Pehhh kat sini pun kau bubuh anime gak ye.....
p.s. tak nak apply jadi mod bod anime? |
Hitler - determined person...itu yang aku suka...tapi tak nafikan keburukan yang beliau ada...kita ambik yang bagus untuk kita apply aje la..
Salute! |
aku respek hitler coz berani hapuskn YAHUDI..tp sayang dia sdah tiada,kalu dia masih ade aku rase yahudi hanye tinggal sejarah... |
Balas #125 jahcomel\ catat
Reply #125 jahcomel's post
Ada tak kita terfikir....sebab Hitler la Israel terbentuk...sebab Hitler la US jadi gah/haprak macam sekarang? |
Reply #125 jahcomel's post
tak semua yahudi tu jahat.. |
Balas #127 alphawolf\ catat
mcm mana tu? huraikan lagi |
Ok tapi ni sebenarnya simplistic view.....
Dasar perkauman Hitler menyebabkan ramai Yahudi berhijrah keluar Jerman terutamanya ke US. Antara mereka ialah Albert Einstein dan Klaus Fuchs. Dan dua orang ni antara tulang belakang program senjata nuklear AS.
Dan dasar perkauman keras Hitler juga menyebabkan pergerakan zionis makin menekan untuk mewujudkan negara Israel selepas Perang Dunia Kedua bagi membolehkan bangsa Yahusi mempunyai negara sendiri dan tidak diperlekeh bangsa lain. Mungkin juga Isarel tetap akan wujud tanpa Hitler....tapi bukan 1948...
Bayangkan kalau Hitler tak menjalankan dasar perkauman...Yahudi masih kekal di negara2 Eropah....bersepah di sini sana....tanpa ada satu negara? |
Balas #130 alphawolf\ catat
Mungkin juga Israel tetap akan wujud tanpa Hitler....tapi bukan 1948...
Yup, dlm Quran pun ada disebut petempatan Yahudi akan dibuat sebanyak 2 kali, petempatan Israel tetap akan wujud...
“Maka apabila telah tiba janji pembalasan (atas kejahatanmu) untuk kali yang pertama dari dua (janji pembalasan), Kami datangkan kepada kamu hamba-hamba Kami yang tangguh dan hebat serangannya, lalu mereka menjelajah (merajalela) di segala pelosok kampung-kampung. Dan (peringatan ini) adalah sebuah janji yang pasti ditunaikan.” (QS Al Isra’:5)
“ Kemudian Kami kembalikan lagi kepada mu kekuasaan dari mereka (yang pernah mengalahkan kamu) dan kami membantumu dengan harta kekayaan dan anak-anak lelaki yang banyak. Serta kami jadikan kamu kaum yang ramai pasukannya.” (QS AL Isra’:6)
Kekuasaan dan negara Israel Yahudi akan dikembalikan sekali lagi kepada mereka setelah berhasil mengalahkan bangsa yang dulu pernah membinasakan kerajaan mereka yang pertama. Berdirinya negara Yahudi kedua dalam sejarah belum pernah terjadi selain pada tahun 1948 M, yaitu setelah berhasil mengalahkan pasukan Arab.(“… kemudian Kami kembalikan lagi kepadamu kekuasaan dari mereka yang pernah mengalahkanmu….Al Isra’:6)
[ Last edited by Zaharul_Asriq at 23-2-2009 07:19 PM ] |
ntah2 hitler ni mainan yahudi zionis utk kesenangan derang masa depan |
tokoh yg aku tak bape pasti nk kata ok ke tak..tak bape sgt kot...fahaman suar2 cerut idung tindik aplikasi dari ni la ek??hik2 |
Aku terjumpa lirik satu lagu yang popular kat UK masa WW2
Hitler has only got one ball,
G鰎ing has two but very small,
Himmler is somewhat sim'lar,
But poor Goebbels has no balls at all
Nayanyi ikut rentak 'Col Bogey's March' dari filem 'Bridge On The River Kwai' |
Balas #135 HangPC2\ catat
btol tu..ramai orang kata Hitler x mati lagi... |
Ni juga aq petik dari sini: http://petikanbuku.blogspot.com/ ... -membunuh-diri.html
Blog ni bnyk cite pasal Fuhrer...
Pelanduk Dua Serupa...
Satu-satunya bukti adalah gambar 'Adolf Hitler' yang dikatakan telah membunuh diri:
Ada nampak macam Hitler ke? "....a bad double of Hitler...."
Mungkin mayat 'Hitler' yang dijumpai Askar ketika menawan tempat persembunyian Hitler hanyalah pelanduknya sahaja...
Petikan Wikipedia mengenai Hitler's Double...(pelanduk dua serupa)

...as many as six....banyaknya!!!
Senarai "Double of Hitler"
1.Various Western sources have reported that the dead body in the photowas Hitler's double (or doppelganger), a man called Gustav who wasexecuted with a gunshot to the forehead. Some give his name as Gustav Weber, while other say he was Gustav Weler. No further attempts were made to identify him.
2.By contrast, reports now circulate in Russia that an actor, Andreas Kronstaedt,was the impersonator who had volunteered to die in Hitler's place. Thiswas the theme of the 1996 film, Conversation with the Beast, directedby one of Fassbinder's followers, Armin Mueller-Stahl.
3.Meanwhile, in Germany some suspicion still points to Julius Schreck,who was Hitler's favorite driver and party member from 1921. Heoccasionally acted as Hitler's double because of theirresemblance.According to some reports, Schreck died in a trafficaccident in 1936. Other reports say that he died from an abscessedtooth fever.
4.To confuse matters more, Time magazine once wrote that Hitler's alleged double was Heinrich Bergnerwho was killed in July, 1944 when a bomb or hand grenade exploded underHitler's table. Other publications said that a stenographer namedBerger died when Colonel Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg planted abomb under Hitler's chair on July 20, 1944, at his headquarters in EastPrussia.
5.Some sources have oddly suggested that the burnt corpse found in the Chancellery garden was that of SS-Gruppenfuehrer Hermann Fegelein,husband of Eva Braun's sister, Gretl, who was stripped of his rank forcommitting treason and shot outside the Berlin bunker two days beforeHitler's suicide. |
Sumber: Ramai Tokoh Dunia Meragui Hitler Membunuh Diri??
Hitler membunuh diri pada April 1945....
Tapi benarkah Fuhrer membunuh diri?
Sebenarnya ramai orang yang meragui Hitler membunuh diri...
* President Harry Truman asked Soviet leader Josef Stalin at the Potsdam Conference in 1945 if Hitler was dead. Stalin simply said; "No!"
* After a long and thorough investigation, Field Marshall Gregori Zhukov told Josef Stalin;
"We have found no corpse that could be Hitler's."
* 12 October 1945, General Bedell Smith, Eisenhower's Chief of Staff, said;
"No human being can say conclusively that Hitler is dead."
*The Commanding General of the US Sector of Berlin, Major General FloydParks, stated for publication that he was present when Marshal Zhukovstated that Hitler might have escaped.
* Thomas J. Dodd, the U.S. Chief Trial Counsel at Nürnberg, said;
"No one can say Hitler is dead."
*Colonel W. J. Heimlich, Chief of U.S. Intelligence in Berlin, was incharge of determining what happened to Hitler and after a thoroughinvestigation, he stated;
"There is no evidence beyond that of hearsay to support the theory of Hitler's suicide. On the basis of present evidence, no insurance company in America would pay a claim on Adolf Hitler."
* Nürnberg Judge Michael Mussmanno wrote in his book 'Ten Days to Die' that;
"Russia must accept much of the blame that Hitler did not die in May 1945."
* In his book 'Frankly Speaking', Secretary of State Jimmy Byrnes wrote;
"Whilein Potsdam at the conference of the Big Four, Stalin left his chair,came over and clicked his liquor glass with mine in a very friendlymanner. I asked what was his theory about the death of Adolf Hitler andhe replied - Hitler is not dead. He escaped either to Spain or Argentina."
*The magazine Diario Illustrade of Santiago, Chile published an articleon 18 January 1948 in which it reported on an incident at TemplehofAirfield on 30 April 1945. The writer was friends with a gunner in a Ju52 that had young SS troops for the defense of Berlin. He reported this;
“Duringthis refueling operation he was suddenly elbowed in the ribs by hisradio operator with a nod to look in a certain direction. Atabout 100 - 120 meters he saw a sleek ARADO AR 234. He and the radiooperator saw, without any doubt whatsoever, standing in front of thejet, their Commander in Chief, Adolf Hitler dressed in field-greyuniform and gesticulating animatedly with some Party functionairres whowere obviously seeing him off. For about ten minutes whilsttheir plane was being refueled the two men observed this scene andaround 4:30pm they took to the air again. They were extremelyastonished to hear during the midnight military news bulletin someseven and a half hours later, that Hitler had committed suicide."
An article published in August 1952 entitled 'Hitler did not die' was subtitled;
"Adolph (sic) Hitler's fake suicide in Berlin Bunker is now exposed as History's greatest hoax."
In 1952, US President Dwight Eisenhower said;
"We have been unable to unearth one bit of tangible evidence of Hitler's death."
Captain Robert Thew (ONI then NSA) flatly stated;
"We (the intelligence community) knew that Hitler did not commit suicide."
Dipetik dari: eBook Escape from the Bunker
[ Last edited by Zaharul_Asriq at 4-5-2009 18:11 ] |
yahudi berkuasa kali ke 2 selama 76 tahun. |
Soviet memang nak sangat si Hitler nih....
1. camne dengan testimoni orang2 yang hadir dalam Fuhrerbunker masa tu
2. Yang ramai orang nampak tu mungkin sebenarnya decoy?
3. Susah sikit nak percaya pasal jet tu....sebab jarak penerbangan Ar234 tak begitu memberangsangkan lagipun ia pesawat satu tempat duduk! |
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