V6.0 Hybrid Turbo System-Hardware Chatting Thread
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Reply 1320# halimi78
betul tu!.... aku dok guna AVG dari tahun 2006 rasanya... tak pernah fail lagi.. tapi kena set excluded item kat folder backup software aku... kalau tak abis keygen, crack aku dia pancung! |
avg yang berbayo ke?
kalau yang pree tu aku test ampeh jer
opsss.. hari ke empat epic PSN down muahahhahahah |
jom ronda2 penang hari ni!... nak pi rope walk jap.. nak carik buah buhan segar!
http://www.techpowerup.com/14465 ... -Computex-2011.html
While NVIDIA and AMD are just about done with their consumer GPU launches for the current generation, NVIDIA has something in store for Computex, 2011, one of the year's biggest technology tradeshows. The GPU giant will announce NVIDIA Optimus technology's desktop avatar, for now known as "Synergy". The technology allows on-the-fly switching between a computer's integrated graphics and discrete NVIDIA GeForce graphics processor, giving you access to the feature-set of both, and allowing a fair amount of power-saving in the process.
NVIDIA's new technology is designed specifically for Intel's Sandy Bridge desktop platform, particularly motherboards with Intel H61, H67, and Z68 chipsets (you can't access IGP with P6x). Unlike SLI, motherboard vendors needn't shell out a license fee or sign an agreement to implement the technology. A supportive motherboard will have authorization code implanted into SBIOS, much like SLI. In practice, the technology will allow users to switch to a GeForce GPU (or a pair of GPUs on Z68) when gaming or in 3D-heavy applications; while falling back to the power-efficient IGP or even making use of Intel's QuickSync technology, when not gaming.

The display is connected to the IGP (motherboard), when the discrete GPUs are active, the IGP functionally turns into a display controller (like NVIO2) while the discrete GeForce GPUs render ultra-complex graphics and PhysX. When the discrete GPUs are inactive, the IGP is in-charge of all graphics rendering (including Windows Aero UI). The user can manually switch on-the-fly, or set up profiles to switch when a particular application/game is launched.
aku tergugat ngan teknologi ni!....
mintak2 la AMD pun keluarkan teknologi ni n namakan Hybrid2 ker apa ker...
kalau takder jugak, nak kena tukar la gamaknya!... |
aduh.. aku tak tukar2 lagi desktop aku..
sejak amd 4600 ni je lah duk pakai...
nanti kuar komputer macam csi skrin kat cermin baru aku tukar kot....
aku ada satu X2 5200+ dok terletak elok jer dalam tray dia... tak guna pun.. ingat nak buat PC lagi satu... mobo, ram, HDD dah ada.. cuma casing, PSU, LED je blom angkut. DVD tak perlu... |
Reply 1329# adie82
tolak kat aku la proc tu.. ok? |
nanti ECS aku siap RMA nak letak Proc apa? |
Reply 1331# adie82
tolak 2-2 skli la... murah2 dah la... |
Reply adie82
tolak 2-2 skli la... murah2 dah la...
halimi78 Post at 26-4-2011 15:13 
weh ko ada spare am2 proc ?...aku nak test sebijik mobo nih.... |
Reply 1333# an2toncit
aku br jah tolak aritu... |
Reply 1333# an2toncit
aku ada... apasal mobo ko? |
Reply 1334# halimi78
ko tolak mahal2 pastu nak amik yg aku murah2?! |
Reply 1336# adie82
manade aku tolak mahal2...??
aku tolak murah2 jah... |
brapa? |
Reply an2toncit
aku ada... apasal mobo ko?
adie82 Post at 27-4-2011 08:48 
ari tu buat spare jek....aku tgh nak clearkan brg so aku nak jual la mobo tu tp aku lupa mobo tu ok ke x.....bising bini aku brg bersepah2 |
model apa? |
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