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[tvN/Prime Video] Our Blooming Youth - Park Hyung Sik, Jeon So Nee (Mulai 6 Feb 2023)

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Post time 4-2-2023 09:47 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Drama: Our Blooming Youth
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 20
Airs: Feb 6, 2023 - Apr 11, 2023
Airs On: Monday, Tuesday
Original Network: TVING, tvN
Duration: 1 hr. 20 min.
Content Rating: 15+ - Teens 15 or older

Native Title: 청춘월담
Also Known As: Sleep Memo , Sleeping Rock , The Golden Hairpin , Youth, Talk to the Moon , Jamjunglog , Youth Climbing Over the Wall , Cheongchuniyeo Woldamhara , Cheongchunwoldam , 잠중록 , 청춘이여 월담하라 , Youth, Climb the Barrier , The Tale of Youth , Youth Montly Talk
Screenwriter: Jung Hyun Jung
Director: Lee Jong Jae
Genres: Historical, Mystery, Romance, Drama

A story of Crown Prince Lee Hwan (Park Hyung-Sik) and Min Jae-Yi's (Jeon So-Nee) fateful love.

Crown Prince Lee Hwan is arrogant, mean and capricious to other people. He also holds a secret of a mysterious curse. Consequently, he is a lonely person who hides a deep scar within his mind. Meanwhile, Min Jae-Yi is an extremely smart girl and she comes from a respected noble family. Her entire family is suddenly murdered and she is framed as the killer. She is chased by people who try to arrest her.

Quiet and gentle, Min Jae Yi is everything a good daughter of a prominent family should be. Engaged to the son of the Second State Councillor, Jae Yi knows that the only way to bring herself and her family honor is to accept her fate, which she does with grace and charm. Devoting herself to learning everything she needs to know to become a good wife and mother, Jae Yi dutifully prepares for the future. Sadly, destiny has other plans for her future.

Four days before her wedding, Jae Yi’s family is murdered. With no one else to blame for the unexpected tragedy, Jae Yi soon finds herself the object of baseless and horrifying accusations. Blamed for the death of her family, Jae Yi might not have had much of a future at all, if fate hadn’t decided to intervene. Bringing the lonely crown prince, Lee Hwan into her life at just the right moment, Jae Yi is saved from a dismal fate, but her salvation comes at a price.

Plagued by a mysterious curse, Lee Hwan agrees to help Jae Yi, but only if she agrees to help him break his curse in return. Unable to refuse such an offer, Jae Yi agrees to the prince’s terms, setting them both on an unexpected path toward love. But what chance does their love have of surviving when one of them is a former murder suspect and the other is a cursed prince?

Park Hyung-SikJeon So-NeePyo Ye-JinYun Jong-SeokLee Tae-Sun
Lee HwanMin Jae-YiGa-RamHan Sung-OnKim Myung-Jin
Lee Hwan's Group
Heo Won-SeoChoi Dae-Chul
Tae-GangEunuch So
Royal Palace
Lee Jong-HyukHong Soo-HyunJung Woong-InJung Da-EunLim Han-Bin
KingQueenJo Won-BoPrincess HayeonPrince Myungan
Han Sung-On's Family
Cho Seong-Ha
Han Joong-Eon
Kim Myung-Jin's Group
Son Byung-HoPark Hyo-JoonJung In-Gyeom
Kim An-JikSam-ChilMonk Moojin

source : mydramalist, asianwiki




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Post time 8-2-2023 05:03 AM | Show all posts
so far  the  pilot  episodes  are nice .
the setting of the plot tu menarik, ala royal inspector gitu.

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Post time 8-2-2023 09:52 AM | Show all posts
Edited by lynn_dmm at 8-2-2023 09:53 AM

tq xyla buat rumah ni...
baru nk tgk epis 1...skang ni byk plak kdrama masuk prime video ye...disney pun mcm kurang plak...iols takde prime video...hahaha...kena la tgk kat dramacool ke....huhuuh..

Use magic Report

Post time 8-2-2023 11:42 AM | Show all posts
watak Kim Myung jin tu 'menarik'.tengoklah pada second 1/2  akhir ep 2 tu...terkejut i.

Use magic Report

Post time 14-2-2023 10:54 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 8-2-2023 11:42 AM
watak Kim Myung jin tu 'menarik'.tengoklah pada second 1/2  akhir ep 2 tu...terkejut i.

watak ni menarik...nak tgk nanti dia side mana kan..jahat ke baik..mcm bole pair ngn pyo ye jin tu (lupa plak nama dia dalam ni)

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Post time 23-2-2023 09:38 AM | Show all posts
dah 6 episod...drama ni semakin menarik...siap ada penyiasatan and forensic jgak...

tapi iols mula2 tak faham..kenapa jae yi tak cari tunang dia dulu...kan tunang tu bff dgn crown dia pegi pada crown prince and lari dr tunang dia...kat situ iols kurang paham...or ada yg iols terlepas..mmg la bapak dia pesan suh protect CP...

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Post time 23-2-2023 09:53 AM | Show all posts
awal2 tgk heroin takde la mcm suka...tapi lama2 suka plak...menjadi gak chemistry dia dgn park hyung sik...tak nmpk kekok...

tapi iols tetap suka pair  PHS dan Han Hyo Joo dalam Happiness...

Use magic Report

Post time 24-2-2023 07:15 AM | Show all posts
Aii tgk sampai episode 4 - episode 5 & 6 tak tengok lagi sebab:-

1. Cepat nar lah pulak CP minat dgn FL
2. Aii kesian dkt second lead hero

Dia lebih percayakan FL dari his childhood friend. Han tak beritahu dia pasal compass aii boleh terima sebab kena mengena dgn his father. If I am in his shoes pun aii buat tindakan yg sama.

Forbidden Marriage aii tgk dua episode jer lepas tu dropped it sebab cliche sgt jalan cerita. Under The Queen umbrella pun aii tgk sekerat jalan. AOS pun sama.

La ni balik semula tgk mini drama cina - cerita korea pulak aii tgk kisah curang curang sampai sekarang bila tgk drama suami curang contoh Trolley .. aii dah lali.

Sekarang tunggu Glory jer.

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Post time 3-3-2023 12:10 PM | Show all posts
i suke plot citer sejak Jae Yi jadi Eunuch di east palace, sampai dia berjaya solved mister murder case tu sampai kena buang istane.

nice plot

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Post time 6-3-2023 10:03 AM | Show all posts
drama ni semakin menarik..iols tak sabar nak tau pasal pembunuh parents jae yi...and sapa yg ugut CP sebenanrya....tiba2 ada sumpahan plak dr family song..tak tau lagi sapa song ni...tak sabar tunggu ari ni..

Character development pun makin lama makin jd makin menarik..

Use magic Report

Post time 10-3-2023 11:24 AM | Show all posts
episod 9... ada plak cerita pasal pemberontak kes2 bunuh and surat hantu pada CP tu mcm berkaitan..tapi bile pawang perempuan mati diorg pun buntu sapa disebalik kejadian...cuma bile timbul kisah pemberontak song ni...mmg diorg suspek saki baki dr kes song ni 10 tahun dulu...

kesian putera myung an..smpi terkencing2 takut..

nasib la CP jaeyi and geng siasat dia bijak...

ujung2 epi 9 sedih plak pasal ayah seong on kena tuduh...tapi CP dpt buktikan diorg tak salah..


Use magic Report

Post time 10-3-2023 11:28 AM | Show all posts
episod 10 ada plot twist plak...

so iols suspek geng2 pemberontak song ni ada dalam istana tu...yg nampk mcm queen tu berdendam jgak tu, taegang-bodyguard CP tu pun sesuatu...

and lady maid queen...

ntah2 pemberontak song tu boyfriend si queen...cinta terlarang gitu...pastu pak sedara dia si Cho tu yg buat story pasal ada pemberonyak sbb nak bunuh bf queen sbb nak kawin kan dia ngn king....iols speku je laa...hehehe

tak sabar next episod..

bole tak tak payah nak buat2 kisah cinta CP ...walaupun rasa je chemistry antara CP n jae yi...tapi Seong on tu acane...setakat ni dia bkn redflag pun...dh kawan blk plak tu dengan kalau seong on kawin ngn puteri tu takpe laaa...lg pun diorg tunang sbb family arrange je...bkn sbb cinta kan....hehehehe

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Post time 22-3-2023 11:59 AM | Show all posts
episod 14

makin memuncak..lg 2 episod da blh tau sape pembunuh parents MJY

blm ada update pasal Taegang..xtau dia side mana..Queen ni i speku ada kaitan dgn Beokcyeon xclear apa..msh samar2..

klu mengikut lady maid Queen..dialog dia suru 'her' berhati2..tapi xsure her refer pd siapa...adakah MJY atau lady maid CP

urm..MJY da hint2 kata dia suka sum1 else...mmg dia takkan kembali pada lemau btl CP ni...xboleh tangkap siapa MJY maksudkan..

muncul da watak calon CPwess...sepupu  pd nengok episod preview next episod..mcm sesuatu juga sepupu tu..bhahahah

btw ..calon wife Master Kim...collapse tiba2...Lord Cho pun da semakin tau byk hal..dia da tau GSD tu MJY...

King pun da 1step forward..mmg dia percayakan Lord Han aka Left State Minister & Lord Kim aka Chief State Councilor

tunggu next lagi

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Post time 22-3-2023 12:01 PM | Show all posts
eh ada 20 episode lak cite ni..walawei..ingatkan 16 epi je

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Post time 23-3-2023 03:08 PM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 22-3-2023 12:01 PM
eh ada 20 episode lak cite ni..walawei..ingatkan 16 epi je

la..20 ekk...iols pun x perasan ingat kan mmg 16...padanla dah episod 14 pun masih x selsesai masalah..pastu kapal CP n jaeyi tu mcm susah je nak belayar..

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Post time 24-3-2023 01:16 PM | Show all posts
lynn_dmm replied at 23-3-2023 03:08 PM
la..20 ekk...iols pun x perasan ingat kan mmg 16...padanla dah episod 14 pun masih x selsesai masa ...

urm..xsuka nak ship MJY ngan CP....xpayahla

baik teruskan pada niat asal nak kembali pada tunang...plot twist mcm tu lagi seronok

udah2la disajikan dgn percintaan senyap2 eunuch ngn CP ni  ...muehehehhe

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Post time 27-3-2023 08:24 AM | Show all posts
i pun tak kisah dia balik dgn tunang dia...sbb tunang pun baik...hahhaha...ingt2 kan tunang tu bakal jd jahat..eh2 tgk baik plak..cuma jaeyi laa nak pilih CP mmg suka dia dah...tapi kalau jaeyi ngn CP tambah lagi la geng Han tersakiti..hehehe...jeng jeng jeng,..tapi selesaikan hal negara ni dulu

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Post time 28-3-2023 12:52 PM | Show all posts
ntah ler mmg nampak ke CP je ni..sian seken lead..walhal btl dia yg paling tersakiti,,kecewa..even perkahwinan terancang oleh keluarga

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Post time 30-3-2023 08:55 AM | Show all posts
iols baru abis tgk epi 16 smlm...byk dah terungkai dah...cuma apsal bunuh family jaeyi je lum nmpk lagi..
tapi tulaa...CP terpaksa lepaskan Jaeyi demi tanggungjawab pada negara...tapi tak tau la kan nanti CP and jaeyi bole bersama..kemain CP sedia kan rumah utk jadikan sekolah utk jaeyi...

tapi sampai epi 16 jaeyi sah dh mmg suka CP...tapi pun mcm berkorban..dia pun taknak blk kat tunang dia...lgpun tunang dia mmg tak tau lagi pasal jaeyi...kesian mmg takde pun scene dia dgn jaeyi betul2...sbb dia tak tau si sun dol tu jaeyi second lead syndrom tu kurang sikit la..cuma kesian la dia kena tipu bodoh2 tak tau jaeyi depan mata..

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Post time 30-3-2023 08:57 AM | Show all posts
queen mmg dendam ngn atok jahaat aka gila tu...geram rasa queen la bini song..adakah taegang pun anak song? taegang kembar rupanyaa...

tp iols musykil..apsal queen nak bunuh princess tuu? kesian je luah perasaan anak bonda bagai...

grand prince tu kesian trauma dia..upenya dia yg bg buah pic pada late CP...king lum tau lagi king mmg tau family Cho jahat and terpaksa ikut telunjuk menteri cho tu jeee

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