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EOUL (Reuters) - South Korean student Lim Jeong-hyun has basked in five minutes and 20 seconds of fame nearly 9 million times over.
Lim, 22, was identified by the New York Times about two weeks ago as the mysterious man bathed in sunlight who played guitar in one of the most-watched videos of all time on the popular video sharing Web site.
About eight months ago, a video simply titled "guitar" appeared on YouTube. It shows a young man sitting between his desk and bed, bowing his head so that his baseball cap covers his eyes, ferociously playing a rock version of Johann Pachelbel's "Canon" -- the music often played at weddings.
The guitarist's face is never seen. His real name is not mentioned but he calls himself "funtwo." The focus is on his fingers.
The austerity of the clip and the new interpretation of a well-known piece of music has fascinated millions.
After the article, the shy Lim woke up one day in late August and found himself famous. Local media picked up what the New York Times had reported and Lim's tale was told by major South Korean newspapers and TV networks.
"I was so embarrassed because I had too many phone calls and too many visitors all of the sudden," Lim told Reuters Television at a music studio in Seoul.
Many of the people who posted comments on YouTube wanted to know the guitarist's identity. Many complimented his playing, while some questioned if he was aided by electronics. A few said he was a fraud.
The clip has become YouTube's second-most discussed video after one of people lip syncing a video game theme song.
"I love this guy. Funtwo is awesome. By the way, what's his real name?," one person wrote.
With short hair, dyed dark brown, glasses and a T-shirt, Lim hardly looks the part of a guitar hero -- and he does not consider himself one either.
"I became famous not because my playing technique was great, but because the Pachelbel's Canon arranged by JerryC was a very popular piece," Lim said.
The arrangement Lim played was composed by Jerry Chang, a guitarist from Taiwan, the New York Times said.
Others have tried to claim they were the guitarist in the video or had a part in the composition, but there is no doubt that Lim can play the piece masterfully.
Lim plugged in his guitar, the one seen on the video, and played the rock version of Canon for Reuters Television with his right hand streaming over the notes and his left hand a flurry of activity fingering the frets.
Lim first picked up a guitar when he was a third-year student in middle school. He took acoustic and electric guitar lessons for about a month on each instrument and is mostly self-taught.
Lim said he practiced for three weeks before recording the video, and he was not all that satisfied with his performance.
"If I gave a grade to my playing, it should be 50 or 60 out of 100," he said.
Lim said his immediate plans are to head back to New Zealand where he is studying information technology at the University of Auckland.
"I have no intention to be a professional musician as of now. I just enjoy playing the guitar." |
tu salah sorang yg mainkan bali lagu cover CANON - in D minor (lagu org kawin omputeh)...yg compose lagu ni balik .. ko c arik Jerry-C ... kat website dia ade bnyk video mamat yg mainkan balik lagu ni..dasat dasat...masing2 ade cara, kreatif...bnyk idea leh kita tgk..takde player dari MALAYSIA lagi..kasik upload la MALAYSIAN...layan gak lagu tu.. |
flash video player=flv cari kat net ada banyak boleh donlod |
tak jumpa pun aku cari nak donlot... |
lagu pachelbel....malmsteen pun main lagu ni gak kan?
jerry c dgn funtwo tu orang yang sama ka? |
funtwo ni budak korea. website bg tau video dia paling faymes kat dunia kat aku br tau lepas tgk paper lah. aku tgk gak bebudak lain main. tapi tak smooth cam dia lah. dia dah glamer sampai new york times panggil dia. aku rasa dia ni glamer gak atr sbbnya sbb dia cover muka dia kut. berdasarkan informasi yg aku dpt kat internet. dia belajar kat new zealand. |
Jerry C tu pun power gak.... |
About 8 months ago, a video simply called "guitar" made big waves - a young man playing a rock version of Pachelbel's Canon in D. NY Times reporter finds out who he really is, amidst lots of perpetrators claiming to be funtwo....
sumber:NY Times
power seh dia nih.... |
Originally posted by hyphrigian at 14-9-2006 07:04 PM
lagu pachelbel....malmsteen pun main lagu ni gak kan?
jerry c dgn funtwo tu orang yang sama ka?
both are 2 different person... |
Wow... Dahsyat dia main guitar... Kagum sey.... |
dia popular sbb teknik dia ke? apsal cara main dia tuh kira impossible utk dicapai org biase ke? sbb sy tak paham sgt kan ramai pemain handal. apsal dia yg jd pujaan? |
korang cek la website ni...pas tu korang mamat yang originally compose balik lagu CANON ni..ade link video yg bebudak main balik lagu ni...termasuk la si fun two tu...cuba la cek..tebeliak bijik mata korang...mcm2 style..bukan funtwo je yg best..ade lagi 3-5 org yg bleh tahan...kat sini jerry-c ade bagi backing track lagu canon ni sama tab..tapi tab dia kena bukak pakai software guitar-pro kalau tak silap aku...try la..bestt wooo...sape yg tak leh nak sweep piciking tu (cam aku)..leh tgk a few idea lain yg diorang guna..tapping ke..alternate picking ke...ape pun...yg paling penting main gitar ni...kena seronokkk..slamat
[ Last edited by azahari77 at 15-9-2006 01:55 AM ] |
Originally posted by azahari77 at 15-9-2006 01:53 AM
korang cek la website ni...pas tu korang mamat yang originally compose balik lagu CANON ni..ade link video yg bebudak main balik lagu ni...termasuk la si fun two tu.. ...
betul ramai dah main, apa kata ko jadi Funtwo Malaysia..hantar clip kat JerryC..haha...menarik gak tu, sambil layan solo ada backing muzik...mana nak cari software guitar pro ada bleh donload ke? |
tak boleh download la canon backing tak aktif..yang lain ok...ko pi kat "Lesson".. |
wah dia ni dah popular giler ke skang nih????
aku tengok video ni somewhere early this year kot...gempak dowhhhhh fooh....tak sangka dari youtube pon leh jadik popular hehe |
Reply #14 Presa1200's post
sebab dia rockkan lagu classical....idea dia tu dan lagu tu sedap... |
betul ramai dah main, apa kata ko jadi Funtwo Malaysia..hantar clip kat JerryC..haha...menarik gak tu, sambil layan solo ada backing muzik...mana nak cari software guitar pro ada bleh donload ke?
kalau aku main, nama jadik NoFun la wakakakaka...aku terkial la main gitar, aku dpt donlod backing track dier..gitar pro leh donlod kat website dia.. |
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