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Post time 30-3-2014 02:30 PM | Show all posts
honeybee1802 posted on 30-3-2014 02:28 PM
Freesclale ttp pintu kot?ada sahabat handai freescale di sini?

tutup pintu tapi tak kan family senyap? tak g klia? biasa media kalau tutup pintu lagi lah drg serbu.....?

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:33 PM | Show all posts
bit posted on 30-3-2014 05:49 AM
Yang akan kena tindakan adalah bilis-bilis kecik

tukang songlap, tukang makan komisen, tukang r ...

setuju selalu mcm tu
yg pekerja2 rencam ni lah slalu jadi scapegoat.. tp yg kasi arahan,tak memberi arahan..
senang lenang


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Post time 30-3-2014 02:34 PM | Show all posts
kittycomel posted on 30-3-2014 05:20 AM
he said...deepest regret....ended in the indian ocean.....please respect the grieving familes... ...

aku memahami ketensenan ko ketika menaip
seperti mana aku juga tensen..

bg mereka ended in southern indian ocean, pesawat tu terapung2 antara langit dan bumi..
x sentuh ke permukaan air..mahupon meletop..dan laen2

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:36 PM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 30-3-2014 02:17 PM
Refer to post 1162 by magnus... tadi I masuk boleh, tp bila I nak post pada u dah kena delete/hack ...

I baca kat singapore nya news...indicating the family nak tau ape yg buat Najib ambil tindakan membuat keputusan that MH370 ended its flight kat indian ocean. Najib buat conclusion basng on what?? The inmarsat data?? Then when the family tanya the technical part of inmarsat malaysian official are not able to answer. China suroh malaysian bawak orang yg boleh jawab dari sudut technical tentang data2 yg najib terima yg mendorong hingga membuat keputusan that MH370 ended in indian ocean.

Itu sebab nya now abt 50 orang family dah datang ke malaysia untok jumpa Najib & Hisamudin. They said  those official yg datang ke beijing tak guna as these people are not able to answer their question : Ape yg mendorong Najib buat keputusan yg MH370 ended in Indian Ocean....

PS: kat malaysia...kita boleh la suroh org islam redha. Tapi ini PRC they are different. No redha redha one. They wants facts & figure....
So this is the challenge the malaysian govt & MAS have to handle...


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Post time 30-3-2014 02:39 PM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 30-3-2014 06:22 AM
nanti kalo scientist kiter yang buat penilaian..
akan ader orang kata ..
kiter sembunyi banyak i ...

buat sama sama lah
time ni la belaja

untung2 dpt kurangkan pergantungan pada omputeh in years to come

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tinker_bell posted on 30-3-2014 02:16 PM
apa yg byk nya..debris tempat lama semua dah dikira bkn mh370..ada org main game..kena kn ...

Hrp ank kpl n pnumpng masih kuat dn dpt harungi...kjadian ini...... moga allah s.w.t tunjukkn dn leraikn apa yg tjd sbenarnya...amin....

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:40 PM | Show all posts
tinker_bell posted on 30-3-2014 02:26 PM
maksud ioll sama2 lah..siapa yg intepret data bgi pihak msia??

dah merata iols tanya pakcik google..
tak jumpa pa2

kalo uols ader jumpa nanti .. tag yer


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Post time 30-3-2014 02:40 PM | Show all posts
kak_sue posted on 30-3-2014 02:36 PM
I baca kat singapore nya news...indicating the family nak tau ape yg buat Najib ambil tindakan mem ...

PEMANDU tak reti baca data..

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:46 PM | Show all posts
kak_sue posted on 30-3-2014 02:36 PM
I baca kat singapore nya news...indicating the family nak tau ape yg buat Najib ambil tindakan mem ...

yer betul..setuju sangat2

tapi masalah nya..
bila pihak kita diam ja..
kata nya sembunyi info..
info sekarang : ping terakhir adalah di indian ocean..

dah di asak2 dengan pertanyaan..
"awat ni lembab tol?"

so najib bgtau ja..
ok ni lah titik terakhir mh370 tu berdasarkan inmarsat

pikir akan diam jap kot .. atau sekurang2 nya bersemangat skit " oooo ctu tempat terakhir ada ping ey? takpa2 mungkin pasni ada lagi kot penemuan "

sekali tu dia ..


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Post time 30-3-2014 02:48 PM | Show all posts
lorelai posted on 30-3-2014 02:39 PM
buat sama sama lah
time ni la belaja

memang banyak pengajaran dari kejadian ni negara kita patut belajar


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Post time 30-3-2014 02:49 PM | Show all posts
In full: Relatives' letter to China special envoy on the search for MH370
The full text of the letter from relatives of passengers onboard the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 to China's special envoy in Malaysia is printed below

Dear Mr Special Envoy

We are family members of passengers on board the MH370 flight. We write this letter to you for the handling of the missing MH370 plane incident by the Malaysian government.

First, we sincerely thank you for the concerns and care of the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia and Chinese representatives here. We are thankful to the people from our motherland for being together with us to face the countless difficult moments over the past days, and showing us understanding and support. We deeply feel that our motherland are connected with the families in hearts and spirits, and in blood.

But the handling of the missing plane incident by the Malaysia government has tortured us more, and we would like to tell you how we feel.

We feel suspicious about the motives of Malaysia for delaying, and missing the best rescue moment of MH370. We need to express condemnation for announcing to the world that the missing plane has ended in deep Southern Indian Ocean, merely based on data analysis. This is irresponsible.

Firstly, we have learned from our communication with Malaysia Airlines and the Malaysia government that the missing flight had been clearly spotted in Malaysia military radar. But no confirmation was made, and something that is highly suspicious of the plane was found by playing back the radar on the next day.

Secondly, the related parties were informed that the satellite of Inmarsat picked up signal of the aircraft, and therefore, people from Malaysia Airlines had attempted to communicate with the aircraft after 7am on March 8. The attempt failed, and the last signal was delayed for 29 minutes. The last signal from the plane was recorded at 8.11am.

The above two points are sufficient to prove that the Malaysian side is clearly aware that the plane route was diverted by human in the morning of March 8, and was turned to the Indian Ocean. However, the Malaysia side has not released the data on a timely manner, which lead to the rescue and search effort being put in a wrong location and delaying the rescue progress.

Similar delays of rescue information happened time after time during the rescue operations until the last suspected location of the aircraft was spotted by satellite image provided by Australia on March 21. And that was already 14 days from the plane being vanished, and we had already missed the best time to save the plane.

Third, Najib Razak announced to the world by merely basing on calculations of data that the missing plane has ended in the deep Southern Indian Ocean. We feel the way the Malaysian authorities handle the incident is inhumane and irresponsible, and show disrespect towards life. To the families, all passengers on board are all vivid lives. As families of the passengers, we have to express our anger and disappointment towards the handling of MH370 incident by the Malaysian government after going through the pain and torture for 18 days.

Fortunately, we are Chinese, and we deeply feel the solid support given to each family members by the Chinese government. Our nation has made every endeavour to search for the passengers, and its determination to find out the truth has become a booster for each family member. However, as ordinary citizens, we feel powerless in this international incident, and the path for seeking truth may be a very long and tough process. It involves various aspects such as criminal, diplomacy and accident investigation. These cannot be settled by us, who are just ordinary citizens, and therefore, we hope you and the nation can give us further support and assistance.

First, we urge the nation to set up an investigation office for MH370, and establish effective communication channels between the families and the government through telephone, wechat, weibo and emails. And to give long-term and effective support to the families in legal proceedings, accident investigation, determination of responsibility, and seeking compensation.

Second, continue the investigation of MH370 incident until the truth is revealed and protecting the rights of the citizens. The current search effort should not be scaled down until the black box, debris of the plane and bodies of the passengers are found, and the completion of DNA examination.

Fourth, press the Malaysian government to handle the MH370 incident with a responsible attitude, and to release related information in a truthful, accurate and timely manner. As it is confirmed that the plane route has been diverted by human attempt and the plane is vanished in Southern Indian Ocean, the suspicions towards the 226 passengers on board were ruled out. We hope the Malaysian government can make an apology to the families in a responsible manner, offer an explanation of the delays in rescue and bear related responsibilities.

Fifth, we hope professional aviation accident investigation expert of our nation can be fully involved in the accident investigation of MH370, and seek the help of professional rescue and accident investigation organisations. We hope the nation will handle the incident from the perspective of national security and national image, protecting the rights of the citizens and not giving up. This is a reflection of the status of a big nation.

Sixth, provide free legal assistance to the families to take related legal proceedings, gather evidence and coordination based on the consideration of protecting the legitimate interest of the citizens, and the specific conditions facing each family.

Seventh, coordinating with the Malaysian side, ensuring that the Malaysian side as promised will pay for the air fares, food and accommodation for trips going back and forth Malaysia until the whole incident has been handled. The number of trips is unlimited.

*The third request was omitted upon request by the families.

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:49 PM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 30-3-2014 02:46 PM
yer betul..setuju sangat2

tapi masalah nya..

ping terakhir bkn dgn indian just a tak mnujukkn tmpat..ioll ada explain data immarsat dkt depan2..siap ada graph..

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:54 PM | Show all posts
NURMIMIE posted on 30-3-2014 12:08 PM
Tel Aviv tak beli kapaterbang MAS..

yang beli GA Telesis.. cuma havoc2 tuh kata lepas GA Teles ...

Fighter jets intercept plane that breached summit flight restriction
By Matthew Hoye, CNN
March 24, 2014 -- Updated 1757 GMT (0157 HKT)

(CNN) -- The Royal Dutch Air Force scrambled fighter jets on Monday to intercept a cargo plane that entered Dutch airspace without proper clearance as world leaders gathered in the Netherlands for a nuclear security summit.

The LAN Cargo Boeing 777 bound for Amsterdam from Miami "was diverted away" from Dutch airspace due to restrictions around the summit in The Hague, Edmund Messchaert, spokesman for the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, told CNN.

Messchaert said Dutch F16 fighters followed protocol and escorted the plane to Germany without incident.

He said LAN Cargo apparently forgot to apply for permission to land or didn't know airspace restrictions were in place for the summit.

A statement from the hauler, based in Chile, confirmed Flight UC 1503 wasn't able to land in Amsterdam and was diverted to Frankfurt "because of an error in the special classification of the flight."

The plane was later permitted to continue to Amsterdam, the airline said. ... it-plane-intercept/

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:55 PM | Show all posts
Toksah layan la cina tanah besar nie..melampau2 lak..hantar balik je semua!! Tunggu je kat umah masing2!!

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:55 PM | Show all posts
Families of some passengers on missing Flight MH370 receive insurance payouts
Payments of between 500,000 and 4.17 million yuan paid or offered in compensation to families of passengers on missing Flight MH370

Chinese insurance companies have started paying compensation to the families of passengers aboard a missing Malaysia Airlines plane presumed crashed in the southern Indian Ocean, state news agency Xinhua said on Thursday.

The families of seven passengers received 4.17 million yuan (HK$5.25 million) in compensation on Tuesday, China Life, the country’s largest insurance company, was quoted by Xinhua as saying. China Life said it has 32 clients on board the flight and estimated its total compensation at around 9 million yuan.

“China Life is deeply grieved at the news and will ensure compensation and all other related services are fully implemented,” Xinhua quoted an unnamed company spokesman as saying.

Shanghai-based China Pacific Insurance said it had offered its first compensation payment of 525,000 yuan as of Wednesday, Xinhua said.

Sunshine Insurance said it has compensated 500,000 yuan for a family of three, while New China Life Insurance estimated its compensation would reach 1 million yuan for its nine clients on board the flight.

The companies could not be immediately reached for comment.

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is thought to have crashed on March 8 with the loss of all 239 people aboard after flying thousands of miles off course. More than 150 of the passengers were Chinese.

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Post time 30-3-2014 02:56 PM | Show all posts
kittycomel posted on 30-3-2014 01:55 PM
kes MAS terhempas kt tanjung kupang 1977 tu dpt black box tp sampai kesudah kita xtau apa punca sb ...

Bkn ke ada hijacker dlm kes Tg Kupang tu?
Pesawat dari Penang destinasi ke KL (Subang) tapi pilot kata ada emergeny terpaksa tuju ke Spore
Airport Spore dah prepare tapi pesawat terjatuh kat Tg Kupang


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Post time 30-3-2014 02:59 PM | Show all posts
tinker_bell posted on 30-3-2014 02:49 PM
ping terakhir bkn dgn indian just a tak mnujukkn tmpat..ioll ada explai ...

Tapi Capt Nik tunjuk Ping tu kat south Indian Oceon jugak kan
Itu yg aku paham sb ada tunjuk diagram


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Post time 30-3-2014 02:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Menyampah tul aku cina mainland ni...

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Post time 30-3-2014 03:03 PM | Show all posts
tinker_bell posted on 30-3-2014 02:49 PM
ping terakhir bkn dgn indian just a tak mnujukkn tmpat..ioll ada explai ...

ni ka yunk?

mcmana pemandu intrepret data??dorang phm tak baca data tu?? ... ch%20%28AAIB%29.pdf

tgk ni..ada immarsat kata ended dkt lautan cuma projection!!yg cnfrm mh370 ada dkt southern atmosphere..yg merangkumi indon dgn diego garcia..awat cari dlm laut??PEMANDU reti baca data tak??projection dkt laut kalau bgerak straight line ke selatan..kalau waktu dlm radar pon bgerak ke kanan kiri mcm org minum todi..keluar dr radar..terus bgerak straight jah smpai thempas dlm laut??
sbb tu ioll percaya dgn data boieng..4-5 jam je terbang..dah tak mnunjukkn terbang..just mnunjukkn engine masih hidup..kalau mndarat..biarkn engine mati smpai minyak habis..boleh kn??

kalo ikut teori hijack la kan..
nak tanyer ..sebab memang tak tau
boleh tak agak nya benda yang menghasil kan ping tu kat kapalterbang tu
dimatikan secara manual?

meaning ..
ok sengaja mati kan kat area indian ocean .. tapi masih terbang? jauh?


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