Reply 1763# rimau_belang
Tak banyak tempat kami pegi, coz tak bwk stroller. Memang stress gila, metro station tak friendly susah nak cari lif. Kami sempat pegi Galerries Lafayette & eiffel tower. Next time ken a plan itinerary betul- betul. Make sure spend 1 day utk shopping, another day utk jalan. Tak boleh lupa perempuan perancis gila tu. Sampai bila2 I ingat. |
Reply 1751# faraway1
hahaha bole plak praktis dlu erk???september will be ok kat europe kan? |
Reply 1767# mai_pinky
hehe,saba,bad experiences tu..Galerries Lafayette tu kat area mane ek?mahal ta brg2 die?ape yg best situ? |
Reply 1753# miyoma
Mesti byk shopping ni .... |
Reply miyoma
lorrr..yeke..ta g disneyland ke?i rase spend 2nite je kat paris will be okay ...
rimau_belang Post at 16-7-2011 15:39 
tak g disneyland..sbb org ckap kat paris kecik..lgpon dah pegi kat tokyo..
mungkin pkir sama je kan.. |
Reply 1769# rimau_belang
Kalau You nak beli handbag mcm gucci, long champ, LV kat Sana lah (long champ 50% cheaper than in Malaysia). Skrg tgh summer sale. Crazy tengok baju disc up to 70%. Kalau nak claim tax free tu make sure you ken a spend > |
Reply 1771# miyoma
wahhh bile g tokyo?haha...paris makan mahal ta miyo?i dok due mlm ok kot kan?u balek malaysia dari paris ke london |
Reply miyoma
how did u manage to get the tax refund?
rimau_belang Post at 16-7-2011 15:41 
kalo beli belah kat europe country,mintak kat cashier nak tax refund..dia akan bagi resit/kertas..
nati g epot yg pling last before kita balik malaysia,claim dpt cash nanti.. |
Reply 1772# mai_pinky
wahhhhh...buntang bijik mate i bace post u!!ahahahahahahahaha......hapy hapy hapy shoppingggggggggg |
Reply rimau_belang
Kalau You nak beli handbag mcm gucci, long champ, LV kat Sana lah (lon ...
mai_pinky Post at 16-7-2011 15:53 
kalo kat paris min purchase dier tinggi sgt,kalo kat london 30gbp pon dah leh claim tax..
macaroon xleh trima la tekak ni..lain semacam je rasa |
Reply 1775# miyoma
kat airport tu nak refund kat mane/shopping kat mane2 kedai pon ye??dpt tax refund?sory mmg tatawu lgsg psal ni hehehe |
Reply 1774# miyoma
Ha..ha.. Untung you all. You shopping apa kat sana? |
Reply miyoma
wahhh bile g tokyo?haha...paris makan mahal ta miyo?i dok due mlm ok kot kan? ...
rimau_belang Post at 16-7-2011 15:53 
pegi tokyo taun lpas..
makan bagi kita org ok je kot,kalo fast food,org ckap QUICK tu halal,tpi was2 gak,just makan burger long fish je..
set lbeh kurang 7 euro..
bnyk gak kedai kebab halal,mostly pak arab yg jual..tpi nak communicate susah gler,nasib baik cousin leh ckp french..
kat kedai arab ni kita org bli ayam golek 4 ekor ,satu ekor 6 euro..ok la..sedap..
blik malaysia dari paris |
Reply miyoma
kat airport tu nak refund kat mane/shopping kat mane2 kedai pon ye??dpt tax r ...
rimau_belang Post at 16-7-2011 15:58 
kat epot memang dah ada counter untok tax refund..
if u shopim kat mana2 pon,tnya dia nak tax refund... |
Reply 1777# miyoma
I rasa memang fix min purchase tu |
Reply miyoma
I rasa memang fix min purchase tu €175. Kat Disneyland, Lafayette even kat L ...
mai_pinky Post at 16-7-2011 16:05 
kita org shopim kat champs elyess(x ingt),more thab 160 euro..tpi still tinggi kalo nak compare ngan london kan |
Reply 1780# miyoma
miyo,beli ape2 brg pon dpt tax refund ke?n nape kite leh dpt tax refund ye(cik hubby tnye).....oo balek dari paris..so dari paris g orly naek pe?jauh tak? |
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