anna-zara posted on 5-11-2014 08:48 PM
yup i agree but sometimes they have to struggle just to live a very humble simple life...
even ...
really....still struggle even want to live humble simple life....huhu..sedihnya... alaa...then howww la...i dah berangan dari dulu nak ajar anak2 iols mengaji...membaca..ajar main skating...baking together...sewing their dresses,baju raya,bib etc....i even have folders for all the science activities to do with my kids starting from when they are toddlers till teenage year..susah payah for years i compiled all that...if have to work hard to find money then where got time to do all thattttt... the exposure they have when they are young veryy important tau..anna pun tahu kan,kids absorbs things they learned from their environment like a sponge....
don;t know la..maybe for some wife/mother,sacrifice means work hard at work but for me it means minimum time spend at work or better, not working at all...i;m okay to not shopping anymore,buying bata shoes,no spa,no expensive skincare,no leisure activities,eating oats only for the rest of my life, if that is what required for me to have more time with my kidssss....just need a hundred ringgit books allowance every month..hehe...thats all..
yang latest ada baby kena dera lagi kan kat nursery di Putrajaya...dah banyak kali kes sebegitu berlaku scary...pastu ada murid lelaki kena sexual abused dgn guru dia... Last edited by Elle_mujigae on 6-11-2014 03:48 AM
the only thing i have not decided yet,is what is the main language to used with my kids nanti..and what going to be their second language... teringat Nina,the frustrated shopkeeper..hehe.....her mom used Japanese with her and her daddy used English with her..and she can really grabs both languages well..
just now lepak at balcony admiring the full moon..soo bright.. and after a few minutes there is cloud moving passing the bright moon..just like someone;s avvy...hehe...
Elle_mujigae posted on 6-11-2014 03:53 AM
ayah anna minat main bole ke..kenapa ayah anna stop main bola?
abah anna memang main bola for RTM football club dulu...
so memang selalu ada training after office hour...
and the little girl said this "abah ni pergi bulan balik bulan"
then because of that clueless little girl dad stop
pastu dah besar abah cerita anna kata la....yang abah g dengar cakap orang tu kenapa...
masa tu umur x sampai 2 tahun ape la yang budak kecik tau la....
Elle_mujigae posted on 6-11-2014 03:47 AM
really....still struggle even want to live humble simple life....huhu..sedihnya... alaa...then how ...
betul elle.....because the earnings are too low....
some earns less than 1k per month.'s not possible if the mother is not working...
how about the house rental? maybe minumum 200 for a flats in suburban area...normally its higher...
then minyak motor (assuming motorbike is the cheapest transportation)..
duit makan maybe 15/day minimum... 450/ month.
susu baby dutch lady (the cheap one) maybe around 60 per month for one kid..
itu ikat perut kaw2 tu....semata2 untuk survive je...jangan harap la ada mainan untuk budak2