mamakcute This user has been deleted
New Tower near Zameret park,7340,L-3226639,00.html
[[i] Last edited by mamakcute at 23-12-2006 08:11 PM [/i]] |
mamakcute This user has been deleted
mamakcute This user has been deleted
Intel's largest R&D center planned in Haifa
Computer chip giant purchases 5 acres for NIS 27 million; center to employ 1,500 employees, in addition to 2,000 people already employed in Haifa
Ofer Petersburg
Computer chip giant Intel signed a giant deal with the Haifa Municipality, and Matam Industrial park in southern Haifa to purchase 20 dunam (approximately 5 acres) of land for USD 5.8 million, where Intel will build, without government aid, its largest Research and Development center.
Intel is expected to double its center in Haifa to 40,000 square meters (approximately 12 acres) and add 1,500 more employees in addition
to the 2,000 employees already working there. Intel's investment could reach USD 20 million.
In the past year, India increased the pressure on Intel to relocate the company's R&D center to India. The Haifa Municipality put a lot of effort in dissuading Intel from leaving, offering the company a municipal property across from Intel's existing center. The two buildings will be joined by a bridge.
The problem was the tight schedule. Considering the Israeli red tape, a permit for such a plan takes two to three years. Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav decided to take matters into his hands and personally appeared at all the different planning commissions with the plans. Intel thus received the permit within two months.
Intel has been situated in Haifa since the 1970s, where it developed the
Third Generation, the wireless cellular chip.
One of Intel's most important R&D centers
India offered Intel many benefits so that the company would move there. Intel, however, chose Haifa over India.
Recently, Intel decided to abandon its older-generation Pentium processors and base the future computer line on the new-generation family of processors, the Pentium M, which is the result of Israeli design and development.
Intel President and CEO Paul Otellini recently announced in a computer developers conference held in San Francisco that the company has decided to move on to the new family of processors, all of which were designed and developed in Intel's R&D center in Haifa and in Kibbutz Yakum.
This would be the first time that Intel structures itself on processors developed outside the United States. Israel, therefore, is becoming one of Intel's most important R&D centers worldwide
I found this render:

[ Last edited by mamakcute at 23-12-2006 08:29 PM ] |
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Netanya Stadium (Netanya Stadium | Nfc)
עיריית נתניה, באמצעות החברה לפיתוח נתניה, החלה בביצוע העבודות להקמת האיצטדיון העירוני החדש של נתניה, שיחליף את איצטדיון הקופסא ההיסטורי. עלות הקמת האיצטדיון - למעלה מ- 135 מיליון.
איצטדיון הכדורגל של נתניה ייבנה במתחם בן 163 דונמים והוא יכלול גם שטחים לתעסוקה וכן שטח מיוחד בן 9 דונמים המיועד לשימור באתר ברכת חנון. שטח האצטדיון עצמו כ- 66 דונמים והוא יכיל בשלב הראשון 12 אלף מקומות ובשלב השני מגרש אימונים ושמונת אלפים מקומות ישיבה נוספים ובסך-הכל 20 אלף מקומות ישיבה. העבודות ימשכו כשנתיים וחצי ויסתיימו על-פי הצפי ביוני 2008.
"אין ספק", אומרת השבוע ראש עיריית נתניה, מרים פייירברג-איכר "שאיצטדיון זה יביא לקידום רציני של רמת הכדורגל ויהיה מנוף לפיתוח ענפי ספורט נוספים בנתניה".
החברה שנבחרה לביצוע הפרויקט היא חברת רמט, שהחלה כבר בביצוע עבודות העפר. רמט, הינה אחת החברות המובילות בישראל בתחום ההנדסה האזרחית. החברה עוסקת בכל תחומי ההנדסה והבנייה והקימה את איצטדיון טדי בירושלים
mamakcute This user has been deleted
New in Herzliya:Nike-town
Nike is going open one of the biggest shops in Israel
Nike will invest more than 1 million dollar in sport shop in Shenkar st. in Herzliyya Pituach
this shop will one of 14 Nike-town shops!!! |
israel? mak aku cite, kawan dier, a very devoted christian dah pegi israel, something to do with preaching la. ye, mmg kat passport letak tak boleh gi israel. wht this lady did.. dia pegi Jordan. buat visa pergi jordan, konon2 nk gi melancong. but she crossed to Israel from Jordan. mcm mana dia buat, aku tak sure. ala.. kat sempadan mesia-indon or mesia-thai jugak kot. |
my colleague nye emak baru je travel ke Israel sblm Xmas hari tu. Nanti i find out camana dia bole dpt visa |

ni ke floating rock yang org dok citer tu?
tatau la kalau gambar ni tipu maknanya kita semua tertipu...hehehehe |
ada kene potong ngan mod ni kang...abis semua topik ko banjir.... |
Bagaimana nak upload gambar
Assalaamu`alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh.
Bagaimanakah nak upload kan gambar kerana saya dah 2 kali melawat Baitul Maqdis dan nak lampirkan gambar kami disini.
Ingin juga saya nasihatkan rakan-rakan seagama tentang Israel. Israel adalah nama yang mulia , nama yang di
sebut dalam al Quran. Sebenarnya Israel adalah nama bagi nabi Yaa`qub `alaihis salam. Dalam al Quran kita sering bertemu ayat : Yaa Banii Israail " . Maksudnya ialah Wahai anak-anak ( zuriat ) Israel ( Yaa`qub ).
Oleh kerana Israel nama yang mulia dan disebut oleh ALLAH dalam al Quran maka masyarakat Yahudi tidak menamakan negara yang mereka rampas sebagai " Yahudi " atau " Yahuda " atau " Zion ' , tetapi meeka menamakannya dengan Israel
supaya masyarakat dunia memuliakan mereka sebagai zuriat Nabi Yaa`qub `alaihis salam. OLeh itu kita sebagai umat Islam
wajar memanggil mereka dengan " orang Yahudi ".
Begitu juga sepatutnya kita memanggil negara yang mereka rampas sebagai Baitul Maqdis, bukan Israel. Begitulah
pandangan ulama besar diantaranya guru saay Sheikh al `allamah `Umar Muhammad Al Fualaatah.
Sekian semoga bermanfaat.
[ Last edited by naasiha at 28-2-2007 08:05 PM ] |
say no to ISRAEL...hehe...:@ |
jangan sebut israel. Israel adalah Nabi Yaa`qub `alaihis salam, tetapi sebutlah Yahudi |
mamakcute This user has been deleted
dasitabitch This user has been deleted
USA is better than israel |
Reply #183 naasiha's post
nie sejenis iklan nie.. harap mod boleh delete post dari naasiha nie.
Aper pon, aku tak terfikir pun nak pegi ke negara2 yg banyak konflik macam Israel nie.... ntah2 nanti ada peluru sesat tembus ikot badan... tak mau lar aku mampos katak camtu jer... |
Originally posted by firebird909 at 25-11-2005 12:21
wahh...cantek Masjid Umar Al Khattab tu ek...ala classical misteri gilerr....thanks for the photos guys!
p/s Shalom Aleicheim tu sama macam Assalamualaikum ek?
The word shalom is used in a variety of expressions and contexts in Hebrew speech and writing:
- Shalom aleichem (שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם; literally "peace be upon you"), this expression is used to greet others and is a Hebrew equivalent of "hello". The appropriate response to such a greeting is "upon you be peace" (aleichem shalom). This is a cognate of the Arabic Assalamu alaikum. On Erev Shabbat (Sabbath eve), Jewish people, have a custom of singing a song which is called Shalom aleichem, before the Kiddush (blessing) of the Shabbat dinner is recited.
source : |
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cityphg This user has been deleted
sorry..tumpang lalu..bukannya kita malaysian ni memang tak boleh gi isreal sebab govt kita memang tak jalin hubungan dengan govt diaorg? |
spidernfly This user has been deleted
i think siapa yg pegang passport m'sia mmg tak leh masuk israel.
[ Last edited by spidernfly at 5-4-2007 09:42 AM ] |
ini dah jadi forum mengagumi yahudi dan israel la plak...
pada pendapat aku..
yahudi nie tak pandai pon.. aku kenal sangat diornag nie.. diorang tak pandai.. tapi diorang akan buat propaganda yg mengatakan diorang pandai.. maka lahir lah orang2 mcm kat atas nie yg anggap diorang memang dilahirkan pandai..
senarai2 nama orang yang dia bagi kat atas nie pon.. kalau nak dibandingan dengan orang bangsa lain.. banyak lagi orang2 bangsa lain.
dan untuk pengetahuan semua.. yahudi dan bani israel tu dua istilah yang berlainan..
bani israel tu orang yg dilahirkan dari keturunan yg kita pangggil yahudi..
manakala yahudi pula adalah org yg menganut fahaman zionisme.
jadi.. semua yahudi adalah bani israel.. tapi tak semua bani israel adalah yahudi.
dlm bahasa melayu.. kita ada satu istilah jer untuk bani israel dan yahudi.. iaitu yahudi. kita akan angggap semua orang yg lahir dlm keturunan tu adalah jahat. ini salah sebenarnya.. islam tak menentang jasad atau fizikal seseorang secara membabi buta. islam menentang ideologi, fahaman, kebencian dan kemusnahan yg dibawa oleh individu. |
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