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Author: Ustaz_SUFI


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Post time 3-12-2009 05:27 PM | Show all posts
20 Differences (That Work) Between ‘New Moon' and the Book

If you're a diehard Twilighter, you might wonder just how different New Moon the film is from the book. Below, we name 20 ways the movie deviates from Meyer's tome – and works all the better for it.

Twilightscribe Melissa Rosenberg faced an enormous challenge adapting StephenieMeyer's 500+ page novel for the screen, but it's clear that thefilmmakers chose to remain steadfastly faithful to Meyer's book.(Perhaps to a fault, considering the reviews.) Still, for fans, New Moonshould feel just authentic enough to drive it toward an enormousopening weekend. So how do Rosenberg's additions, changes, andomissions from the text affect New Moon on film, and which ones work the best?

[Warning: Spoilers ahead!]

Way more shirtless boys!
We all hoped to get a glimpse of Edward's alabaster chest inVolterra, but who knew we'd get to see so much hot werewolf skin?Thankfully, the Wolf Pack run such high temperatures and explode awaytheir clothes so frequently that cut-off jeans and no shirt are theirshared ensemble of choice.

We get more fights, including an awesome Volturi throw down.
New Moon the book is infamous for its slow pacing, thanksto Bella's crippling depression (see below). So it's a good thing thatthe film throws in fistfights, wolf skirmishes, and chase scenes toliven things up a bit more. Our favorite: watching Volturi guard Felixput the smack down on our precious Edward, a scene crafted for the film.

Instead of talking to herself, Bella sends emails to Alice.
New Moon, like all of the Twilight books, makes frequent use of Bella's internal voice-overs to tell us what's going on in that angsty head of hers. In New Moon,Bella writes emails to her lost BFF, Alice, to work through her issues.We still get the voice-overs, but they're cleverly disguised as Bella'smessages to Alice, and therefore much less "Vampire Diaries." (Also,creating a movie email address for Alice was a clever way to sneak inproduct placement for Apple's MobileMe email application.)

Bella's (a little) less mopey than she is in the books.
Much of the book is devoted to Bella's heartbreaking, months-longbreak-up depression, so it's a good thing that the film condenses herlost period a bit for the sake of storytelling. Critics complainalready that Bella spends so much time staring into space, pining overEdward; if only they knew how much more we/she suffer in the books!Thankfully, Rosenberg's script snaps Bella out of her funk and moveson, sort of, in a relatively short span of time.

Bella's months-long depression, in the blink of an eye.
Fans were wondering how Chris Weitz would treat the infamous "lost"months of Bella's depression, which are depicted by blank pages in thebook. After all, October, November, December, and January fly by asvoids of nothingness to the girl. Weitz and Rosenberg's solution? Aclever scene where Bella sits listless in front of her window as thecamera moves around her to show the changing seasons outside. The trickcaptures her melancholia and is perfectly punctuated by Lykke Li'shaunting, wistful track, "Possibility."

Edward doesn't hide Bella's photos. (tak salah aku edward mmg bwk lari gambar dia kat movie tu)

In the book, when Edward decides to break up with Bella and leavetown, he also sneaks into her room and hides her photos of him so thatshe'll have no reminders at all that he existed – a complete and totalabandonment. (Can you imagine a world without pictures of RPattz? Itwould be horrible, indeed.) In the film, we see him in her room, butthere's no messing with photographs, which would have been anunnecessary minor plot point anyway. Plus, those folks who thinkEdward's a little stalker-like might have been even more creeped out byhim rifling through her stuff. Instead, we get the full impact ofEdward's absence in Bella's misery.*

Jacob gives Bella a dream catcher.
One new scene in the film has Jacob giving Bella a dream catcher forher birthday, killing two birds with one stone in the process: givingher a present when Edward feels he cannot and putting the mack on herwith a big bear hug right in front of Edward. Bella hangs the dreamcatcher above her pillow, but unfortunately for her, it doesn't helpkeep the nightmares away.

Bella goes for a bike ride at One Eyed Pete's.
Bella's attempt to put herself out there by going to Port Angeleswith Jessica takes a dangerous (and hilarious) turn when she accepts aride with a burly, beefy biker in order to hang on to her visions ofEdward. In the book, she stops short of hopping on the chopper, but inthe film she takes a full-on joyride with a stranger. How boring wouldit have been if she'd just turned around and walked back to safety?

More snarky Anna Kendrick!
Besides giving Bella her very first brush with danger, the bikerscene serves another purpose: letting Anna Kendrick shine. As Jessica,Kendrick once again steals every scene she's in, and Bella's foolishbiker episode gives her some of her very best frenemy lines ofdialogue. Bonus: Kendrick's blissfully ignorant snark attack on zombiemovies.

Two words: Face Punch!
In addition to the zombie genre, New Moon has a littlesomething to say about stupid action flicks. One of the best additionsto the script involves Bella, Mike Newton, Jacob, and a popular (fake)blockbuster movie entitled Face Punch. (Tagline: "Let's DO this!")


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Post time 3-12-2009 05:27 PM | Show all posts
Visions of RPattz dance in Bella's head.  
WhileBella's hallucinations of Edward in the books are purelyauditory,there's no way that would fly in the film. So Weitz injectsplenty ofpretty Rob Pattinson shots throughout the entire duration ofEdward'sabsence, scrumptious visions that come and go like wisps ofsmoke. Andreally, there's tons of RPattz bookmarking New Moon, so we don't miss him all that much. (What am I saying? There's always room for more RPattz!)

Victoria is definitely in the water.
When Bella is drowning after cliff-diving in New Moon,weclearly see Victoria swimming toward her in the water rightbeforeJacob pulls her out of the water – something that was hinted at,butkept ambiguous, in the books. We like it better this way, as itmakesBella's danger more present and, let's be real, gives RachelleLefevrea little more to do, considering that she has exactly zero linesin thewhole movie.

Bella hits Paul in the face!
Ina film packed with phasing wolves and marble-cracking vampirefights,it's nice to see Bella get a little action. Angry thatthey'vebrainwashed her beloved Jacob, Bella confronts the Wolf Pack,shovesSam Uley, and smacks Paul right in the kisser! Sure, it seems alittleout of character, but at least in this moment, Bella is an agentofaction and not merely reacting to the people around her. Plus, itleadsinto Paul's transformation and Jacob's mid-air phase, and thehugerevelation of the Quileute secret.

Carlisle's Volturi painting comes to life.
Insteadof waiting ‘til the end to meet the Volturi, we get an earlypeek atthem when Carlisle's painting comes to life as Edward explainstheirhistory to Bella. Thank goodness! It would be such a waste tohave evenless of Aro & Co. in New Moon than the brief sequence we already get.

Victoria attacks Harry Clearwater.
Whiletracking the Wolf Pack – and slyly covering their footprints –HarryClearwater suffers a fatal heart attack in the woods. But in thefilm,we see that Harry's heart attack comes from the shock of beingattackedby Victoria, who is seen stalking Charlie's hunting party fromup in thetrees. The change here allows plot points to converge, as theensuingwolf pursuit of Victoria runs parallel to Bella's fatefulcliff-jumpinto the ocean. And again, it gives Rachelle Lefevresomething to do.

New Moon has way more funnies.
Credit Rosenberg for injecting more sly humor into New Moon,whichwas especially necessary in this installment. Supporting humanslikeJessica, Mike, and Charlie add levity to their scenes with thesomberBella, while more subtle winks, like the comparison ofwerewolfiness toa "lifestyle choice" and Bella's transatlantic rideaboard a VirginAtlantic airplane, display a self-aware sense of humor.

Jacob and Bella almost kiss. Twice!
New Moonis Jacob's movie, so Rosenberg rewards him withnot one, but twoalmost-kisses. If you look closely, their lipsACTUALLY TOUCH the secondtime!

Jacob and Edward face off in the woods – just not when you expect.
If you've read New Moon,you're already expecting the tense"treaty" discussion between Jacob andEdward. Rosenberg wisely jugglesthe timeline a bit, placing it beforethe key conclusion (see #19), andadds one last phase for the furiousJacob. (It's the closest Bella'stwo men come to blows in New Moon.)

Edward proposes!
Rosenbergsaves the best for last, leaving Bella (and us) with thebiggestpossible cliffhanger. Again, the re-jiggered placement of thesceneworks better cinematically, and leads into the next film, Eclipse!

Alice's vision. OMG, spoilers! (Seriously, MAJOR spoiler here concerning future installments of the Twilight Saga.)
WhenAro "sees" Alice's vision of the future, he lets her, Edward,and Bellago with the knowledge that sometime soon, Bella will become avampire.As a special treat, the film shows us Alice's vision of Edwardand Bellarunning through the woods (alas, in giggle-worthy outfits andslowmotion). But after the snickers die down, think about exactly whatyouare seeing and you'll realize that it's essentially a preview ofsorts…of something with the initials B and D!

Thatsaid, there are a couple of changes that don't work so well.Jacob'smood swing in the theater and subsequent threat of physicalviolence topoor Mike Newton seems incredibly out of character. Laterin the filmwhen the phone rings in Bella's kitchen, Jacob definitelyknows it'sEdward on the phone (as opposed to thinking it's Carlisle asin thebook), which makes him more of a jerk.

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Post time 3-12-2009 05:30 PM | Show all posts
saper2 nak tambah senarai silakan..... tapi kena tulis spoiler besar2 dan kena hightlight baru boleh baca...

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Post time 3-12-2009 05:43 PM | Show all posts
yg aro cakap kat edward tu "la tua cantante" ke??

aku baru teringat apa maksud dia dalam buku...
"They have a name for someone who smells the way Bella does to me. They call her my singer–because her blood sings for me." Edward.

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Post time 3-12-2009 05:55 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa la kan benda paling important yg tak diceritakan dalam movie ialah sebenarnya Edward pergi hunting Victoria masa dia tinggalkan Bella, tapi sebab Edward kekurangan skill hunting... dia salah ikut arah Victoria...

tapi mungkin jugak part ni akan masuk dlm Eclipse... sbb masa ni dorang gilir2 pergi menjejak kat mana Victoria...

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Post time 3-12-2009 09:47 PM | Show all posts
aku sker ending die!!! edward lamar bella...

arap bella akan di transform next saga...

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Post time 4-12-2009 09:13 AM | Show all posts
Aku baca dan tonton Twilight Saga ni.

Conclusion, aku tak suka Edward dalam movie tapi Edward dalam buku tetap di hati. Aku benci Jacob dalam BUKU tapi jatuh cinte gile2 kat Jacob dalam MOVIE sebab die cute sangat! Body die, aku boleh sesak nafas tengok. Wawawa!

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Post time 4-12-2009 11:48 AM | Show all posts
aku sker ending die!!! edward lamar bella...

arap bella akan di transform next saga...
skymania Post at 3-12-2009 21:47

hai sky... hehehe menjenguk gak ko kat sini.... aku nak bagi spoiler kat ko..... jawapannya tidak.. bella tak transform the next saga... hehheehe

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Post time 4-12-2009 11:50 AM | Show all posts
1670# chocolatewaffle

hehe kalau ikutkan Jacob dlm buku new moon adalah budak yg baru nak matang.. baru 1st time crush & asyik mendesak... emosi pun tak stabil lagi...

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Post time 4-12-2009 12:46 PM | Show all posts
tgh muda mmg sukalah jacob...
more proactive, voice-out, jovial, temper, pendesak
nnt dah matured (bukan tua aaa ) mcm kitorg ni...sure nmpak edward tu lebih precious lg
cool je...
charlie marah2 dia pn masih layan charlie dgn baik
siap tolong lg bella wat keje kt dapor
bella nak naik moto pn dia siap belikan all safety equipments
bella nak jmpa jacob pn dia leh antarkan
nak gi camping pn dia yg siapkan keperluan brg2 bella
jacob kiss bella pn dia tak terus melenting
bella nangis2 kerana jacob kt bahu dia pn dia diam je...takde marah bella
kdg2 msakkan breakfast utk bella even dia sndiri pn tak makan

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Post time 4-12-2009 01:05 PM | Show all posts
1673# cheesepastry

cukup cheese!!! bertambah2 sakit dada ku ini angaukan edward...

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Post time 4-12-2009 01:27 PM | Show all posts
satu je lg tambah pikipong...satuuuu je
last but not least....
'bella nak mntak make-love pn edward pujuk2 mntak tggu smpai lepas kawin sbb selain dr bahaya...dia nak pelihara kehormatan bella'

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Post time 4-12-2009 01:31 PM | Show all posts
tgh muda mmg sukalah jacob...
more proactive, voice-out, jovial, temper, pendesak
nnt dah matured (bukan tua aaa ) mcm kitorg ni...sure nmpak edward tu lebih precious lg
cool je...
charlie marah ...
cheesepastry Post at 4-12-2009 12:46

...btol2...x sbo nyer aku nk tgk eclipse
ko nih sje tau cheese...wat aku nk repeat baca eclipse semula

kak eyka...tlg bookingkan eclipse nnt ye...boleh tk sama2 lg...tis time make sure kita semua leh tgk dlm sama2 satu row

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Post time 4-12-2009 01:45 PM | Show all posts
1673# cheesepastry

edward dlm eclipse ni..... hehe

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Post time 4-12-2009 02:01 PM | Show all posts
aku tingat yg tu je...psl aku baru wat revision eclipse
edward dlm twilight n new moon...apa ciri2 dia?
lupa dah...
- beautiful as lord archangel
- soft-spoken
- suka gelak-gelak tgk bella
- suka temankan bella tido (through out the saga)
- suka cium (tanpa paksaan/trick mcm jacob wat)
- agak garang jugalah (psl alice takut nak lawan decision dia)
- suka manjakan bella (letak bella atas pangku, usap2 muka bella, bella pn suka snuggle kt badan edward) soooo....manjaaaa
- suka nyanyikan utk bella

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Post time 4-12-2009 02:04 PM | Show all posts
hmm... wiken ni nak bace Eclipse blk gak la...

Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight


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Post time 4-12-2009 02:20 PM | Show all posts
hmm... wiken ni nak bace Eclipse blk gak la...

pavlova Post at 4-12-2009 14:04

kena gigih skit la memunggah kotak..pasai daa lupa buh buku kt mana masa pindah tuh hari....demi edward..ku gagahkan jua

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Post time 4-12-2009 02:21 PM | Show all posts
aku tingat yg tu je...psl aku baru wat revision eclipse
edward dlm twilight n new moon...apa ciri2 dia?
lupa dah...
- beautiful as lord archangel
- soft-spoken
- suka gelak-gelak tgk bella
- suka cium (tanpa paksaan/trick mcm jacob wat)
cheesepastry Post at 4-12-2009 14:01

heheheheh ...aku tgh membayangkan

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Post time 4-12-2009 02:26 PM | Show all posts
heheheheh ...aku tgh membayangkan
amka Post at 4-12-2009 14:21

takyah bayanglahhh..
ko tgk je balik NM versi donlod
kiss dia ala2 yg msa kt parking lot tu

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Post time 4-12-2009 02:29 PM | Show all posts
takyah bayanglahhh..
ko tgk je balik NM versi donlod
kiss dia ala2 yg msa kt parking lot tu
cheesepastry Post at 4-12-2009 14:26

aku daa donlot & daa siap burn pasai lappy aku daa start kn..version yg aku donlot..part yg reunion kiss tuh x lama?..geram nye ...korang donlot kt mana yg kiss nyer lama tuh..geram la

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