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Online Vege/Flower Seed seller
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Salam semua... Skrg ni tengah nak belajar berjinak2 dengan gardening. Tapi saya jenis yg minat bunga/sayur yg jarang org tempatan tanam cam zucchini, beetroot etc. And biasanya benih2 ni takde dijual di kedai pertanian or giant. Recently, saya terjumpa websites yg jual benih2 sayur/bunga2 non-local online.
Owner of this site ada garden.. and mereka tanam sayur/bunga local and non-local. Thru this site, saya beli benih carrots, calendula, celery, fennel, alpine strawberry and a few others... penghantaran cepat and mudah, siap dapat hadiah lagi hehehhehe... and benih yg saya beli cepat cambah... And baca blog dia pun seronok, nice tips and pics.
Saya beli benih kohlrabi, borage, spinach and a few others. Urusan juga sangat mudah dan cepat. Juga dapat hadiah benih free lagi.. ANd benih juga cepat cambah. Benih local and mostly non-local boleh didapati di sini. Love this site also.
Website ni offer more exotic seeds cam olive tree, rhubarb, artichokes etc.. sapa2 yg nak cuba2 skill gardening tanam pokok temperate climate sila la cuba. Transaction juga sangat mudah dan cepat. Saya baru je dapat seeds dari website ni hari ni.. and dapat free seeds lagi (fig dan golden zucchini). Hari ni nak semai the seeds, and hopefully, berjaya. Awesome site.
So, ini 3 sites yg saya dah beli. And the seeds were bought this month (OCTOBER 2013). Very recent lah.
Anyways... kalau kengkawan tau mana2 online seeds seller untuk diwar2kan.. meh la share. Sometimes nak keluar cari seeds sangat la tak convenient... and some seeds are not sold kt kedai2 or supermarket biasa kan...
I buka thread baru sbb thread benih bunga sayur yg I jumpa only focus on jabatan pertanian seeds etc while this is about ONLINE seed sellers. I hope it's Ok ya momod.
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that site including yours really make me happy.....
heheheh tqvm for the info..... |
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