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honeybee1802 posted on 30-3-2014 11:56 AM 
Aku tingin nak carik manggis jgk ni nak buat ubat denggi
denggi minum air je yang
vaksin pon x siap lg
tinker_bell posted on 30-3-2014 07:58 PM 
ala..buah2 yg ada code name tu semua genetically modified la..ko tak tahu..ko ingat tak ada??ko mr ...
sian manggis..
- siapakah pemilik manggis?
- kepada siapakah ianya dihantar?
Several other countries in the region have also made efforts to control imports of GMOs. In 2001,
Thailand banned all GM field experiments and has restricted GM imports, most recently in February
2002 when the country banned the import of 37 more GM plants in addition to the 40 already listed.
Efforts are also underway to implement labelling regulations for a number of soy and corn products.
Malaysia, while investing heavily in the development of GM crops since the 1980s, is also holding
back on the commercial release of GM crops.
24 Mac yang lalu, Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang juga Presiden UMNO dalam satu sidang media yang diperhatikan oleh seluruh dunia telah mengumumkan bahawa penerbangan MH370 telah berakhir di Lautan Hindi.
Menurut Najib, beliau telah dimaklumkan perkara ini oleh wakil Cawangan Siasatan Nahas Udara (AAIB) dari Britain.
Najib turut berkata pakar analisis data satelit Inmarsat, yang sebelum ini memberi anggaran lokasi pesawat itu di dua koridor utara dan selatan, merumuskan bahawa pesawat malang itu mengakhiri perjalanannya di tengah-tengah Lautan Hindi di barat bandaraya Perth, Australia.
"Ini merupakan lokasi terpencil, jauh dari mana-mana kawasan landasan. Dengan penuh rasa sedih dan kesal, saya ingin memaklumkan kepada anda, bahawa berdasarkan data baru ini, penerbangan MH370 telah berakhir di selatan Lautan Hindi," kata Najib.
Transkrip kenyataan media tersebut melalui Twitter sila baca di ( SINI )
Ni video sidang media tersebut..
Pengumuman Najib yang mendakwa penerbangan MH370 telah berakhir di selatan Lautan Hindi itu telah menimbulkan kemarahan waris penumpang dari negara China.
Selain itu bukan sahaja ianya tidak dipercayai oleh waris warga China, anak Kepten Zaharie dan Penganalisa Penerbangan juga tidak mempercayai apa yang Najib umumkan itu.. baca di ( SINI )
Bagaimanapun.. hari ini terbongkar keseluruh dunia.. apa yang Najib dedahkan dalam sidang media itu kononnya kesimpulan yang mengatakan 'MH370 berakhir di Lautan Hindi' itu datangnya dari Inmarsat adalah bohong semata-mata.
Dalam satu laporan oleh China Daily, portal berita dari negara China itu telah mendedahkan Jurucakap Inmarsat Jonathan Sinnatt berkata Inmarsat hanya menyediakan maklumat dan terpulang kepada kerajaan Malaysia untuk membuat kesimpulan sendiri.
"Kami menyediakan maklumat kita kepada rakyat Malaysia, dan mereka menggabungkannya dengan maklumat yang lain yang mereka ada, yang kita tidak tahu tentangnya, dan kemudian mereka membuat kesimpulan daripadanya dan membuat pengumuman mereka sendiri.
"Kami tidak terbabit dengan apa yang Malaysia umumkan, itu terpulang kepada mereka, kerana mereka melihat gambaran penuh. Kami hanya menyumbang satu set maklumat,"

Laporan oleh ChinaDaily ini juga telah disiarkan oleh Asia News Network..
Kesimpulan dari apa yang dinyatakan oleh Jurucakap Inmarsat itu ialah mereka menafikan dakwaan Najib kononnya teori yang mengatakan MH370 berakhir di Lautan Hindi itu adalah teori mereka..
Jadi dalam masa yang sama mereka juga telah mendedahkan Najib telah berbohong kepada seluruh dunia...
tinker_bell posted on 30-3-2014 07:55 PM 
noks..mcm 911 tu satu dunia jugak tahu siapa punya kerja..tp dorang akn buat maklumat betul nmpk t ...
sebelum - semasa - selepas
lain impak dia..
btw, kalau kantoi pun, depa dulik apa kan?..
mohon bomoh2 terer gi santau mereka aci tak?
BelovedTaeyeon posted on 30-3-2014 12:07 PM 
What China Daily didn’;t include in its Inmarsat report – Jonathan Sinnatt
source :msn
You carried an article reporting that Inmarsat distances itself from the Indian Ocean theory, citing a piece from China Daily. What the China Daily piece did not include was my comment to them that Inmarsat has highly confident in the analysis we provided on Sunday. The point being made in my quote, which was included by China Daily, was that it is not for Inmarsat to determine what is released by the investigation team or when it is released. But to point out that Inmarsat only has access to its satellite data and not any other information held by the investigation team. We remain highly confident in the analysis we provided. I hope that clarifies the situation. – March 29, 2014. *Jonathan Sinnatt is head of corporate communications at Inmarsat. * This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insider.
NURMIMIE posted on 30-3-2014 12:12 PM
dek kebingitan telinga abang hisham ku sayang orang dok kata TUDM tido, DCA lalai, Immigresen buta m ...
Harapnya panglima tudm n ketua pengarah dca sekali dengan menteri pertahanan n timbalan menteri pengangkutan juga turut dikenakan tindakan sewajarnya |
lorelai posted on 30-3-2014 08:01 PM
denggi minum air je yang
vaksin pon x siap lg
Ini petua survivor betul ni..hehe...jgn tatau bergunanya mangosteen tu sampai china order sampai 4 tan |
kelana36 posted on 30-3-2014 07:58 PM 
video tak ada, cuma ada flight data such as the speed, attitude, altitude , configuration along th ...
thanks for the explaination.
kelana36 posted on 30-3-2014 07:58 PM 
video tak ada, cuma ada flight data such as the speed, attitude, altitude , configuration along th ...
so berdasarkan teori baru yang kpt nik ulas itu,
apa pula teori bang kelana?
alinone78 posted on 30-3-2014 08:12 PM 
Harapnya panglima tudm n ketua pengarah dca sekali dengan menteri pertahanan n timbalan menteri pe ...
dah dia yang ye ye suruh buat suruhanjaya diraja siasatan..
tak kan nak fire back diri sendiri kot..
dia kan protected..
honeybee1802 posted on 30-3-2014 12:14 PM 
Ini petua survivor betul ni..hehe...jgn tatau bergunanya mangosteen tu sampai china order sampai 4 ...
ye ke..
i nak research la
untung2 i dapat nobel prize in medicine
china nak sebab mangosteen skarang menggila kat sana
Berjela dh ni...V24 ni last smpi bile? |
In wake of MH370 saga, China plans 50 satellites for global surveillance
China is said to be planning to build dozens of satellites in order to set up a global monitoring network following the mystery surrounding the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
With more than two-thirds of the passengers on board the missing plane being Chinese citizens, Beijing remains one of the key players in the ongoing multi-national efforts to trace the aircraft.
To prevent such incidents in the future, China is said to be mulling deployment of nearly 50 orbiting probes so that the country can monitor the entire planet.
"We would have a much greater chance of finding MH370 and tracing it to its final position. The plan is being drafted to expand our regional monitoring capability to global coverage," Professor Chi Tianhe, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, told the Hong Kong-based daily, South China Morning Post.
If China presses ahead with the latest satellite proposal, which is estimated to cost about 20 billion yuan (£2bn), it will put China's global surveillance capability on par with the US or even greater than it.
Noting that this will prove a game changer in placing China ahead of other nations in its surveillance capabilities, remote-sensing expert at Peking University's school of earth and space sciences Liu Yu, told the daily: "China's ability to carry out observation from space would be altered tremendously. International earth-observation services today are dominated by the US and Europe, but if China launches more than 50 satellites for this purpose, the whole landscape will be changed. The more Chinese satellites there are in space, the easier our work becomes."
As the search for the Malaysian airliner enters the fourth week, China is increasingly frustrated over Kuala Lumpur's handling of the entire episode. Beijing's state-owned media have been ridiculing Malaysia's inability to manage the crisis.
Relatives of the Chinese passengers have also criticised Malaysian authorities for being unable to satisfactorily answer their queries.
Of the 227 passengers on board the missing airliner, 153 are Chinese nationals. In the latest development, about 50 family members of the missing Chinese passengers have flown to Kuala Lumpurto seek answers directly from the Malaysian prime minister and the transport minister. -IBT
BelovedTaeyeon posted on 30-3-2014 08:07 PM 
OH MY GOD.....
mziskandar posted on 30-3-2014 08:06 PM 
sian manggis..
siapakah pemilik manggis?
kalau benda ni genetically modified fruit..so dorang ptt dtg dr ladang jabatan pertanian..
untuk siapa??i dont know..
lorelai posted on 30-3-2014 08:06 PM 
Several other countries in the region have also made efforts to control imports of GMOs. In 2001,
T ...
sorry la babe..dr dulu aku ckp..ko punya info tarap iqra dkt google jah..aku sendiri pernah dpt sample product2 yg diimport ni..mmg genetically modified la..dorang siap ada code2 name.. |
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Students from China want media to stop tarnishing Malaysia’s image
Students from China, currently pursuing studies in Malaysia, and former students have urged the Chinese media as well as the public in China not to tarnish Malaysia's image following the Malaysia Airlines (MAS) flight MH370 tragedy.
The Malaysian Association of China Students Alumni (MACSA) president, Adam Huang (pic) said the association had contacted the media in China through their embassy here, urging them not to condemn Malaysia.
"We have contacted the media in China to stop condemning Malaysia and tarnishing the country's image. We also want them to help restore the faith about Malaysia to the people in China," he told a press conference at Wisma MCA in Kuala Lumpur, today.
Besides that, he said the association also had started efforts to explain the real situation following the tragedy through the social media.
"Since the first week of the tragedy, we started to use social media as a platform to express our gratitude to the country (Malaysia) and the real situation here," he said.
He said the social media users were also requested to stop provoking the Malaysian authorities, which was worsening the situation.
Meanwhile, MACSA adviser Datuk Seri Michael Chong said he was trying to assist these students on the issue after they met him and said they must do something to rebuild the situation.
Founded on January 5, 2012, the association currently has more than 1,000 members, including current students and alumni living in Malaysia and China.
Flight MH370, carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew, departed KL International Airport at 12.41am on March 8 and disappeared from radar screens about an hour later while over the South China Sea. It was to have landed in Beijing at 6.30am on the same day.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak then announced on March 24, 17 days after the disappearance of Flight MH370 that it "ended in the southern Indian Ocean" based on an unprecedented type of analysis of satellite data by the United Kingdom satellite telecommunications company, Inmarsat and the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB). |
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