View: 7308|Reply: 33
Kisah Benar Suami Isteri
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soo touchingg.. |
ais_kosong posted on 29-1-2014 03:44 PM 
dah ada laa
xpe lagi skali bg yg x pnh tgk lgi 
orait bebeh  |
sayunya tgk... |
anak dia... comel sgtttttttt  |
Heheh...Cari boleh mintak Astro sponsor...heheh |
terharu.......... |
touching nye.. he must be so in love with his wife.. ank pn comel.. jage ank baik2 ye.. |
Ada org tak dpt bergerak ke depan kerana asyik dok pandang belakang  |
siannya dekat budak tu..... |
jiwa rock aku pun boleh luntur melihat gambar-gambar ini..sob..sob
| |