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Hubungan Kesultanan Melaka dengan Empayar Turki Uthmaniyah

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Post time 22-1-2014 09:19 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Malaylar ile Osmanlı arasındaki ilişkiler, aslında çok daha önceleri başlıyor. 13. asırda Malay halkının İslamiyeti kabul etmesinden sonra ilk temaslar başlamış ve 15. asırda Osmanlı Devleti ile Malay Sultanlığı birbirlerini tanımış. İlişkilerin ilk ticari sonuçları ise Fatih Sultan Mehmet zamanında alınır. 1471’de Fatih Sultan Mehmet ile Malay Sultanı Mansur Şah arasında ticaret anlaşması imzalanır. Anlaşma sadece ticaretle sınırlı kalmaz. Fatih’in kızı, Sultan Mansur Şah’ın büyük oğlu Raja Alauddin Şah ile evlenir. Bu evlilik, Malaylar ile Türkler arasındaki bağların daha da güçlenmesine sebep olur. Aradaki kız alıp vermeler daha sonra da devam eder. Yavuz Sultan Selim Han’ın Mısır’ı fethinden sonra halifeliğin Osmanlılara geçmesiyle, Malaylarla Osmanlı’nın ilişkileri daha da güçlenir. Ülkesi, Ümit Burnu’nun keşfinden sonra Portekiz ve Hollandalıların saldırılarına maruz kalan Malaca Sultanı Alauddin, Osmanlı’dan yardım ister. Osmanlı’nın desteği, Malayların Portekiz ve Hollanda işgalinde kaldığı 17 ve 18. yüzyıllarda da devam eder. Hatta o dönem, Portekiz gemilerinin saldırılarından korunmak için Malay gemileri Osmanlı bayrakları ile dolaşmaya başlar. ... in-osmanlilari.html

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In spite of appearance,relationship between Ottoman empire and Malay people started a long time ago.ın the 13th century, first contacts start when Malay people accept the Islam and ın 15th century,Ottoman empire and Sultanate of malay start to know each other. First commercial results of this relation occur in time of Fatih Sultan 1471,Fatih Sultan Mehmet and Malay king Mansur Shah enter into a commercial agreement.but this aggreement didnt remain limited with of Fatih’s daughters marry the eldest son of Sultan Mansur Shah who name is Raja Alauddin Shah.this marriage inspire to develop connection between these two countries.thereafter,it contınue to intermarry with each time of Yavuz Sultan Selim when Khilafah change hands for the benefit of ottoman empire ,this relation have become much stronger.Malacca sultan Alauddin call for help against The netherlands and Portugal that attack after discovery of cape of good hope.the Ottomans support contınue in 17th and 18th century when these two conuntries occupy Malaysian land. Even that time,malaysian ships display a Ottoman flag for defend themselves from Potuguese attack…

The Ottoman Sultan immediately sent naval and military aid to the Malays when the Portuguese attacked Malacca in 1511.

tiada dalam buku sejarah malaysia

1) Hubungan kesultanan Melayu dan Turki Uthmaniyah sejak kurun ke 13
2) Perjanjian Perdagangan antara Sultan Muhammad Al-fateh dan Sultan Mansur Shah Melaka pada 1471
3) Perkahwinan antara anak Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih dan Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah Melaka

Last edited by HangPC2 on 22-1-2014 09:23 PM



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Post time 23-1-2014 10:14 AM | Show all posts
In spite of appearance,relationship between Ottoman empire and Malay people started a long time ago.ın the 13th century, first contacts start when Malay people accept the Islam and ın 15th century,Ottoman empire and Sultanate of malay start to know each other. First commercial results of this relation occur in time of Fatih Sultan Mehmet.

Ini kali pertama saya tahu mengenai hubungan perdagangan Daulah Islamiyyah Khilafah Uthmaniyyah dengan Kesultanan Melayu Melaka.

in 1471,Fatih Sultan Mehmet and Malay king Mansur Shah enter into a commercial agreement.but this aggreement didnt remain limited with of Fatih’s daughters marry the eldest son of Sultan Mansur Shah who name is Raja Alauddin Shah.this marriage inspire to develop connection between these two countries.thereafter,it contınue to intermarry with each time of Yavuz Sultan Selim when Khilafah change hands for the benefit of ottoman empire ,this relation have become much stronger.

Amat mengejutkan! Khalifah As-Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih menghantar puteri baginda yang dinikahi putera Sultan Mansur Syah iaitu Raja Alauddin Syah. Mengapa tiada fakta ini dalam rekod sejarah kita, atau mengapa ia tidak didedahkan!

Malacca sultan Alauddin call for help against The netherlands and Portugal that attack after discovery of cape of good hope.

Ini bermakna, Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah jauh lebih awal mengenalpasti ancaman strategik yang dibawa pedagang Portugal & Belanda ke atas perdagangan di Selat Melaka! Amat menyedihkan apabila Melaka sendiri di bawah Sultan Mahmud Syah langsung tidak bersedia dengan penaklukan Melaka oleh Portugal.

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Post time 23-1-2014 10:31 AM | Show all posts
the Ottomans support contınue in 17th and 18th century when these two conuntries occupy Malaysian land. Even that time,malaysian ships display a Ottoman flag for defend themselves from Potuguese attack…

Ini dapat dibuktikan menerusi kebangkitan Empayar Kesultanan Achech yang mewarisi kesinambungan kota perdagangan & pusat dakwah Islamiyyah di alam Melayu setelah kejatuhan Melaka.

The Ottoman Sultan immediately sent naval and military aid to the Malays when the Portuguese attacked Malacca in 1511.

Hmmm, yang ini perlukan kajian. Apa yang kita tahu dari rekod Sejarah, Turki Uthmaniyyah telah menghantar bantuan ketenteraan & teknologi perkapalan serta teknologi pembuatan senjata kepada Kesultanan Acheh untuk menangani ancaman Portugal di Selat Melaka.

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Post time 23-1-2014 10:38 AM | Show all posts
Hmm, saya sempat merujuk sumber, ketika penaklukan Melaka, Albuquerque mendapat maklumat terdapat lebih 20,000 perwira asing mempertahankan Melaka, dengan persenjataan pertahanan tidak kurang daripada 3000 meriam (banyak yang bersaiz kecil seperti meriam lela) dan 22 ekor gajah perang.

Apa yang menarik, di kalangan 20,000 pahlawan asing (kemungkinannya tentera upahan) adalah terdiri daripada perajurit berasal dari Jawa, Parsi & Turki!

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Post time 23-1-2014 11:28 AM | Show all posts
cuba main europa universalis IV ... korang nampak la nnti hubungan melaka dengan lupa jugak granada..Islam selatan sepanyol..

jngn jadi @roblucci asyik main FIFA14 saje.. lol

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Post time 23-1-2014 11:42 AM | Show all posts
pakwetizzaqyah posted on 23-1-2014 11:28 AM
cuba main europa universalis IV ... korang nampak la nnti hubungan melaka dengan lupa  ...

Orang nak bincang dari sudut sejarah, yang mana melibatkan fakta. Kalau takde apa2 nak sumbangkan bagi menjana sedikit ilmu, lebih baik posting di CI.

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Post time 23-1-2014 11:46 AM | Show all posts
robotech posted on 23-1-2014 11:42 AM
Orang nak bincang dari sudut sejarah, yang mana melibatkan fakta. Kalau takde apa2 nak sumbangkan  ...


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Post time 23-1-2014 03:14 PM | Show all posts
Atau apakah bantuan daripada Turki lewat tiba? Dan kemudiannya di'divert' ke Acheh?

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Post time 23-1-2014 03:29 PM | Show all posts
robotech posted on 23-1-2014 10:14 AM
Ini kali pertama saya tahu mengenai hubungan perdagangan Daulah Islamiyyah Khilafah Uthmaniyyah de ...

Pasal Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah minta bantuan Turki tu...bagaimanapun aku skeptikal sikit pasal ayat tu kata 'Portuguese and Netherlands attack' - Portugis hanya jumpa Tanjung Pengharapan tahun 1488 dan Vasco da Gama hanya seberang ke Lautan Hindi tahun 1498. Kecuali berlaku perselisihan tarikh, seingat aku Sultan Alauddin mangkat tahun 1488 jadi tak mungkin baginda minta bantuan tu. Aku rasa mungkin Sultan Alaudin Riayat Shah II atau mungkin sultan Acheh yang ada nama yang sama....


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 Author| Post time 23-1-2014 03:32 PM | Show all posts
alphawolf posted on 23-1-2014 03:14 PM
Atau apakah bantuan daripada Turki lewat tiba? Dan kemudiannya di'divert' ke Acheh?

yang Aceh kalau tidak silap Aceh ada hantar rombongan ke Turki.... sambil bawa bekalan '' Lada '' ke sana..

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Post time 23-1-2014 04:17 PM | Show all posts
Ottomans helped acheh after malacca was defeated by the potuguese.
Acheh is not real malay. They acquired firearm and shipbuilding technologies by licking ottoman butts.
While Johor which is malay developed their own weapon and galleon building technologies themselves

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Post time 23-1-2014 06:59 PM | Show all posts
BotakChinPeng posted on 23-1-2014 04:17 PM
Ottomans helped acheh after malacca was defeated by the potuguese.
Acheh is not real malay. They ac ...

Do we need to go into who's the real Malays again?

Well, given that current Johore's Sultan and quite a large numbers of Johorean Malays are not even 'pure' Malays but simply a mongrel halfbreeds .... but I digress.

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Post time 23-1-2014 07:02 PM | Show all posts
If we go and dig deeper ... well, well, even the first Malacca's Sultan is from Palembang, Sumatra. Which is not part of Malay Peninsula. Oooops, hell's bells, the entire Malacca's Sultanate rulers and their descendants have blood & DNA imprinted from Indonesia!!!

Oh my God!!!!!!

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 Author| Post time 23-1-2014 07:06 PM | Show all posts
BotakChinPeng posted on 23-1-2014 04:17 PM
Ottomans helped acheh after malacca was defeated by the potuguese.
Acheh is not real malay. They ac ...

'' Licking ottoman butts ''   tak betul tuh...

BERSEKUTU bertambah Mutu..... konsep dia kena cari partner yang kuat... sedar walaupun pun kita lemah...

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 Author| Post time 23-1-2014 07:07 PM | Show all posts
BotakChinPeng posted on 23-1-2014 04:17 PM
Ottomans helped acheh after malacca was defeated by the potuguese.
Acheh is not real malay. They ac ...

'' galleon building technologies ''

Limbungan Sulawesi

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Post time 23-1-2014 07:13 PM | Show all posts
Waitaminute .... the Selangor Sultanate is not pure Malay in blood? Ohmigosh! Real Malays ruled by 'mongrels'? What must we do?

Oppps, even the Malaysian PMs have non-pure Malay bloods? What does these means? Pure Malays are willing to sit down and let these 'unclean mongrels' with tainted DNA ruled us for so long?

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Post time 23-1-2014 07:17 PM | Show all posts
HangPC2 posted on 23-1-2014 07:07 PM
'' galleon building technologies ''

Indonesia juga tempatnya.

Teruk2 Kesultanan Acheh, banyak kali dikepungnya Melaka. Teruk2 Jawa, Sultan Demak iaitu Patih Unus dan dua orang anak baginda semuanya terkorban mati syahid untuk membebaskan Melaka dari Portugis.

Kerajaan Johor Lama cuma mengharapkan bantuan Belanda jugak untuk menakluk kembali Melaka. Itupun Belanda ambilalih sampai sudah.

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Post time 23-1-2014 07:32 PM | Show all posts
robotech posted on 23-1-2014 07:17 PM
Indonesia juga tempatnya.

Teruk2 Kesultanan Acheh, banyak kali dikepungnya Melaka. Teruk2 Jawa, ...

Ada bukti indonesia tempatnya geliung Johor kurun ke 16 dibina ?


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Post time 23-1-2014 07:32 PM | Show all posts
pakwetizzaqyah posted on 23-1-2014 11:28 AM
cuba main europa universalis IV ... korang nampak la nnti hubungan melaka dengan lupa  ...

aku dah lama tak baca buku sejarah.Tapi dalam buku sejarah sekolah takde pasal hubungan Melaka dan Uthmaniah kan?

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Post time 23-1-2014 07:35 PM | Show all posts
HangPC2 posted on 23-1-2014 07:07 PM
'' galleon building technologies ''
Limbungan Sulawesi

I'm afraid I'll have to ask for evidence on this


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