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Author: gx5448

[MERGED] Sakit Tulang Belakang/Prolapsed Disc/Scoliosis

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Post time 31-7-2008 09:19 AM | Show all posts

Sakit Belakang

aii sume.

Pk ni ada masalah..kalu Pk dok lama2 ..x kira atas kerusi ke..besila ke..klu nk bangun..mesti PK bongkok2 dulu..sebab sakit belakang..nape ekk..

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Post time 31-7-2008 09:32 AM | Show all posts
Sakit belakang ni selalunya disebabkan cara kita duduk tu salah - membongkok dan tidak meluruskan belakang.  Dah la duduk tak betul, duduk pulak lama tak bangun-bangun.  Itu kalau kat opis la kan.... That's why kita tak sepatutnya duduk terlalu lama tanpa bangun-bangun.  At least every 30 minutes tu kenalah berdiri jap dan stretchkan badan tu sikit.

Itu lar my opinion .

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Post time 31-7-2008 09:33 AM | Show all posts
oo yeke..aku ni memang suka dok bongkok2 sket..tatau la nape..makin menjadi2 plak..sebab tu la kot kan?

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izati_abc This user has been deleted
Post time 31-7-2008 09:44 AM | Show all posts
yup..mostly sbb posture duduk yg x btol......ade jgk ats faktor2 lain mcm kerja berat, masalah kesihatan or lps bersalin ke ape......ade jgk sbb kalo constantly sakit blkg tu maybe sbb posture la PK....kdg2 x semestinya sbb posture duduk...posture berdiri or cara ambik brg pon blh sbbkan sakit blkg......

mcm aku ni x slalu tp kdg2 ade la.....slalu bila byk keje or PMS la kan...ade skali dlm 6 thn lps aku kene sakit blkg yg teruk....skali ngn period x dtg...aku gi wat blood test.....ade jangkitan saluran kencing....n lps bersalin until skrg pon sometimes rasa sengal yg amat kat blkg...maybe bekas suntikan bius dulu ke ape.....

[ Last edited by  izati_abc at 31-7-2008 09:45 AM ]

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Post time 31-7-2008 10:23 AM | Show all posts

Balas #3 princess_kunang\ catat

kau ada sejarah tak,pernah jatuh ke kena beduk ker...

keturunan ker..

kalo sakit belakang jangan mkn ubat batuk...sebab ubat batuk untuk org yg batuk.

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Post time 31-7-2008 10:31 AM | Show all posts
posture duduk kita memainkan peranan....kalau duduk tak betul....memang boleh sakit belakang......

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Post time 31-7-2008 11:19 AM | Show all posts
kalau dulu2 penah jatuh ke terjelepok ke, baik la pi jumpa dr
cam kes saya sakit bila g check rupanya ada slip disc...
so memang x boleh duduk lama

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Post time 31-7-2008 10:07 PM | Show all posts
saya pun mcm you jugak...bila duduk lama sikit bangun ajer sure bongkok  dulu baru tegak...ade history pernah jatuh terduduk...masa tu muda lagik ...ingat takde apa2...skrg baru menyesal....tapi apa pun you kena kuat semangat ...kena buat exercise utk sakit belakang...

tapi sekrg nie ..lepas guna dr back bone...kurang byk...sbb dia dpt betulkan tulang belakang kita...lebih2 lagi utk org yg sakit belakang mcm saya..

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Post time 1-8-2008 12:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 princess_kunang's post

kena lebihkan aktiviti sex

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Post time 2-9-2008 09:26 AM | Show all posts

Balas #8 citylady73\ catat

what is dr back bone? ceritalah sikit..

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Post time 2-9-2008 11:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by princess_kunang at 31-7-2008 09:19 AM
aii sume.

Pk ni ada masalah..kalu Pk dok lama2 ..x kira atas kerusi ke..besila ke..klu nk bangun..mesti PK bongkok2 dulu..sebab sakit belakang..nape ekk..

Gi swimming jer....insyaAllah baik. Swimming ni bagus utk repair kesakitan kat belakang....dari tulang tengkok sampailah ke pinggul.

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Post time 4-9-2008 12:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by citylady73 at 31-7-2008 10:07 PM
saya pun mcm you jugak...bila duduk lama sikit bangun ajer sure bongkok  dulu baru tegak...ade history pernah jatuh terduduk...masa tu muda lagik ...ingat takde apa2...skrg baru menyesal....tapi  ...

Betul tu..Dora pun guna Dr Backbone. Dulu masa kat opis selalu sakit lepas guna Dr Backbone dah hilang sakit2..yelah duduk lama2 mengadap pc kat opis.

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Post time 4-9-2008 03:32 PM | Show all posts
ni aku ada artikel buat rujukan

Cakera tulang belakang teralih

BOLEH dikatakan semua orang pernah mengalami masalah sakit pinggang dan belakang. Walaupun dulu ia sering dikatakan sebagai tanda penuaan, kini ia boleh berlaku pada semua peringkat umur.

Sakit pinggang dan belakang boleh melumpuhkan aktiviti harian seseorang. Apatah lagi jika kesakitan itu keterlaluan dan 憁enjalar

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Post time 26-11-2008 06:30 PM | Show all posts
nak tanya dr. backbone nh nk bli kt mana ek? saya pon sejak 2 menjak nh sakit belakangla mcm dkt2 ngn pinggang..xtau sbb apa..sbb tilam ker apa ker..skng nh saya tido dkt comforter okla sket time bgn tido tuh..dkt pergelangan kaki belah kanan ada saket sket.. ada kaitan x dgn sakit blakang nh ek?

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Post time 27-11-2008 09:51 AM | Show all posts
xder sapa ker nk tolong jawap???

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Post time 27-11-2008 12:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #15 laptop_rosak's post

try check kat sini
website ni ada list tmpt y ada dr backbone ni....

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Post time 27-11-2008 12:29 PM | Show all posts
makan calcium caltrate 600mg or minum susu low fat byk2

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Post time 27-11-2008 06:17 PM | Show all posts
aku pun takut jugak sebab aku ni sakit lutut tak baik baik lagi dia suspect sakit belakang dia suruh aku buat MRI nak tgk ok tak tulang belakang aku takotnnyyyyyyeeeee

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Post time 26-12-2008 07:58 PM | Show all posts
The bane of BACK PAIN
Rajen M.


While back pain is a complex subject, its causes can be identified and, in many cases, relief can be attained.

[table=200][/table]ONE-HALF of all working Americans admit having back pain symptoms each year. Back pain is one of the most common reasons for staying away from work. In fact, back pain is the second most common reason for visiting the doctor, outnumbered only by upper-respiratory infections.

Most cases of back pain are mechanical or non-organic -- meaning they are not caused by serious conditions, such as inflammatory arthritis, infection, fracture or cancer.

When the body is not seen as a whole, simple things are missed. That is why current technologies have done little to ease the pain of lower back ache sufferers. While back pain is a complex subject, its causes can be identified and, in many cases, relief can be attained.

The cause of lower back pain can be broken down into five primary problems. These five causes are interconnected. This breakdown is adapted from the St John Neuromuscular Therapy training -- a method of postural analysis and clinical massage therapy.
Except for pain caused by trauma or by cancer or rheumatoid arthritis, almost all lower back pain can be traced to one or a combination of these causes.


In everyday language, this means "lack of blood flow". Tissues such as muscles cannot function properly. Without adequate blood to provide food and oxygen, soft tissues such as muscles, tendons and ligaments can build up lactic and other breakdown products of metabolism. This can become painful over time. Ischemia occurs when muscles are chronically contracted over a period of time.

- Trigger points

A "trigger point" is an area of the soft tissue which, after chronic contraction and reduced blood flow, becomes an area of high nerve activity.

For example, certain fibres in an ischemic muscle (a muscle with low blood) can become an unduly active trigger point in response to biochemical changes in the tissue.

Active trigger points cause referred sensation to other parts of the body. That sensation can be pain, tingling, numbness, thermal sensations (hot or cold), weakness, a general ache quality, or the feeling that "it just doesn't feel right".

For example, you might have a trigger point in a muscle of your lower back which refers sensation down into your buttocks, or even down the leg.

- Nerve compression and entrapment

This is pressure put on a nerve by a bone or an inter-vertebral disc. Nerve compression occurs when the spine becomes misaligned and one of the discs between the vertebrae gets squeezed on one side, causing it to bulge out on the other side. This "bulge" can put pressure on a spinal nerve causing pain.

Nerve entrapment is when a nerve is caught or pinched by the soft tissues. For example, the sciatic nerve (the largest nerve in the body) runs down through the buttocks and can become entrapped by the piriformis muscle when that muscle is very tight. This can result in pain flowing down the back of the leg.

- Structural imbalance

In a sense, this issue is the most significant of all. Structural imbalance is often the root problem responsible for ischemia, trigger points, and nerve compression or entrapment.

If the body is distorted off its centre line of gravity, compensating muscular patterns can result.

- Dysfunctional biomechanics

This is often a secondary result of structural imbalance and is caused by faulty movement patterns. Someone having a nagging lower back pain might hold her body in a restricted way and walk differently, showing a limited range of movement.

It is logical to do that. It is not recommended to fight against your body's self-imposed limitations. It is trying to protect you from pain.

However, "restrictions" are imposed on your body to prevent further damage to the injured areas. The structural imbalance needs to be addressed to relieve pain.

However, repetitive movements while you were injured can become patterned such that, even after the problem has been settled, you still move in a limited, protective way. That is why even a minimum regime of daily stretches can be vital to full recovery.

As you can see, there is quite a bit that you can do naturally in terms of stretching and exercise. There is also quite a bit that an occupational therapist can do as well. Similarly, chiropractors and osteopaths can do a lot in terms of treatment of trigger points and ischemia.

bagus punye informasi  pada yg selalu sakit belakang ker... sakit tulang belakang ker... hah!!  :victory:

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Post time 13-1-2009 09:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MamaCrystal at 7/16/08 23:51
arincute92, gutes_madchen & atianiazi,

i'm also having scoliosis. moderate level...
tp tak pernah jumpa ortho.
cuma benda ni i notice sendiri from my xray
and from my observation on my bod ...

Saya punya kak ipar tak notice dia ada scoliosis -- dia notice abt it masa 30 tahun. ENd of this mnth dia balik Taiwan sbb di sana ada satu doktor pakar yang boleh repair dgn minor operation (3,4 hari boleh sembuh) ..doktor ni pernah dtg us dijemput bagi ceramah. Kalau semuanya berjalan dgn lancar -- summer dia buat operation itu.

Nanti kalau saya ingat saya update.

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