wondergeneration FTW~
# We were looking forward to being active with Wondergirls, too!
WheneverSNSD is standing on stage, it has been mentioned frequently that theyalways strive for a better performance. That's why, after theperformance is over, they practice it one more time on their way home."Even if it's only by a little bit more, we want to show you a betterperformance," they said, clenching their fists in determination.
Infact, since SNSD's comeback was slated for the latter half of lastyear, there were many music fans who were looking forward to theinteresting face-to-face showdown between the two nationalrepresentatives for girl groups, SNSD and WG. However the match betweenthese two teams unfortunately didn't happen.
No matter howhard SNSD worked and gave their best in making their album for theiranticipated comeback, it kept being postponed again and again.
Whentold that there were many people who were disappointed that theycouldn't see this showdown, SNSD answered calmly, "We are reallydisappointed, too."
Jessica cleared, "Although some of ourmembers are really close to WG, in the latter part of last year it wasnot only WG. There were many respectable senior singers who wesincerely wanted to be active together with, too."
Likewise Yurisaid, "We are close with WG's members and we'd love to haveperformances with them, too. It would have been great to be activetogether, so we feel really disappointed that we couldn't. Despitethis, we put a lot of effort to show our best in our new album and eventhough we appeared after WG finished their activities, we think that ifwe were active at that time, WG would focus more after watching us, andvice versa. That kind of synergy."
In addition, when asked aboutthe rivalry with WG, they said that each group has their own charms,and that both groups work hard to follow the path they've chosen andfeel confident in it.
"Because WG's songs and our songs' stylesand genres are different, we don't think that we are rivals, so perhapsit's because our age is similar that people seem to refer us as such.Still, we mutually think that our personalities are very different. Wehad once a cross performance where we switched songs with WG, and sincethen we have started to understand each other well. Now, just bylooking at each others eyes, for some reason we feel happier andcloser. Maybe the people that watch this exchange find it funny. Wemutually feel that we shine more when we are together," said Hyoyeon,smiling brightly.
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