[Negeri Sembilan]
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People can only use a small fraction of the earth’s water. |
We can only use about 0.007 percent of it. |
Our brains burn up to 400-500 calories a day. |
nona84 replied at 18-11-2024 08:33 PM
hi yang
selamat malam
Dead cells in the human body are eaten by other cells in our body |
White blood cells, phagocytes, consume the dead cells. It’s their job.
Tiba2 rasa ngantuk la pulak |
in average, people eat around 70 different insects throughout their entire lives while they sleep.
Kiter nolaks samapi Page 75 lah |
Books published in Norway are bought by the government to stock the country’s libraries. |
niat nak bergolek golek je |
The incident that happened at a popular recreation spot in Perak that caused 3 deaths raises questions, why water sports activities are still continuing even though the Metrology Department has issued a warning for heavy rain?
If these signs appear, it is better to postpone or cancel the activity to avoid a safety risk.
• Weather Report: Severe weather warnings from the meteorological authority such as thunderstorms, torrential rain, or gusty winds.
• Sky Change: Dense dark clouds, lightning, or double rainbow that are often a sign of heavy rainfall on the way.
• Sudden Temperature Change: A sudden drop in temperatures indicates severe weather is approaching.
• Strong Winds: The wind is blowing unevenly and getting stronger, indicating a storm is about to hit.
• Physical Signs in Location: Changes in the surface of water such as strong currents or large waves.
Safety first always, |
lama pulak tu |
Kenapa kita masih memegang beban lama? Masa silam itu seperti batu pemberat—keras, berat, tapi sebenarnya tak ada gunanya lagi. Sementara itu, masa depan kita melambai-lambai, menunggu untuk diterbangkan, tapi kita? Kita masih terikat.
Kawan, cuba fikir. Kalau kita tak lepaskan pemberat itu, sampai bila belon masa depan kita akan terapung? Jangan biarkan diri tersekat hanya kerana rasa bersalah, kecewa, atau takut. Semua itu bukan siapa kita, tapi hanya apa yang pernah berlaku. Lepaskan.
Hari ini, buat keputusan untuk melepaskan. Jangan tengok ke belakang lagi. Masa depan menanti. Dan kau, kau layak untuk terbang setinggi mungkin. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara