1800# tuan_wu
doh kalu nak buka sekali harung tahun 2050 baru nak buka, masa tu lutut ambe kendor doh, nok nerik pon dok larat, silap2 dlm tanah doh ambe |
1784# ambok
maroh sungguh Pakcik Awang Goneng pada sesiapa yg terlibat meruntuhkan bangunan bersejarah & warisan demi seketul bangunan tinggi...mcm Ganu dah tak cukup tanoh nak buat bangunan tinggi..cuba cuba lah lebarkan perbandaran KT sampai ke Bukit Payung ka, Tok Jembal ka, Ngabang Lekor ka...waser baham tanoh ngoh awoks2 ning
Friday, January 15, 2010Earth-Trembling Barbarism
Ignorance may be a misfortune, albeit a voluntary one, but vandals are a curse on the land no matter who they are or whatever their name. By their words and by their deeds they have blotted our landscape and despoiled our land, and now on a pile of rubble they are standing triumphant on the remains of what used to be a row of fine shop houses in Kedai Payang.
This is the deed of people with no care nor love for the land. They are a product of generations that they do not love, their forefathers are buried in the sand, the glory of their past work now piled on them, but they in the present care not for history nor our precious inheritance.
We shall all now hang down our heads in shame.
We have raised voices for the sake of that historic lot on this sacred earth. The centre of Kuala Terengganu with its cloistered walkways and the old Abdullah Alyunani bookshop. The cafe that served sweet roti kaya and sold satay for breakfast (perhaps the first in the land), and the Kedai Fernandez, and the Redi Photo Studio (formerly known as Kedai Yamada), and the limbless Orang Timun (the Cucumber Man) who was placed on the five-footway on Friday and Saturday morns, begging for alms, and fierce Nepalese men selling their concoctions and semi precious stones and rude coils of animal genitalia with their implicit promises of flagging men reborn |
1800# tuan_wu
doh kalu nak buka sekali harung tahun 2050 baru nak buka, masa tu lutut ambe kendor doh, nok nerik pon dok larat, silap2 dlm tanah doh ambe
maxxsa Post at 29-1-2010 22:45 
tnggal wasiat ke cicit abe maxx la kalo buka 2050  |
lambat nguh siap LPT
| | | | | | Essenvest Sdn. Bhd.
| | | | | | Zainal @ Shariff
| | | | | | GPQ/Bkt Putri
| | | | | | Kobena Bhd.
| | | | | (Mutual Termination on 16-09-09) | Tidal Marine Engineering S B
| | | | | | Babena Corporation S.B.
| | | | | | Ahmad Zaki S B.
| | | | | | Yuta Maju S B
| | | | | | Ahmad Zaki S B.
| | | | | | Pemb Bkt Timah –TSR Bina JV
| | | | | | Arah Jitu S B.
| | | | | | Cergas Murni S B
| | | | | | Arah Jitu S B.
| | | | | (Mutual Termination on 16-09-09) | Ahmad Zaki S B
| | | | | | Duta Alam Construction S.B
(New tender – Balance work 28.6%)
| | | | | | TSR Bina
| | | | | |
1804# derihje
ada details tak pakej tu start dari mana ke mana |
1805# derihje
patut ah pakej 10 tak dok situ, rupenye MTD hok buat...
East Coast Expressway Phase 2
MTD was awarded the contract to design and construct Package 10 of ECE2 in September 2006. The total length for Package 10 is 79 kilometers stretching from Bukit Besi Interchange at KM99.7 to Bukit Payung Interchange at KM163 with a distance of 63.3 KM, and branching off from the main line towards Federal Road 14 (Bukit Payung Spur Road) with a distance of 15.7 KM.
The work is expected to complete in December 2010.
Wu, kalu siap Bkt Besi ke Bkt Payung, tapi Jabor ke Bkt besi dok siap, camno ambo nok nerrik? huhuhu |
beh tread ning
lamer ning x brape ambek tau psl p'bgnan ganu
bari le ning tau byk gok rupernye hok menarik....... |
highway dh berkurun2 tak siap2....kalau dah siap besok, kalau runtuh gak tak tahu la nak ckp... |
highway dh berkurun2 tak siap2....kalau dah siap besok, kalau runtuh gak tak tahu la nak ckp...
Leonarzi Post at 3-3-2010 19:11 
aku rasa satu kurun lum sampai lagi tempoh wat highway ni ^_^ |
Ahmad said baca ni mesti termenung jap...
Timeless in Kuala Terengganu
THINGS tend not to happen quickly in Terengganu.
This never used to be a matter of note — the fishermen of the coast and the farmers of the hinterland have been bound for time immemorial by the schedules of tides and seasons, not annual budget allocations and five-year development plans.
For all the familiar, steady, stately rhythms of Terengganu, though, these days change also seems to happen overnight. The regular but infrequent visitor to Kuala Terengganu sees a magic-lantern show of change: a stop-motion animation of frozen frames.
Flying into KT’s Sultan Mahmud Airport just two years ago was all the more spectacular for the splendid view of the then spanking-new Stadium Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin, completed just in time for the 2008 Malaysia Games, on its showcase site in Gong Badak.
Today, arriving air passengers see the RM300 million stadium in the same state as it was on the morning of June 2 last year, when the east awning crashed down on the (thankfully, empty) tiers below.
The roof collapsed barely a year after the stadium’s completion. Almost as much time has elapsed and it’s still wreckage: empty, silent; as frozen in time as a broken clock.
The Crystal Mosque shimmers in the night on Sungai Terengganu.
A similar desertion afflicts the RM250 million Islamic Heritage Park on its 23 hectares of Pulau Wan Man in the Sungai Terengganu estuary. Here stands the famous new Crystal Mosque, along with scaled-down replicas of 21 other iconic examples of Islamic architecture from around the world.
Not all of them are places of worship, however, which makes of the Crystal Mosque something of an anomaly. Viewed from the village across the river it is also a theme-park centrepiece, and this sits uneasily with the religious sentiment, deeply rooted here, of transcendent humility.
And so the grounds of Pulau Wan Man are empty too, save for the occasional busload of package tourists. But even they are absent from the Ri-Yaz Heritage Marina Resort & Spa on Pulau Duyong, where the echoes of visitors’ footsteps on the gleaming floors bounce like trapped birds about the cavernous spaces.
Built for the Monsoon Cup sailing regatta in 2005, these premises have since come alive but once a year with the moveable feast of the Swedish Match Tour circuit. Otherwise, they lie fallow. The ground-floor retail outlets are empty; the terrace café serves warung food to random sightseers; neighbourhood children fly kites in the parking lots.
Moored at the Ri-Yaz marina is a wooden schooner of traditional Terengganu perahu besar design, being fitted out by its German owner. He is hoping someone will buy the vessel, into which he has sunk a million dollars and a decade of his life, but which he now has little hope of operating himself.
Pointing out the cabinetry and carved teak panelling, he laments that the skills for such work are vanishing. “The master doesn’t want to work any more, not even to teach his apprentices, and the apprentices are no good.”
Pulau Duyong is indeed quieter now than it was a generation ago, when the riverine isle was a gamelan of hammering and sawing amid the fragrant wood shavings and sawdust of 30 boatyards. Only three remain.
Last weekend, work proceeded desultorily on just one boat. (It was a blooming beauty, though, the graceful curve of its hull sanded smooth as a woman’s cheek, its raw wood glowing ruddy in the hard and angled light of the afternoon sun.)
The expertise and labour for such work is harder to find now, and more expensive. Although demand for the boat-builders’ services remains respectable, and despite late-breaking fame having quadrupled fees, prospective clients grumble of reluctant workers and declining skills.
A measure of prosperity has come to the Terengganu coast, and any working fisherman knows the finest thing money can buy is leisure.
It was a shame, the German skipper said. Ten years before, he had thought getting his schooner built in Duyong would help boost this unique and valuable Malaysian artform among boating and sailing enthusiasts the world over. But it had emerged that enthusiasm was easier to raise among foreigners than locals.
Perhaps that was why the Monsoon Cup, Taman Tamadun Islam and even the Gong Badak stadium, the broken bird’s nest, were built for people coming to Terengganu from elsewhere.
Sound enough in theory — the Terengganu designed by God Almighty remains serenely beautiful, with its high blue skies, starry nights and clean sea breezes — but nothing has turned out as planned. These places are not drawing the people for whom they were designed and built.
Perhaps they were the wrong people. Perhaps these things should not have been erected to outlandish specifications on reclaimed sand, but rooted in Terengganu’s traditions of cultural continuity and craftsmanship of such mastery as has endured for centuries.
The wind sighing in the stays of the shrouded skiffs at the deserted marina, the tide rising and falling alongside the empty promenades of Pulau Wan Man — these remain the same.
Also recognisable is the steamed fish at Restoran Tian Kee — but that venerable eatery used to be on the Kampung China waterfront, and now the water is invisibly distant across another wide strand of reclaimed sand, awaiting some other startling new thing to materialise from the silent, shadowed void.

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1805# derihje
salam sume org ganu... hok duk berangan psl LPT tu sudah blh lupakan.. most of the contractors are already quit from this project.. yg terkini nk mitok terminate pakej 1b... huhu... hage dokdang boh... siang ke kite blake seme... hukhukhuk... kalu dok silap tinggal se je lg compeni hok bertahan... |
mmmmm no comment but mmg hampeh la diorang.. |
mmmmm no comment but mmg hampeh la diorang.. |
1805# derihje
salam sume org ganu... hok duk berangan psl LPT tu sudah blh lupakan.. most of the contractors are already quit from this project.. yg terkini nk mitok terminate pakej 1b... huhu... ...
tukirah Post at 16-3-2010 02:42 PM 
soheh ker berita nie ? ....napok gaya takdok hiway laa kt ganu nie.... ? |
mana2 jalan hok sepit ngat tuh tolong lah besor gok sket...rohok nok lalu..kalu main parking tepi jalan |
1816# kaklala_lost_id
betul tu Lala, keta banyok doh le nim kat Ganu...kena buat perancangan doh utk 50 tahun akan datang..hehehe |
bekas tapak 'kedai koboi' skrg ni buat projek menda tu...??
haritu jd parking, balik baru ni napok ada naik projek.... |
aku rasa dlm bandar KT baik buat banyak jalan sehala je.. sbb aliran trafik dah tak dpt menampung kenderaan yg ada... |
aku rasa parking di hospital Kt tu patut dibanyakkan lagi la..teruk sangat la lening, double parking pun masih teruk..pukul 10 pagi pun dok jupe parking doh.. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara