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Diploma Admin & Management Office Kerjasama Knowlege Uni & UTM
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Hi guyz...
K memang nak sambung study tapi sblum ni tak tau pulak ade diploma dlm bidang admin...
So hari tu gi surf kat
Tgk2 fuh...ade pulak.....So K nak tanye korang ade tak sesape yg pernah study kat Knowlege University atau ambil diploma dlm Admin & Management Office kat sini?...Bagus tak?....Sila la kongsi pengalaman Anda...
Sebab Yuran nye dlm RM9,000 - RM10,000 K nak guna kan peluang dgn duit tu sbaik mungkin....
Diploma 1 tahun...Tapi syarat mesti ade pengalaman bkerja sblum ni.....Tapi semua peringkat bleh join SPM to Diploma...Harap2 Degree pun bleh....Eheheheks,... |
cek dl..iktiraf x..
kalo x rugi duit ko..
lgpn aku xpnah dgr name u ni.. |
knowledge universiti nih yg JV ngan olympia college ek? |
Originally posted by QAX at 5-3-2008 10:45 AM
knowledge universiti nih yg JV ngan olympia college ek?
Knowledge Universe was founded to meet the growing need for private higher education in the nation and is a member of the renowned Raffles Education Group. As a reward to its standards of quality, Knowledge Universe has grown into a steadfast network with 18 centres and has plans to open 25 centres by the end of 2007
As a member of Raffles Education Group, Knowledge Universe also adheres to the fundamental principles of offering quality education at an affordable cost, providing a wider range of courses, supported by a team of highly qualified lecturers and fostering a conducive and open learning environment.
The courses offered by Knowledge Universe are both full-time and part-time study and are at diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The qualification would lead to external awards from British and Malaysian universities. On completion, students can look forward to building career as professionals in the following industries: Business, Entrepreneurship, Hotels, Multimedia Specialist, Systems Engineer, Financial Services, Sales and Marketing, Human Resource, Administrative Management, Public Relations or Advertising, Systems Analysis and Web Designing.
All learning centres offer facilities such as state-of the-art computer labs, library and internet facilities for the convenience of its students.
To be No. 1 in providing knowledge beyond borders.
To meet our stated aims of offering quality education at an affordable cost and with wide range of course, Knowledge Universe has tied-up with the following leading educational institutions:
- Nottingham Trent University (NTU), United Kingdom
- World Education Council (WEC)
- Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, through UTM抯 School of Professional and Continuing Education (SPACE-UTM)
Cube gi tgk |
Raffles Education Group tuh owner olympia gak... kalo tak silap mmg die ade JV nagn olympia...
my comment... management olympia tak bagus... kaco biau sket... tp mgkn lecturer die ok...
nape tak amik yg subsidiaries UTM trus..? mcm space ke BATC ke... xpon leh amik OUM... SIRIM pon skang ade offer menatang nih....
sume pon 1 tahun... yuran lebih kurang.... |
Reply #7 kinky71's post
SSM bukan bukti iktiraf kan?... pengiktirafan tak silap aku datang dari kementerian kan?
SSM tuh bukti ia syarikat yg sah je... |
Reply #10 kinky71's post
Reply #10 kinky71's post
paling senang nak tau tanye orang HR kerajaan... die ade approved IPT list... aku tak tau le plak... sbb selalunya org kerajaan je yg particular ttg pengiktirafan ni... |
Originally posted by QAX at 6-3-2008 12:40 PM
paling senang nak tau tanye orang HR kerajaan... die ade approved IPT list... aku tak tau le plak... sbb selalunya org kerajaan je yg particular ttg pengiktirafan ni...
Its ok...K dah tgk website UTM...die org memang ade Diploma utk org2 yg dah bkerja....SPACEUTM...kalu tak salah..
Tapi K kena telefon...Kampus KL utk nak confirm....Sebab kat website tu takde pulak die org sebut Knowlege Universe ke ape2 badan lain yg berkenaan...
Esok K akan call.... |
Reply #13 kinky71's post
space utm tuh dekat la ngan tempat i.... die punye management tuh ok la gak... ade ISO plak tuh... so convincing la gak...
anyway, gud lack... chaiyok!! |
u ada degree ek..? nape tak smbg master jek... konfem ade full time... kalo exec diploma nih selalunya mmg part time kan? |
Reply #17 Amiizaa's post
Knowledge Universe (KU)..UTM -SPACE pun dah nak masuk program ni hari tu.dah register and paid rm300. tp tak jadi. sy jumpa and tanya sendiri ngan manager KU ni, program ni mmg tak da approval from LAN. program ni fokus for knowledge. program ni kalo betul2 nak pat knowledge je, and tak kisah certificate. tp sy kisah, rugi kalo tak leh guna sijil tu utk apply job.
yg tak sedapnyer...manager tu kata KU ni bertindak sebagai org tengah jer...utk manage UTM SPACE program..dia kata UTM SPACE ni ialah satu department di UTM Johor tu. then sy tanya, material -notes, exam paper semua preparedd by who? dia kata KU yg prepared, but endorsed by UTM. then i ask again, exam paper who mark, and certify, he said exam paper marked in KL. dia tak kata org UTM-SPACE kat UTM johor yg mark. dia g tau, KU nyer head office/main kampus di mesti kakitangan main campus yg cek. lecturer semua pun hired by KU, dia gi tau UTM SPACE department kat johor involve gak dlm selection leh percaya ke?
so dr apa yg sy nampak, penglibatan UTM dlm kursus ni just utk register sebagai student and buat student kad - student kad sama mcm student full time kat UTM johor. and kita diberi akses to online library UTM. and UTM johor juga uruskan graduation (grad kat UTM johor).
byk keraguan. kalo difikirkan, tak logik dpt diploma dlm setahun. dah lah part time, kelas 2 kali sebulan. org diploma full time pun plg sket 2 tahun dpt diploma. kalo tak salah, LAN approval diploma kena 3 tahun syarat dia.
tp yg pasti point2 ni dah cukup utk sy pull out dr UTM-SPACE program ni.
- takda pengiktirafan LAN
- material - notes and exam takda kena mengena ngan UTM kat johor. material prepared by KU. so material yg kita pakai kat kampus KU berbeza ngan yg dipakai di UTM-SPACE, UTM johor. So, mana kualiti? takde konsistensi dlm material yg dipakai pun.
- KU ni kompeni, bukan kolej. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi