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Author: Kak-Leen


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Post time 12-2-2021 01:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 11-2-2021 08:09 PM
Resepi Mee Rebus Terengganu cara keypo

Bahan tumbuk:

Wah leh try ni...japgi nak preSahur...

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Post time 12-2-2021 01:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 11-2-2021 08:11 PM
Wah.. byk adunan tu.. keypo punya separuh je dari tu

Tahu x pe....sini tgh hujan lebat best gila tido...brrr...sejuk...

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Post time 12-2-2021 01:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 11-2-2021 08:12 PM
Dah habis ke tu.. keypo dah kenyang mkn mee rebus.. xdan nk amik gambo dah

Haha ...sama le...last amik dessert....eskrem Ais Kacang...finished!

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Post time 12-2-2021 01:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 11-2-2021 08:21 PM
Td layan kat fox movie xsilap.. Dare To Dream.. ok jugak.. cerita family

Tengok drama Takdir Yg Tertulus...pehtu kroh2 dlm simfoni hujan lebat yg turun smp sekrg

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Post time 12-2-2021 01:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 11-2-2021 08:33 PM
Ketam dah habis.. tggu lagi dua tiga bulan pulak.. haha

Ni masih ada...hari ni kot habis oh bunyi guruh lak...

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Post time 12-2-2021 01:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 11-2-2021 08:34 PM
Hahaha kite ckp je.. x buat pun lagi rendangnya..

Ada yg lain ni buat rendang dah ni best pes dia boleh beli lagi...pes sup mamak dia pun helok...

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Post time 12-2-2021 01:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 11-2-2021 08:36 PM
Kek viral.. mudah pun mudah.. saje la try

Belum lagi baking....dessert....nanti nak buat

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Post time 12-2-2021 01:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 11-2-2021 08:39 PM
Entah la.. kemain mahei mcm amik kesempatan pun ada

Nak cover yg dulu xde pendapatan kot huhu....

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Post time 12-2-2021 01:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 11-2-2021 08:49 PM
Sbb dah cuti 2 hari.. kena cover balik la.. hahaha

Tahu x pe...tu yg Mon-Wed salu pulun siapkan semua...WFH santai sikit

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Post time 12-2-2021 03:17 AM | Show all posts
Edited by seribulan at 12-2-2021 02:18 AM

Does burnt food give you cancer?In 'Perspectives'

“If you’re offered a plate of blackened barbecue food this summer, you might think twice about eating it. It’s commonly thought that food that has been burnt could cause cancer.”  

This is in part down to one particular molecule that forms when food is cooked at high temperatures, known as acrylamide. But while the chemical is a known potential toxin and carcinogen in its industrial form, the link between consuming it in food and developing cancer is much less clear.
The reason we even know about acrylamide’s potential dangers are down to a railway tunnel. Nearly 20 years ago, workers were building a tunnel through the Hallandsås ridge on the Bjäre peninsula in southern Sweden. Cows nearby started to show strange symptoms, staggering around and in some cases collapsing and dying. This prompted an investigation that showed that they had been drinking contaminated stream water and that the contamination was from a toxic molecule, acrylamide.
The construction workers had been using its polymer, polyacrylamide, as a crack sealant. This was, in itself, quite safe. But the polymer-forming reaction was incomplete, so some unreacted acrylamide was still present. The workers were tested to see if they also had unsafe levels of acrylamide in their blood, with a second “control” group of people who had no known exposure to industrial acrylamide used as a benchmark. However, it turned out that the control group also had surprisingly high amounts of acrylamide in their blood.
At first it was thought that burgers might be the source. Then high levels of acrylamide were found in potato products such as fried potatoes, as well as in coffee. It then became clear that acrylamide formation was associated with carbohydrate-rich foods, rather than protein-rich ones, and with foods that had been heated above 120°C (250°F), that is food that has been fried, roasted or baked. This was a new discovery, but acrylamide must always have been formed in this style of cooking, ever since cooking was invented.
Acrylamide is formed in reactions between the natural amino-acid asparagine and some (naturally-occurring) carbohydrates. You don’t find acrylamide in uncooked or boiled food. Dairy, meat or fish products are much less likely to contain acrylamide. It doesn’t matter whether the food is “organic” or not, it’s the type of food that counts. Acrylamide is also formed when smoking tobacco.
A “golden rule” has been suggested: cook food until it goes yellow, not brown or black. This restricts acrylamide formation, though if you cook at too low a temperature you are less likely to kill off bacteria, so there is more risk of food poisoning.
While scientists have identified the source of acrylamide, they haven’t established that it is definitely a carcinogen in humans when consumed at the levels typically found in cooked food. A 2015 review of available data concluded that “dietary acrylamide is not related to the risk of most common cancers”. Although, it added that a modest association for kidney cancer, and for endometrial and ovarian cancers in people who had never smoked, couldn’t be ruled out.
Meaty concerns
Going back to the barbecue, there are other chemicals in meat that could be a concern. These generally fall into two classes: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs – compounds with several hexagonal “benzene rings” fused together) such as naphthalene and benzopyrene; and heterocyclic amines (HCAs). The PAHs are formed from meat fat and juices dripping onto flames in cooking, and HCAs are generated, again in cooking, from reactions between molecules including amino-acids and sugars.
Animal testing has shown exposure to high levels of chemicals such as these is linked with cancer, but these are levels of exposure much higher than humans would get from eating meat. Some studies do appear to have shown that meat that has been burned, fried or barbecued is associated with higher possibilities of certain cancers, but these links are hard to prove for certain.
If you are really concerned, you could reduce exposure risks by cooking in a microwave rather than over naked flames, and turning meat regularly. You could also eat less meat or replace the meat with vegetables when grilling. Of course, your food may not be as tasty, since grilling, baking or toasting produce a lot of molecules that enhance flavour. But if you have a healthy diet with lots of fruit, vegetables and whole grain food, none of which contain acrylamide, things are easier. It is all a question of proportion.
This article was first published on The Conversation.


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Post time 12-2-2021 03:42 AM | Show all posts

SHAH ALAM - Kes Covid-19 di Malaysia diramalkan meningkat sehingga 20,000 jangkitan setiap hari bermula 3 Mac tahun ini.

Ketua Pengarah Kesihatan, Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah berkata, Institut Metrik dan Penilaian Kesihatan (IHME), Amerika Syarikat mengunjurkan kes harian baharu akan mencecah 20,000 jangkitan.

Sehubungan itu, beliau menyeru kepada rakyat Malaysia untuk bersama-sama menurunkan angka jangkitan yang diramalkan.

"Mari kita tunjukkan bahawa kita dapat menurunkan angka yang diramalkan oleh IHME seperti yang kita lakukan dengan ramalan JP Morgan untuk pertengahan April 2020.

"Mari kita bersatu dalam menewaskan virus ini dan mengetepikan perbezaan dan kepentingan diri kita, terus fokus untuk memerangi perang ini dan melakukan yang terbaik untuk negara.

"Bersama-sama kita rakyat Malaysia dapat wujudkan yang mustahil dan lindungi orang yang lemah dan tersayang," katanya dalam satu kenyataan di Facebook beliau pada Khamis.

Pada April 2020, agensi penyelidikan JP Morgan meramalkan angka positif Covid-19 di Malaysia mengunjur meningkat kepada 6,300 kes pada pertengahan bulan itu.

Bagaimanapun, jangkaan itu ternyata meleset apabila hanya sekitar 4,000 kes dicatatkan di Malaysia pada bulan itu.

Sumber: Sinar Harian

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Post time 12-2-2021 06:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by adila39 at 12-2-2021 06:54 AM

@Kak-Leen @keypochino @Scheherazade

i ada tepek resepi potato pie kat bod resepi adjust sikit so boleh tgk. @Buritan dah buat dah... alhamdulillah kata sedap.. its crispy not otherwise

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Post time 12-2-2021 06:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 11-2-2021 06:13 PM
Ook..selamat berbuka
Ni jiran kasi tp ank2 xreti mkn

Ohhh apa nama ni lupa..mcm kuih koci kan rasa dia

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Post time 12-2-2021 07:11 AM | Show all posts

Dah mkn busat ye ni dah sahur....sup kaki ayam & sambal ketam...nom nom...healthy food

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Post time 12-2-2021 07:15 AM | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 11-2-2021 08:09 PM
Resepi Mee Rebus Terengganu cara keypo

Bahan tumbuk:

Mostly bahan resepi ada...minta izin share WA group...hihi...
Hari ni nak try masak mi rebus & sotong sumbat Ganu keypo muah ciked for both recipes....

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Post time 12-2-2021 07:28 AM | Show all posts
Bod sinun

Kentut wanita sebenarnya lebih busuk daripada lelaki

Kentut adalah satu perbuatan yang dianggap tidak sopan dalam banyak budaya. Pada masa sama, apa sahaja tentang kentut mesti kelakar. Sejenis tabiat manusia yang dianggap kotor.

Lelaki atau wanita, kentut di hadapan khalayak memang biadap. Bukan tak boleh kentut, sudah azalinya manusia perlu melepaskannya, tapi janganlah sampai orang dengar. Dan kalau boleh, pergi jauh sedikit dari khalayak, khususnya para wanita.

Maaf para wanita yang saya sanjungi sekalian, saya bukan seksis tapi ini fakta sains. Berdasarkan satu kajian yang dijalankan oleh seorang doktor pakar perut yang juga digelar Doktor Kentut, Dr. Michael D. Levitt, kentut wanita lebih busuk daripada lelaki, sebabkan aktiviti dalaman sistem pencernaan mereka yang menghasilkan kandungan hidrogen sulfida atau belerang yang lebih pekat berbanding lelaki.

Bagaimanapun jangan bersedih wahai si cantik manis, kerana ada hari yang kentut lelaki baunya lebih unggul dari kamu, kerana ia juga ada kaitan dengan pemakanan.

Menarik sebenarnya jika kita dalami kenapa manusia dijadikan tuhan boleh kentut, yang sebenarnya ada kebaikannya. Ini antara fakta menarik tentang perihal pelepasan gas berbau belerang ini.

1. Hanya 1% peratus sahaja kentut yang berbau

Ya. 99% daripada kentut kita adalah mengandungi gas tidak berbau karbon dioksida, hidrogen, nitrogen, oksigen dan methana. Yang berbau itu adalah hidrogen sulfida, bahan kimia yang sama dalam belerang.

Maksudnya jika kentut anda itu busuk, ia adalah kejadian rare!

2. Sesetengah makan membuatkan kentut jadi busuk

Khususnya makanan yang tinggi kandungan sulfurnya macam telur. Telur kalau dicernakan, ia menghasilkan hidrogen sulfida yang tinggi.

Itu pasal padu.

3. Secara lazimnya manusia kentut 14 ke 22 kali sehari

Normal. Manusia memang dari bayi sampailah ke tua pasti kentut. Kalau ada jumpa orang yang cakap di tak pernah kentut tu, dia berbohong.

Atau dia memang pelik atau ada sesuatu yang tak kena dengan dia.

4. Kentut memang bahan lawak sejak purbakala

Lawak tertua di dunia sebenarnya adalah tentang kentut. Ia berdasarkan catatan daripada tamadun Sumeria (BACA: Sejarah ringkas Sumeria, empayar pertama di dunia) sekitar 1900 tahun Sebelum Masihi dahulu kala.

Lawaknya berbunyi - "Sesuatu yang tidak pernah berlaku dalam sepanjang sejarah masa, adalah gadis muda tidak kentut di atas riba suaminya."

Lawak Sumeria.

5. Kentut boleh meletup

Dua bahan kimia dalam kentut, iaitu methana dan hidrogen, adalah mudah terbakar. Maknanya, yang kita tengok dalam filem orang kentut ke api menyebabkan ia marak itu, benar.

Tolong jangan cuba. Saya pernah buat. Pedih.

6. Pelepasan gas kentut agak laju

Dicatat bahawa kentut dilepaskan pada kelajuan 3.05 meter sesaat, kira-kira 7 batu sejam. Terangkat juga lah.

7. Pemakan sayur kentut lebih kerap daripada bukan pemakan sayur

Lebih-lebih lagi kalau ada yang dietnya melebihkan kacang. Kacang mengandungi molekul yang dibina daripada karbohidrat yang terlalu besar untuk diserap ke dalam usus kecil semasa penghadaman, jadi mereka terus ke usus besar.

Di sini yang menyebabkan lebih banyak bakteria terhasil untuk mencernakan kacang itu, yang menghasilkan gas hidrogen, nitrogen dan karbon dioksida.

Tapi walaupun pemakan sayur kuat kentut, orang yang makan banyak daging kentutnya lebih busuk kerana pencernaan daging menghasilkan lebih banyak sulfur.

8. Tahan kentut tidak memudaratkan kesihatan

Ada orang kata kalau tahan kentut boleh naik ke kepala menyebabkan pening. Dusta belaka, paling-paling pun naik ke atas jadi sendawa.

Jadi buat apa ditahan-tahan. Cuma ingat adab sopan dalam kita menjalankan kewajipan sebagai seorang manusia normal.

Rancak TV peduli.

*Sumber: Seventeen, Science Focus

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Post time 12-2-2021 07:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 12-2-2021 06:51 AM
@Kak-Leen @keypochino @Scheherazade

i ada tepek resepi potato pie kat bod resepi adjust sikit so  ...

Yep sedap.. tp versi aku buat tawar harbi koh koh koh

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Post time 12-2-2021 07:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buritan replied at 12-2-2021 07:32 AM
Yep sedap.. tp versi aku buat tawar harbi koh koh koh

morning... today kaka watpe?? masak apa? kita today mcm nak buat salmon grill

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Post time 12-2-2021 07:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 12-2-2021 07:34 AM
morning... today kaka watpe?? masak apa? kita today mcm nak buat salmon grill

Today sempena raye cine.. rasa mcm malas nak masak... koh koh

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Post time 12-2-2021 07:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buritan replied at 12-2-2021 07:36 AM
Today sempena raye cine.. rasa mcm malas nak masak... koh koh

hehehehe... bising bunyi mercun ke sana tu? okaylaaa nak tidoo balikk... c ya kakak

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