Originally posted by MulutBecok at 18-12-2007 11:46 AM 
tu semua SCAM je
mana ada senang2 nak bagi that kind of amount
cuba selak2 thread kat current issues
ada dibincangkan hal ni
mesti nombor tu dr indonesia
dah selak semua page kt current issue tp tak jumpa pun thread ttg ni.help pls |
Originally posted by jimbait at 18-12-2007 04:15 PM 
Dulu kawan aku kater dpt 14000 dr petronas bila dail nbr tu...
mmg kaki kelentong nyer budak...
saja2 try call..mmg number indon..dia minta my akaun number nk transfer money in cash rm14000...lelaki indon yg jawab....
and yg paling best tu..dia minta pin card number atm....so i terus report police........... |
nak tanya la
fly n parents da masuk celcom nyer plan
family plan kot
so bill nyer disatukan
yg pelik nyer ..... eventhou abah da byr bill
tp nombor fly kene bar n abah da byr 2 minggu lepas
so siang td ... abah byr rm 70 n nombor fly tak kene bar
suppose kalau da join 3 in 1 ....... amount nyer disekali kan?
n bile byr means settle 3 nombor tu kan?
Jangan lupa untuk hari ini 24/12 & 25/12..Krismass Bonus plak!!!
Reload RM30 Free airtime RM10.00
Reload RM50 Free airtime RM20.00
Reload RM100 & RM200 Free airtime RM50.00
Cepat2 oiii.... |
ma nak tanyelah..
ma baru tukar hp,
tapi apesal msg tak boleh ye..?
msg in ok..cal in n out pun ok.
ma lum aktifkan 3g or gprs bagai lagi.
kene setting msg centre?tp x leh lah...harus pergi celcom centre or mudah fon celcom careline je? |
For Celcom Postpaid customers, get free mms and video call from 24th december 2007 till 1st january 2008. Valid for mms and video call to any celcom numbers.:pompom: :pompom: |
Originally posted by luv_ma at 24-12-07 11:15 PM 
ma nak tanyelah..
ma baru tukar hp,
tapi apesal msg tak boleh ye..?
msg in ok..cal in n out pun ok.
ma lum aktifkan 3g or gprs bagai lagi.
kene setting msg centre?tp x leh lah...harus per ...
call customer service dulu
kalau diorg suh gi customer centre
baru gi ......
gi customer centre leceh sket coz kene tunggu n amik masa
okeh maceh fly
nanti ma call. |
Originally posted by luv_ma at 24-12-2007 11:15 PM 
ma nak tanyelah..
ma baru tukar hp,
tapi apesal msg tak boleh ye..?
msg in ok..cal in n out pun ok.
ma lum aktifkan 3g or gprs bagai lagi.
kene setting msg centre?tp x leh lah...harus per ...
Aku rasa message centre kena check balik. Caranya : Menu > Message > Option > Setting > Texr Message > Option > Message Centre > Pastikan Msg centre number ialah +60193900000 |
cepat2 masih tinggal beberapa jam lagi utk menikmati bonus krismas.........
hari ni je aku top up RM100 (buat kali pertama seumur aku hidup tak pernah topup sebanyak tu) semata-mata nak extra RM50
harap2 New Year nanti akan ada promosi yg sebegini...... |
Reply #1746 lebai_WOLRD's post
sungguhka bagai dikata . . . hohoho bley cakap lamaaaaa2 |
Originally posted by ianho at 25-12-2007 09:16 PM 
sungguhka bagai dikata . . . hohoho bley cakap lamaaaaa2
jangan lupa hanya utk CELCOM POSTPAID SAJE............... |
Originally posted by lebai_WOLRD at 25-12-2007 01:17 PM 
Aku rasa message centre kena check balik. Caranya : Menu > Message > Option > Setting > Texr Message > Option > Message Centre > Pastikan Msg centre number ialah +60193900000
big thanx lebai. |
yg probnye,
dah bukak semua tuh,
tp x dpt edit/tgok num mes centre tuh..
nape ntah hp nih |
Originally posted by lebai_WOLRD at 25-12-2007 09:05 PM 
cepat2 masih tinggal beberapa jam lagi utk menikmati bonus krismas.........
hari ni je aku top up RM100 (buat kali pertama seumur aku hidup tak pernah topup sebanyak tu) semata-mata nak extra ...
ye ke maklumat ni ?
kenapa hp 019 aku tak de pulak iklan pemberitahuan ni ?? |
ica nak tanya la
1. pakai prepaid, bleh guna 3g tak?
2. pakai prepaid, bleh anta e mail tak? |
Originally posted by lebai_WOLRD at 24-12-2007 11:48 PM 
For Celcom Postpaid customers, get free mms and video call from 24th december 2007 till 1st january 2008. Valid for mms and video call to any celcom numbers.:pompom: :pompom:
mcm mana mau apply...ke automatic kastemer postpaid Celcom dpt.......
lebaiiiiii oh lebaiiii....video call tu mcm mana nak aktipkan ek...aritu amoi call centre dia soh aktipkan internet sama gprs..dia aktipkan gprs aje...interner amoi lum aktip lagi ar....
video call tu under grps ke internet ek? |
Originally posted by icalovezie at 26-12-2007 09:17 AM 
ica nak tanya la
1. pakai prepaid, bleh guna 3g tak?
2. pakai prepaid, bleh anta e mail tak?
1.boleh..amoi guna prepaid...masa setting aritu amoi tanya pada operator Celcom tu dia kata kastemer prepaid tak yah tuko simcard 3G guna yg dah sedia ada aje
2. boleh gak....kena aktipkan ar internet service kat hp |
t@T TGH BENGANG DGN CELCOM NI.........ada ke hari ni dpt bill ada charge utk yg ON ke (third party)....smpai RM10 tu...lahanat btul la.....:@ :@ :@
call CS celcom...dia ckp kena trace dulu no tu dan OFF ke...mana ada...t@t rasa tak ada pun sampai sms ON ni........bodoh punyer celcom....org promote brg...kita yg kena charge....:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
CS celcom pun mcm biasa la...tak tau ape2 pun..(Vads punyer org).....
so jika t@t tak nak bayar yang sms 3rd party tu boleh tak...ataupun buat bantahan ke...?? apa hak kita sbg customer...??? |
Originally posted by aamoi at 26-12-2007 11:39 AM 
1.boleh..amoi guna prepaid...masa setting aritu amoi tanya pada operator Celcom tu dia kata kastemer prepaid tak yah tuko simcard 3G guna yg dah sedia ada aje
2. boleh gak....kena aktipkan ...
thanks for the info ya.. |
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