Reply syasya99
hehe,sya...kat paris sume mahal2 x?swiss msti mahal kan
rimau_belang Post at 18-6-2011 10:43 
sya ni bajet traveller, sya tak beli pun hbag LV, coach,gucci dan sewaktu dengannye. beli utk org je. kupikir, pengalaman tu tak dpt ditukar ganti ngan hbag mahal2 ( ni ckp org tak byk duit )
mula2 sya mmg sama cam rimau_belang, plan nak dropkan je swiss dr list sbb pikirkan pasal mahal. tapi atas pujukan cousin yg soh gak sya pergi swiss drp byk2 negara dan tak lupa forummer swiss, dan cousin ckp swiss wajib pergi, jadi setelah di congak2, sya pun pergile.
tak ingat dah brp kali plan route sya bertukar ganti antara swiss-london-paris-brussels-amsterdam seblm buat final decision sbb sya mesti kena beli train/flight tiket 3 bulan sblm berlepas. kalu tak, mahal. AA KL-London dah beli setahun sblm tu. |
Reply 1667# syasya99
syasya,tq sbb sudi jwb soalan i dgn ikhlas,hehe i pon bajet traveller gak..na g tmpat orang je..hehehe..kan?my plan is next year..maybe after olimpik..hikhikhik |
kenapa asyik risau sgt swiss mahal?
mesti la semua pun negara eropah mahal kalu compare ngan duit kita dah mmg currency dia tinggi... Reply 1660# yellowtulip
i have not been to many europe countries, but among those i've been, Swiss is the most expensive. Walaupun conversion rate CHF tak setinggi yang lain (eg Pound RM5 = GBP1, euros 1 = GBP4.35), tapi things, trains, busses are espensive. Contoh, naik bas kat London dalam GBP2 (contoh), bila convert baru RM10. Tapi masa kat Zurich, we paid CHF 7.50 seorang for a 5 minute drive, which is around RM25 sorang. Tak termasuk harga train yang mahal bila convert beratus2 lagi.
Swiss, the main transport is train. and they are known for the expensive price. Somehow i believe we are paying for the scenery sepanjang train ride tu. But its worth every pennu sebab sceneries were breath taking |
printemps mmg sblh la fayatte ke.. murah as compared to KL berapa byk difference Reply 1655# braun
memang sebelah la fayette..betul2 sebelah...
murah depends on what you are referring to la... LV ker? ranging from RM800 to RM2k cheaper depending on the range. Longchamp is around 50% cheaper |
Reply 1657# slm1710
coach is not cheap in Paris la. harga lebih kurang malaysia jer |
bab shopping2 ni kena tanya cn7... dia lebih arif. boocik tak berapa minat shopping. he he he... Reply 1666# boocik04
ish boocik ni... i mana ada arif ponn... bila duk di kalangan orang yang rajin shopping or tau shopping, so somehow TERtau la jugak... |
Reply 1667# syasya99
i'm sure you glad you included Swiss in your itenary kan?
well at least, for me, im very glad i did.
Swiss will inevitably be in my list for my next Europe trip. When ever that will be lah. This time nak spend longer time, maybe 1week-2weeks, depends la. And Amsterdam, Brussels. Tak perla, when the time comes, i'll buzz Boocik.
Consultancy FOC rite boocik? |
.hehehe..kan?my plan is next year..maybe after olimpik..hikhikhik Reply 1668# rimau_belang
actually your timing untuk buat revision ni dah perfect tau... if you're flying next year, you have ample time to do research & analysis. Macam i, i baru discover pasal Megatrain/Megabus ni in this current trip. so boleh save banyak. Manala tau within this 1 year you ter discover website lain or cara lain untuk travel dengan budget. Nanti share kat forum k |
Reply 1669# cn7
hehehe kaka cn7 betul.. conversation rate CHF mmg tak mahal sgt as compared to euro and pound tapi train dia takut i tgk harga... since i kat sana lama kitorang let go je swiss.. maybe later... later bila semua dah settle down. haha... sbb my friend nak kawen pulak dah dlm 3 months after balik europe tu.. so takleh nak spend byk2 sgt... hikhikhik... but swiss mmg one of my ultimate dream laaa... sob sob |
Reply boocik04
ish boocik ni... i mana ada arif ponn... bila duk di kalangan orang yang r ...
cn7 Post at 18-6-2011 20:51 
so..bagi cn7 mana lagi berbaloi..shoping kat paris atau london..
sbb last trip kat paris,tpi before paris stay kat london 3 hari..
nak jimatkan beg,rasernya nk shoping kat paris,tpi kalo london lagi murah..shopin kat cni pon takpe..
thanks for advise |
terlupa plak nak tempek satu gambar ni......

hehehe....ni la view from our apartment/hotel room masa we stay area Moulin Rouge aritu. Dok jengok2 gak kot2 bole nampak Dracula ataupun Vampiress ke |
Reply 1673# cn7
FOC kerr??? nanti ada orang kirim barang lak nanti. he he he ;-)
(posted by mobile) |
Post Last Edit by rimau_belang at 19-6-2011 16:18
Reply 1669# cn7
i agree with u...sbb tu la i da tnye psl swiss....sbb ramai ckap swiss sgt cantek n best...tp mahal...that's why la isaw2 sket hehehe |
Reply 1674# cn7
hehe,tq cn7 for the support...i mmg n budget traveller..so that duit tu bole la allocate tok next trip for next next next year kan?this is why we have to do early research and worried bout it..hehehe..i suke bce thread ulang2 kali, tp byk tnye sbb nak tawu hehehe |

nak tumpang tepek gambar kat Eze Village, Nice |

permandangan yang tak jemu-jemu. Selain Paris, apa kata singgah kat sini. |
bangunan/rumah-rumah yg dibina di bukit ini.
nak shopping pun boleh kat kilang minyak wangi ni. pekerjanya hanya datang 2,3 jam je sehari untuk 'cipta' minyak wangi
gambar last sebelum june balik.. boleh beli survinior kat sini.. spt fridge magnet.

FOC kerr??? nanti ada orang kirim barang lak nanti. he he he Reply 1678# boocik04
orang2x tertentu nak kirim tak per boocik..kan kan kan |
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