Nak tanya otai london,
Kalau saya nak booking hotel di London, web apa yg ok? Agoda ? Booking.com?
matpiah posted on 5-4-2013 10:59 PM 
Nak tanya otai london,
Kalau saya nak booking hotel di London, web apa yg ok? Agoda ? Booking.com ...
saya kalo travels suka pakai agoda but kat london normally the office will books for me lah if i want to stay kat hotel. try n compare the links u have now n see which offer the cheapest.
if m travellings for holidays normally pakai expedia where i can books flights n hotels together.
minahsaudi posted on 5-4-2013 10:37 PM 
betul ler tu paris indah kabar dari rupa....actually i menyampah g sana
btw my view on ...
Selamat tak kalau saya jalan London sorang kak ? Saya dh book Tiket oct will be my 1st time
related to my question jugak mat piah...
lel.... ooo... lel... akak ni dah nak hampir uwekk uweekk (sorrii) .. pasal cari accommodation nya pasal .. Tapi ada sesiapa penah guna tak ownersdirect.co. uk and homeway.co.uk..... ada sapa2 boleh bagi pandangan? thank uuuuu 
matpiah posted on 5-4-2013 02:59 PM 
Nak tanya otai london,
Kalau saya nak booking hotel di London, web apa yg ok? Agoda ? Booking.com ...
owhhh...OK..saye bukan otai..tapi tolong jawabkan eh..
kalau boleh jangan guna agoda ye sbb perlu bayar some booking fee kan..
kalau antara agoda and booking.com lebih baik guna booking.com sbb booking.com ade option for free cancellation kan..
dan saye hanya buat comparison antara 2 ni je... not other website...
mieza386 posted on 3-4-2013 06:39 AM 
kak lela...mieza dah jot down some of wishlists yg mieza nak pegi..almaklum lah 1st time g travel ...
mieza...uols dah ok ke with everything?
separuh soklan dah ade org jawabkan kan...
hope everythings fine and u're ready for your trip..
bayumentari posted on 4-4-2013 11:40 AM 
yg naik bas ke BV ni, kita tak boleh sesuka hati balik ikut time kita nak kan ? Betul ka ...
kak bayu..
kalau nak balik sendiri dan ikut your own timing naik je train dr London..
the connection is very easy...bila sampai BV akak ambil ticket utk shuttle bus ke train station..
go to the information counter and buy the shuttle bus tix siap2 sebelum shopping sbb nnt nak balik just hop on the bus..
LelaRentaka7 posted on 6-4-2013 01:54 AM 
owhhh...OK..saye bukan otai..tapi tolong jawabkan eh..
kalau boleh jangan guna agoda ye sbb per ...
Eh agoda ada booking fee ker? Akak belum pernah kena booking fee sejak pakai agoda ni but memang kena bayar d room whenwe do the bookings.
Dia dah change policy ek? Dah lama actually tak pakai agoda ni n i pakai only if i go to msia or spore. Kalo balik uk i ada umah sendiri else if on duty office booked hotel or if i travelled tempat lain pakai expedia for flite n accomodation.
Thanks dear for tis infos. Lela jgn marah yer akak kepo kat sini
truesonic posted on 6-4-2013 12:36 AM 
Selamat tak kalau saya jalan London sorang kak ? Saya dh book Tiket oct will be my 1st time
Kalo nak compare dgn kl, i think selamat lagi dilondon kot but as in any big cities like london sure ada kes2 yg tak diingini. To be honest i feel so much safer walking in london than kay el.
My personal feelings lah yer, so kena mintak advise org lain jugak
minahsaudi posted on 6-4-2013 08:37 AM 
Kalo nak compare dgn kl, i think selamat lagi dilondon kot but as in any big cities like london su ...
Thanks for your opinion
minahsaudi posted on 5-4-2013 06:50 PM 
Bak post sini cashmere jacket tu. Erm...unare going mid april khen frm the advise i received the ...
Oic cmtu patut bwk coat tebal ye kak..mieza ni mmg xtahan sejuk even g genting pn dah rase sejuk sgt..huhu mieza kt paris more sight seeing ng msuk moulin rouge je kak. Pastu g milan- venice - florence..dgr2 kalo nak beli leather jacket g kat florence ni ye.. Mieza ingat nak bli leather jacket kt florence je. Agak2 if pakai kt london nti dah bole cover ke sejuk kt sane..cz coat tebal mieza xde..nk bli kt kl ni mahey le..
off topic sgt.. Nak msuk moulin rouge ni kene pakai dress ke? Tgk rules dia xleh pakai jeans, sneakers. Aishhh
LelaRentaka7 posted on 6-4-2013 01:57 AM 
mieza...uols dah ok ke with everything?
separuh soklan dah ade org jawabkan kan...
hope everythi ...
K lela..alhamdulillah ade forummer len mcm k minah saudi ng sape lg xigt tlg jwbkan soklan mieza ni..huhu hopefully evything will be going good n smooth..cuak gak ni xtaw exactly weather kt london cmne..
minahsaudi posted on 5-4-2013 10:37 PM 
betul ler tu paris indah kabar dari rupa....actually i menyampah g sana
btw my view on ...
huhu mmg x best eh?
kwn kim 2 org lelaki pegi (asing2) sorang kena curik hp yg dia baru beli, sorang lg pun kena curik hp masa kat hotel 
iols akan dok sana 2 mlm jer pun, sbb balik dr CDG jadinya nak xnak kena gi juga
tapi xde plan nak kemana sgt pun, setakat nak gi eiffel tower, yg lain2 blom pasti
KIM.mafia posted on 9-4-2013 09:26 AM 
huhu mmg x best eh?
kwn kim 2 org lelaki pegi (asing2) sorang kena curik hp yg dia baru beli, sor ...
to me tak best lah g paris tu n lately banyak sangat jenayah mencuri n merompak tourist. hati2 kalo kat eifel tower tu ramai pencelok saku dear.
nanti duit try letak asing2 so too yr credit cards. french peoples ada sombong banyak depa paling benci orang ckp english to them, 2-3x akak hampeh depa will not reply you in english. so akak ckp melayu lah, last akak g CDG airport workers strike. madang jer strike depa tu.
so i ends up hitching a ride frm paris back to england, nasib baik lah berkenalan this lady dgn anak dia so we all sama2 berjalan2, then she founds out fm the hotel (we stayed same hotel) CDG strike, so she offered akak balik naik kereta dia.
that was the most adventurous trip lah cos akak g dgn anak ber2 jer n we all kenal masa kat paris tu. alhamdulillah niat dia baik nak tolong kami n she drove all the way to send me back to our home.
it was good lah naik euro train in the car, rasa ngeri pun ada. hehehe.....ngeri cos dok dlm kereta masa naik keretapi going into the tunnel.
butterfly in my tummy tau! but i wish u the best n hati2 kat sana. have funs n enjoy yrself
KIM.mafia posted on 9-4-2013 09:37 AM 
mahal x?iols x penah masuk uniqlo
ari tu ada clearance sale so iols kirim kat kwn, rasa cam ber ...
aiyo kim murah nya. berbaloi2 tau
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