goddessku found a post by someone who lives in town of JikSan in the city of ChunAhn. http://gall.dcinside...022&page=1&bbs=
아아님들그거아름?우리동네에구혜선씨왔었음ㅋㅋㅋ난못봤지만내친구는차까지따라가서싸인까지받았다고함ㅋㅋㅋㅋ우리동네에연예인온건처음일듯ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ왠일로시골에오셨을까나도만나보고싶구나ㅜㅜㅜ http://twitter.com/J...284433864638464
?ah-ah-nim? (I don't know how to translate~maybe it is a way of addressing the townies). Did you hear? GHS-ssi came to our neighborhood. kekeke I did not see her myself but my friend did. She even followed her car to get her autograph. kekekek I think this might be the very first time that a celebrity came to our town. kekeke I wonder why she came to the country side? I wish I could meet her too. (This tweeter may very well see GHS since GHS and her crew will be there for two weeks!! More tweets and posts please!!!)
Remember the article that came out in a March issue magazine where we saw pix of GHS in somewhat sexy poses? A dc member posted only parts of the article for the fear of piracy.
Well, naver posted the entire article. It appears that that DC member did post most of it except for few section. I will post those missing parts only here. http://news.naver.co...&aid=0000004299
▼ 연기자가 된 것을 후회해본 적이 있나. Did you ever regret being an actress?
“20대 초반에는 주위의 시선 때문에 마음대로 다닐 수 없는 것이 삶의 불편함으로 느껴졌다. 나이 어린 연예인들은 비슷한 고민을 하더라.” "I did feel some difficulty as I could not freely move about during my early 20's. I know that other young entertainers also experience such difficulty."
▼ 대신 큰 대가를 받지 않나. =But you get great compensation.
“다른 일을 하는 친구들보다 수입이 많은 건 사실이다. 그래서 20, 21살 때는 허황된 소비를 많이 했다. 좋은 차도 사고, 명품도 막 사들이고, 신지도 않은 신발이 수두룩했다. 연예인이니 그래야 할 것 같았다. 어느 순간 내가 한심하게 느껴졌다. 원래 겉치장을 좋아하지 않는다. 다시 내 모습을 찾기까지 1년이 채 걸리지 않았다.”
"Yes, it is true that income is greater compared to other types of work. That is why at 20 and 21, I wasted so much on absurdities. I bought a good car and even bought brand-name things. I had too many shoes that I never wore. I thought that I was supposed to do it as I am an actress. But one day, I realized how pitiful I was. From the start, I really do not like extravagance. It took me about a year to find myself again."
▼ 돈을 주로 어디에 쓰나. =Where do you usually use money?
“가방을 잘 산다. 크고 주머니가 많은 가방을 보면 그냥 지나치지 못한다. 노트북이며 온갖 생필품과 의약품까지 갖고 다니다 보니 큰 가방을 좋아한다. 액세서리나 옷에는 그다지 관심이 없다. 1만원짜리 티셔츠를 입으면 어떤가. 잘 어울리고 편하면 되지.” "I buy bags a lot. I just cannot pass by when I see big bags with lot of pockets. I carry around with me my notebook and all kinds of daily necessary things and medicinal things. So, big bags are ideal. I don't really care too much for clothes and accessories. What is wrong with wearing a ManWon T-shirt? If it looks good and feels comfortable, that is what matters."
▼ 요즘도 사람들의 시선이 불편한가. =Do you still feel uncomfortable with people's stare?
“개의치 않는다. 지하철도 종종 이용한다. 모자를 푹 눌러쓰면 알아보는 사람도 없다.” "I don't really concern myself about that. I even use the subway at times. I wear my hat deeply over my heard and no one seems to know."
▼ 혹시 집에서 가장인가. 연예인 중에 가장이 많더라. =Are you perhpas the head of the household? I think there are many entertainers who are head of the household.
“가장이다. 그럴 수밖에 없다. 아버지는 퇴직하셨고 어머니는 주부다. 1년여 전에 문 연 갤러리 카페는 언니와 형부가 운영하고 있다.”(구혜선은 2009년 가을 서울 반포동 서래마을의 복층 주택을 개조해 ‘마놀린’이라는 갤러리 카페를 열었다. 자신이 그린 작품을 전시해 팬들과 소통하기 위해서다. 처음에는 1,2층 모두 갤러리 카페로 썼지만 지금은 1층을 그녀의 영화사로 사용하고 있다.) "Yes, I am the head of the household. There was no way to avoid it. My father retired and my mother is a housewife. The cafe that I opened a year ago is managed by my unnie and brother-in-law." (Cafe Manolin: In the past, both first and second floors were used as gallery cafe but now the first floor is used as her film company.)
▼ 가장으로서 고충이 있다면.=Are there any distress or dilemma of being the head of the household?
“수입이 늘어난 만큼 지출도 늘었다. 풍족하진 않았어도 아버지 월급으로도 그럭저럭 살았는데 수입이 많아지니까 나뿐 아니라 가족들의 씀씀이가 커졌다. 전처럼 소박하게 살지 못한다. 그래서 내가 가족들이 막 지르지 못하게 단속한다(웃음).” "As income increased, expense also increased. We may not have been wealthy, but we lived comfortably with my father's monthly salary. But as the income increased, all of our expenditure increased along with mine. We can no longer live simply. I try to control my family from complaining too much. (laughter)"
▼ 수입은 누가 관리하나. =Who manages the money?
“내가 한다. 그동안에는 여기저기 나간 돈이 많아서 제대로 모으지 못했다. 앞으로는 저금도 열심히 하고 잘 모아보려고 한다.” "I do it. I had so much expenses here and there recently that I did not get to save money. From now on, I will do my very best to save well."
▼ 어떤 아쉬움인가. What kind of regret? (This question was a follow-up to how GHS talked about feeling so grateful for the love that she received after the Korean version of BOF and how she sometimes wonder if she can be a part of another hit like BOF.)
“연기에 대한 아쉬움이다. 해외 촬영이 미리 잡혀 있어서 13, 14회부터 찍고 1,2회를 찍었다. 감정이 잡히지 않은 상태로 먼저 후반부를 찍다 보니 연기력 논란이 좀 있었다. 처음부터 순차적으로 촬영에 들어갔다면 연기를 더 잘했을 것 같다.” "I had some regret about my acting in BOF. Because of the overseas filming in the beginning of BOF, we had to film the episode 13 and 14 before filming episodes 1 and 2. Since I had to film those scenes before having a full grasp of the emotions involved, I think there was some criticisms about my acting. I feel that I could have acted better if we filmed according to the sequence of the story."
"Hoot..Is it easy? keke Director GHS is hiding. Try to find her. ^^"
(I cannot see her. Do you? Where is Direc GHS? Oh, oh I see her. I recognize her hat and the grey jacket behind the World Tram Tour bus. She looks like she is talking with a man in peach-colored thin sweater. I wonder if that is Jo Seungwoo...keke)