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Evolution - Tibet Buddha

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Post time 15-5-2007 10:43 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Everthing is in a state of evolution. A child is born as a helpless baby and gradually evolves into an adult. People go to school and their evolution is much that they progress from class to class.

Men do not become angles on the earthly stage of evolution any more than animals turn into humans on this world. All must evolve according to the plans of the Universe and according to their own species.

The development of Man, or Mankind, has been proceeding for many millions of years. By consulting the Akashic Record you will be able to see the first form of Man was a globe, a creature not altogether solid, not altogether gaseous, something like an unpleasant murky of jelly. He had only one eye and no mind; instead, he was almost an automaton.

That was in the first Race of Man. In the second Race there was a difference because certain appendages protruded from the globe which was Man, and there was a rudimentary mind much as in the case of a monkey.

In the third Race of Man there was a dividing of the globe or sphere so that there were two sexes, male and female.

You may be interested in some of the different Races: In the first case with which we need deal there was the Race of the people of Lemuria, yes, there really was Lemuria! The Race at that time had instinct and passion, but they were not possessed of many of the higher emotions, not possessed of aspiration for spiritual pursuits.

The Earth in those days was still in a stage of development. Great gouts of flame shot out from the interior and there were earthquakes, and the Continent of Lemuria sank beneath the waves.

After the Lemurian Race there came the Atlantian Race. This was a improvement on the Lemurian because the Atlantian functioned on the higher emotions, the also evolved into a more reasoning type of mind, they went in for science a lot and, sadly, they produced an atom bomb thousands and thousands of years ago. The atom bomb went off, and the land called Atlantis sank beneath the waves. There were survivors scattered in various remote districts; some of their children were affected by radiations, and so there were mutations, mutations which caused the Aryan Race.

The Aryan Race is more of a concrete mind than spiritual, in fact, trying to get spiritual thoughts into most people is like trying to break concrete!

A sixth Race is functioning in the abstract, and eventually in the age of Aquarius, into which we are now entering, they will evolve into a spiritual mind. After this spiritual development we shall have a greater incursion into the abilities of a seventh Race. There are some of the seventh Race already on Earth, not many of them, but enough to provide a seed or nucleus, and the seventh Race will eventually achieve a knowledge of the leaders of this whole Solar System.

Evolution, then, is that which enables people, or anything, to develop and make progress.



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 Author| Post time 15-5-2007 10:52 AM | Show all posts
Wisdom of The Ancient

T. Lobsang Rampa

Buku ni bagaikan dictionary kepada banyak istilah n perkataan yg ada dalam ajaran Buddha n Hindu...

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Post time 15-5-2007 11:01 AM | Show all posts
johnconan kau Tak buat kajian Tentang Confucius, Mozi (Mohism @ Bokko)....

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Post time 15-5-2007 01:50 PM | Show all posts
johnconan betul ke Buddha ialah bekas Raja Di Sebuah Negeri Di India dan Merantau ke seluruh dunia (bunyi Macam Asoka jer)

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Post time 18-5-2007 04:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 15-5-2007 01:50 PM
johnconan betul ke Buddha ialah bekas Raja Di Sebuah Negeri Di India dan Merantau ke seluruh dunia (bunyi Macam Asoka jer)

The title of mahatma is a symbol given to spiritually enlightened beings who are ahead of others in the journey towards the final destination - Sachkhand. The crowds start to congregate around these pious people as divinity of these great souls becomes known.  Buddha was raised to the status of Mahatma after he achieved enlightenment under the Bodhi tree at Gaya. Initially people considered him a nuisance in orange robes and closed the door on him when he went begging for food while practicing humility. Buddha is known to have gone hungry for days, but he never harbored malice in his heart. Evidentially, Buddha did not enter into and try to justify the Varna (caste) system that promotes differentiating people based on the purity of races.

The prince, Buddha, did not take interest in the royal executive duties and adopted the path of Samadhi (spirituality) against the wishes of his father. In comparison, Mohandas K. Gandhi has not known for his interest in spiritual things beyond praying and visiting the temple in his later years. As a matter of fact Gandhi was too busy with his political life to concern himself with the superfluous. No one is sure if he earned even an initial status of a sadhu or a guru, divinity being an infinite distance away.


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Post time 18-5-2007 04:11 PM | Show all posts
interesting topic, tp perlu di kupas dengan lebih mendalam.......

What is Evolution?
Evolution can be a confusing term because it is used in more than one way. Many people in the general population have developed an incorrect understanding of evolution for a number of reasons. One is the misinformation spread by creationists - by misrepresenting evolution, they may hope that it will be easier to get people to disregard it. Another is simple ignorance of the topic itself and the specific ways in which science uses certain terminology.

Is Evolution a Fact or a Theory?
There is some confusion about evolution as a fact and evolution as a theory. Often you can find critics claiming that evolution is "just a theory" rather than a fact, as if that were supposed to demonstrate that it shouldn't be given serious consideration. Such arguments are based upon a misunderstanding of both the nature of science and the nature of evolution.

What are Microevolution and Macroevolution?
There is one particular aspect of evolution that needs to be given specific attention: the somewhat artificial distinction between what is called "microevolution" and "macroevolution", two terms often used by creationists in their attempts to critique evolution and evolutionary theory.

Is Evolution Scientific?
This question isn't as simple as it sounds, but the short answer is yes, evolution is science. Evolution meets the criteria generally accepted by scientists as defining science, and the vast majority of scientists accept evolution as science.

Evolution and Origin of Life
As if evolution and evolutionary theory were not already confusing enough, many creationists complicate matters even further by promulgating the mistaken idea that evolution is the same as abiogenesis. One common way this is done is to argue that evolution cannot explain how life began while creationism can and, therefore, creationism is superior to evolution.

Evolution Chronology
Timeline of events surrounding evolutionary theory. Events include those related to the development of evolutionary theory and the controversy surrounding the teaching of evolution and creationism in schools.



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 Author| Post time 19-5-2007 05:49 PM | Show all posts
saya ambil dari buku Wisdom of The Ancient tulisan. Penerangan lebih kepada Buddha aliran Tibet.

Dlm buku ni ada gak terangkan apa itu Overself, Akashic Record...

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Post time 21-5-2007 06:03 PM | Show all posts
Excuse me, sorry to disturb. I think this Evolution is accepted by both Evolutionists and Creationists.

Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution

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Post time 21-5-2007 07:31 PM | Show all posts
SONofODIN lawak apakah hang sedang buat nih

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Post time 21-5-2007 09:30 PM | Show all posts

Reply #10 HangPC2's post


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Post time 22-5-2007 09:58 AM | Show all posts

Reply #9 SONofODIN's post

Nih berapa horse power nih??? agak2 boleh tapau imprezza aku tak?
Wira juga mampu ber evolusi menjadi lancer....

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Post time 22-5-2007 12:58 PM | Show all posts

Reply #12 sedondon's post

ff: Janganlah kacau dia orang.

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Post time 27-1-2014 12:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dutchy posted on 18-5-2007 04:06 PM
The title of mahatma is a symbol given to spiritually enlightened beings who are ahead of others ...

Buddha pergi bermeditasi utk lari dari dunia yg penuh ketidakadilan - KASTA..

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Post time 28-1-2014 06:18 PM | Show all posts
tapak kaki kt adam peak kt sri lanka tu footprint buddha ke atau lain?

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