged to improve communications between Malaysia Airlines and the families of those missing aboard MH370.


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Post time 30-3-2014 02:02 PM | Show all posts
magnus posted on 30-3-2014 09:31 AM
Sape yg buat pengiraan based on doppler efek ritu..inmarsat kan...

ye..ioll dah letak dkt depan tu..immarsat cuma buktikn pesawat ada dkt southern hemisphere..lebih tepat pulau sumatera dan pulau2 sekeliling/diego garcia/indian ocean..oleh kerana indon/diego garcia tak detect..dorang buat satu projection shj iaitu ke lautan hindi..pdhal kalau indon dgn diego garcia mnipu boleh je..

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Private jet yang mempunyai bendera malaysia di tel aviv ben gurion, israel

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:04 PM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 30-3-2014 09:42 AM
tapi inmarsat kata ..
sat na godek balik..

siapa yg buat conclusion??PEMANDU kah??atau fellow akademi science msia?? ioll percaya yg first..

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:04 PM | Show all posts
kittycomel posted on 30-3-2014 01:55 PM
kes MAS terhempas kt tanjung kupang 1977 tu dpt black box tp sampai kesudah kita xtau apa punca sb ...

aku setuju dgn kau..

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:05 PM | Show all posts
magnus posted on 30-3-2014 09:45 AM
Betulla..najib pun tak kata inmarsat yg  buat kesimpulan....kesimpulan jugak bukan dibuat oleh naj ...

ioll dah tgk data aaib..yg data umum tu..apa yg ioll phm dorang buat projection base on diego garcia dan indon tak detect ada 1 je lgi tempat indian ocean..pdhl ni bukanya schrondinger real world system..agak2 la nk guna logic..kalau dr awl pon tak logic..

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:07 PM | Show all posts
dopey posted on 30-3-2014 12:00 PM
tak faham..napa plak penumpang sja yg kena padam fon tpi crew bole pasang kat blakang..pelik ahh.. ...

tak tau gak..
mungkin hp tu MAS yang sediakan untuk kakitangan ja

dan mungkin ada yang lebih arif tentang ni boleh jelas kan


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Post time 30-3-2014 02:08 PM | Show all posts
Private jet yang mempunyai bendera malaysia di tel aviv ben gurion, israel

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:09 PM | Show all posts
kazaraf posted on 30-3-2014 09:57 AM
betul2.. aku pn rs aku trsilap dgn post aku tu
kalau lah DCA terus call TUDM tanya pesawat sekian ...

ko cuba tgk pic radar ada org tampal..walau dkt kwsn yg radar kuat iaitu selat melaka..mh370 still hilang..untuk pgetahuan ko bmula dr terengganu smpai selat melaka..radar byk kali yg teruk kantoi dkt selat melaka sbb radar kte kuat..radar thai pon detect byk hilang..kejap muncul kejap waktu dkt selat melaka byk kali muncul sbb radar msia kuat dkt situ..

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Former Australia defence boss to head MH370 search: Reports

PERTH, Australia (AFP) -
Former Australian defence chief Angus Houston will take over coordination of the international search effort for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, reports said on Sunday.

The retired air chief marshal will head a new joint agency coordination centre to be set up in Perth which will coordinate the search for the Boeing 777, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported.

Sydney's Daily Telegraph said Mr Houston's brief was to not only lead the search but also coordinate the often delicate diplomatic contacts with search partners in Malaysia, China, the United States, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand.

He will also ensure the joint agency provides a single point where the families of the 239 people who were onboard the flight when it disappeared on March 8 can obtain information, the newspaper reported.

It said services available to the families, most of whom are Chinese, would include up-to-date information and travel assistance, including visa services, accommodation advice, interpreter services and counselling.

The reports did not say when Mr Houston, who was chief of the Australian Defence Force from 2005 to 2011, was expected to take over.

Many of the families of those missing, particularly the Chinese, have been critical of the way Malaysia has treated them, accusing Kuala Lumpur of providing insufficient information as they endure an agonising wait to learn the fate of their loved ones.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Saturday that international protocols meant Malaysia would remain in charge of the search operation but Australia was ready to assist where possible.

Mr Abbott's office could not be immediately contacted for comment on Mr Houston's reported appointment. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority, which has so-far coordinated the Perth-based search effort, declined to comment.


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