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Pulau Pinang bakal kehilangan status tapak warisan dunia?
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Malaysian island may lose heritage status over building row:
report AFP - Thursday, November 20
KUALALUMPUR, Nov 20, 2008 (AFP) - Malaysia's Penang island, world-renowned for its architecture and culture, could lose its UNESCO world heritage listing if four new high-rise hotels are built in its capital, reports said Thursday.
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng told the New Straits Times his government was in a bind as the buildings exceed the 15-metre (49-foot) maximum UNESCO height guidelines but were approved by a previous government before heritage status was granted.
"We cannot afford to call off the projects as the developers will take legal action against the local authorities so we must face the reality of losing the UNESCO status,"Lim was quoted by the paper as saying.
The chief minister said the state government would discuss the matter with the Culture, Arts and Heritage ministry to find a solution.UNESCO's regional adviser Richard Engelhardt told the Star Daily the state government had no choice but to adhere to the World Heritage Committee (WHC) guidelines.
"When the status is approved, the guidelines trump all previous existing regulations," he told the paper, adding: "Why would you apply for the status if there was no intention of following the guidelines?"
Georgetown along with the port city of Malacca were awarded heritage status in July after years of waiting for recognition. Penang's capital was honoured for its colonial-era pre-World War II buildings.
It also boasts a multi-cultural living heritage of ethnic groups including Malays, Indians, Chinese,Eurasians, Armenians, Japanese, Britons, Jews, Filipinos and Indonesians.
Malacca chief minister Mohammad Ali Rustam urged Lim to prevent any "illegal" development in Georgetown that could jeapordise the heritage status of both cities as the recognition was given jointly, the New Straits Times reported.
Hotel apa yg dorg nak bina tu?
Kalau Pulau Pinang hilang status tapak warisan dunia, adakah Melaka bakal hilang status tu jugak sebab PP & Melaka buat proposal bersama kan?
[ Last edited by flying_cow at 21-11-2008 03:16 PM ] |
Apa kelebihan status ni yer? |
Tak cukup byk ke hotel kat Batu Ferenggi tu BN oooiiiii |
Reply #2 kekekek's post
boleh boost tourism sector kot, susah jugak nak develop bandar bila dah ada status ni sbb byk guidelines kena jaga tanak bg status ditarik balik..akhirnya sesebuah bandar tu dah jadi mcm muzium, pembangunan bangunan baru susah nak jaga itu ini & jadi stagnant mcm sesetengah bandar di Europe |
tunggu komen herrhughie
aritu dia asyik kutuk Melaka jer |
agaknya kalu dpt status nih maka, berpusu2lah rakyat seantero donia dtg melawat ke dua2 buah negeri kotttt....
apa susah, batalkan ajerla projek nk buat hotel tu semua....tak pun buat jer ikut guideline yg diberi....kenelah berkorban kan.... |
Alah..Penang dah kaya dah maju dah...Tesco pun dah ada...tak yah la berstautus2 tapak warisan dunia tu.. |
projek nak buat hotel tu time bn perintah dulu ek? |
Originally posted by kekekek at 21-11-2008 03:16 PM
Apa kelebihan status ni yer?
status nih akan menyebabkan ramai pelancong asing dtg...
mereka nak tengok bangunan yg bebetul bersejarah..
dorang pon tak heran.. shopping complex.. eye of melesia dll bangunan moden..
ape yg mereka nak yg bebetul bersejarah
kalo kat melake... dorang lagi suke gi jonker walk dr pegi pahlawan mall/mahkota parade...
sebab ape yg ade kat jonker walk tu kat negare mereka takde... |
aku ingat sebab kejohanan king of tennis tak jadi buat kat penang.. iskkk |
Reply #10 mas_molli's post
semalam kan tb3suku dah heboh2 pasai benda ni..
naik muak aku dengaq..:@ |
Reply #8 girlphg's post
Semua approved pada tahun 2007.
Sekarang ada 3 pilihan bagi kerajaan negeri:
1) gantirugi kpd developer pasal plan dah approved by ex gov.
2) berunding dgn developer supaya merendahkan plan kpd 5 tingkat, dan jikalau developer setuju (pasal dah approved)
3) runding dgn unesco utk buat exceptional pasal plan dah approved sebelum dpt status world heritage |
Reply #12 herrhughie's post
Antara 4 plan, 2 dah jalan, nak hentikan kena bayar gantirugi besar. 2 lagi masih boleh ditukarkan lagi.
Kali ini akan mengaji kebijaksanaan kerajaan negeri. Walaupun faham benda ni dilakukan oleh kerajaan dulu, tapi masalah tetap perlu diselesaikan |
Reply #3 Anden's post
Kebelakangan ni, pembangunan di penang sgt pesat, begitu juga dgn sektor pelancongan. Maka menarik byk investor utk melabur di penang |
Reply #13 herrhughie's post
2 di core zone, 2 di buffer zone |
Reply #1 flying_cow's post
Semua jenis 5 bintang.
Rice miller
royale bintang
E&O expansion
..tak tau nama lagi
melaka juga bina sebuah hotei pahlawan yg agaknya 20+ tingkat, bakal jadi masalah juga. |
Originally posted by kekekek at 21-11-2008 03:16 PM
Apa kelebihan status ni yer?
Dpt habuan funding dari UNESCO utk memulihara, maintenance gaknya. |
Reply #18 alibnmat's post
Tak silap, utk melaka dan penang tiada duit dpd unesco.
Tapi bagi melaka, korek duit negaralah, penang..kena korek pocket sendiri
tujuan utama bukan dr segi wang / pelancongan, tapi utk melindungi warisan sendiri |
Originally posted by herrhughie at 22-11-2008 02:58 PM
Tak silap, utk melaka dan penang tiada duit dpd unesco.
Tapi bagi melaka, korek duit negaralah, penang..kena korek pocket sendiri
tujuan utama bukan dr segi wang / pelancongan, tapi utk melindu ...
Oh ye ker, bukan sbb $$$USD.first time ku dengar dia orang nih, rais yatim buat keja ikhlas, suci murni |
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