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Author: Bobola

SNSD a.k.a Girls Generation

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Post time 1-10-2014 03:33 PM | Show all posts
annehuda posted on 30-9-2014 10:35 AM
ape kes ni uols jessica dah kuar dr snsd katenye? cer kasi pencerahan skit.

official dah

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Post time 1-10-2014 03:35 PM | Show all posts
Malikmalika posted on 30-9-2014 10:57 PM
aku pun sedih , sment tak patut buat macam tu . tahun nie saja tiga orang menghilang . mula2 kris  ...

eh sulli pun keluar sment jgak ke

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Post time 1-10-2014 03:44 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 1-10-2014 04:12 PM | Show all posts
Malikmalika posted on 30-9-2014 10:57 PM
aku pun sedih , sment tak patut buat macam tu . tahun nie saja tiga orang menghilang . mula2 kris  ...

kenapa dengan sulli?
ceq tinggal keretapi ka?

hmmm... kalau artis bernaung bawah sment nih sekejap boleh jadi famous....
and risikonya macam ni la... berpecah (individually or as a group)
sejak kes dbsk... dah jadi badi kat hoobae nya

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Post time 1-10-2014 04:38 PM | Show all posts
"Hello. This is Jessica.

I was given a notice of departure from Girls' Generation by the agency on September 29, and I cannot hide my shocked and upset heart about this, so I'm here to reveal my position.

I have always put Girls' Generation's activities before my business or personal life as a member of Girls' Generation. However, despite my efforts for the team, I have been asked to leave the team by the agency.

While I was planning my business that I've had a lot of interest in since before, I had sufficiently consulted SM as well as the members about my preparation many times and asked for their understanding.

Up until the beginning of August when I was launching 'BLANC', I had received agreement and permission from SM, and congratulations from the members as well.

However, in early September, after only a month since the launching, the members suddenly changed their position and held a meeting, and told me to either quit my business or leave Girls' Generation without any justifiable reason.
I explained that I had already received permission from the agency, that I had never neglected Girls' Generation's activities, and that I could not suddenly halt my business due to my contract with my business partner after a month.
Ultimately, I pleaded that it was unjust for me to have to make a choice. Becoming a Girls' Generation member was the best thing in my life, and I had never thought about quitting.

Shocked about this, I had met with the agency CEO on September 16 to convey my position, and once again confirmed their permission for carrying out my business.

However, on September 29, I was given a one-sided notice asking me to leave Girls' Generation. Due to this, I was also unable to attend the fan meeting in China on September 30, and I have also been excluded from following Girls' Generation activities.

I have received great pain and cannot hide my sadness that I was asked by the agency and fellow members, whom I've spent 15 years with putting in all my passion and effort, to leave Girls' Generation just because of the reason that I'm starting a business.

I also want to apologize for causing concern to all the fans. Please understand that this situation is not at all what I had wanted, and that I've always treasured Girls' Generation, and that I will continue to do so. Thank you for always supporting and loving me.



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Post time 1-10-2014 04:38 PM | Show all posts
azrain98 posted on 1-10-2014 07:35 AM
eh sulli pun keluar sment jgak ke

kes sulli, halt all activities..


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Post time 1-10-2014 06:10 PM | Show all posts
aireen24 posted on 1-10-2014 04:38 PM

mana dpt statement jessica ni? anyway as malaysian... kita diajar utk tidak telalu teruja dgn dunia entertainment ...hhahaha... tp tetap rasa mcm..what?? huhu. kiranya betul la ye..member2 dia sendiri yg tanya gitu. sian la pulak. tp berani juga ye jessica ni keluarkan statement sendiri. mmg abis la sapa yg minta dia keluar tu. tak pasal kena cerca je. dgr cerita dia masih dlm SM kan? cuma bukan as a group member. individual aktivity je di manage oleh SM.


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Post time 1-10-2014 07:23 PM | Show all posts
azrain98 posted on 1-10-2014 03:35 PM
eh sulli pun keluar sment jgak ke

sulli ni pasal pakwe dia tu . sment stop activity dia . tiba2 red alert berhenti promotion

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Post time 1-10-2014 07:31 PM | Show all posts
net_level posted on 1-10-2014 04:12 PM
kenapa dengan sulli?
ceq tinggal keretapi ka?

As we say thank you to the fans who love f(x), we have an announcement to make. [f(x)] member Sulli became mentally and physically exhausted from the continuous, malicious comments and false rumors, and has expressed her wish to take a break from her celebrity activities for the time being.
After careful deliberation and taking her wish into consideration, we will reduce her activities and let her take a break for the time being.
Also, f(x)'s promotions for their 3rd full-length album 'Red Light' ended with their stage on SBS' 'Inkigayo' last week. f(x) will continue on activities with the SMTOWN Seoul concert on August 15 and overseas promotions, as well as individual schedules for the remaining four members Victoria, Amber, Luna, and Krystal.
We regret to inform fans of this news and we ask that you continue to show your support and love for f(x). Thank you.


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Post time 1-10-2014 07:41 PM | Show all posts
zehra2 posted on 1-10-2014 07:06 AM
dia nak kawin tahun depan kan. rumours nya bulan May kat Hongkong.
kaya sgt ke tyler kwon tu? mcm ...

tyler kwon dah keluar statement takkan kawin dalam masa terdekat nie .

Tyler Kwon has updated his Weibo account, sending an encouraging message to Jessica as well asrepeating that he has no plans to get marriedin the near future.
In a message on his Weibo posted on October 1st, he reveals, "Sigh, I guess we’ll have to try this yet again: I have no plans of marriage anytime soon, whether it be this year…next year… if that wasn’t clear enough, let me know. I’ll keep trying…"
He then sent a message to Jessica on Weibo stating, "Hey, hang in there~! The truth about what really happened will be known - we all got your back!"
His message comes after SM Entertainment announced in a press release that Jessica will no longer be part of Girls’ Generation.   


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Post time 1-10-2014 09:13 PM | Show all posts
Aku baca kat Koreaboo...bapak kaya giler si TYler Kwon ni
CEO sana CEO sini...keuntungan dia dapat bebillion2 setahun..
tetiba aku rasa macam tak kemana je pun hubungan Jessica ni dgn Tyler ni...mungkin takat berberapa tahun je kot
reputasi Tyler Kwon ni pun cam nan hadooo

Apa2 pun all the best to u Jessica..

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Post time 2-10-2014 11:41 PM | Show all posts
Madel posted on 1-10-2014 09:13 PM
Aku baca kat Koreaboo...bapak kaya giler si TYler Kwon ni
CEO sana CEO sini...keuntungan dia dapat  ...

aku rasa dia bisnes partner je dengan jessica nie . yelah nak promote jenama BLANC tu kan senang lah . tyler kwon kan orang pengaruh dekat china . senang la produk nak jual .

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Post time 3-10-2014 02:56 PM | Show all posts
huhuhu 2014 byk btol berita tak best
tapi kan rasanya yoona & seohyun tak campur psl kick sica.. ntah la.. mcm2 hal

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Post time 5-10-2014 09:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tp..tgok video yg dyorg bwt fanmeeting kt china tuh..sdey gle tgok seohyun nanges time nyanyi 1st time tgok dy nyanyi pnuh prasaan cmtuh..esp.time dy cover part jess..

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Post time 15-10-2014 12:41 AM | Show all posts
OT9 la dh tinggal 8.
gudbye Sica. lgpun dia mmg nak keluar Soshi after one more album.
camna sica leh sangkut ngan pkcik Tyler, dibimbangi beliau playboya.

bila sica buka that bisnes, sah2 mmg nak kena tendang.
bisnes tu expand secara besar-besaran, libatkan huge investment.
kalau bisnes failed, mesti libatkan nama Soshi.
other Soshi member xdapat trima tawaran iklan fesyen dll sbb bisnes ni.
nak tak nak dorg tpaksa kuarkan sica utk protect Soshi.
bkn xleh buka bisnes, Suju pn ramai tlibat bisnes, kafe, restaurant, tp just dlm korea.

pepun soshi dh tua skrg ni, org tak kisah kalau dorg nk kawin sekalipn.hihihi..

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Post time 15-10-2014 01:45 PM | Show all posts
erkkk.. byk gak solo part sica dlm tetiap lagu snsd ni...


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Post time 16-10-2014 04:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
teky posted on 15-10-2014 01:45 PM
erkkk.. byk gak solo part sica dlm tetiap lagu snsd ni...

Xpe..skarg kn dyorg dh ade taetiseo as main vocal..seo pn suare dh bley cover jessie pnye part..high note dy pn cm dh stable je skarg..cme tuh r..dh x 9..

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Post time 20-10-2014 12:20 AM | Show all posts
af_1993 posted on 30-9-2014 05:55 PM
bertahun x nampak
apa citer bias ko kluar doh

fuck SNSD..
kicking their own "supposed" sister


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Post time 21-10-2014 01:23 AM | Show all posts
tngok lagu baru snsd divine japanese version tu jessica ada pulak dlm mv ni keluar masa dia dah tk jadi snsd

vid ni tk silap tk jadi upload kat utube universal music japan...dorang post yg story version je..

leaked ver.

story ver.


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Post time 23-10-2014 12:16 PM | Show all posts
SNSD kump kpop (zmn 2000an) ptama aku knl .. hahaha hebat SNSD ..

dlu2 xya cite la ek ... hihi ..

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