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6 Gambar Pusat Membeli Belah Terbiar Jd Kolam Ikan

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Post time 2-7-2014 11:33 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Ceritanya, dulu bangunan shopping mall ini punyai ketinggian 11 tingkat. Tetapi pada tahun 1997, 7 tingkat atas bangunan ini terpaksa dirobohkan atas sebab undang-undang tidak membenarkan mana-mana bangunan tinggi melebihi 4 tingat hanya kerana ada istana di kawasan tersebut.

Pada tahun 1999 pula, berlaku kebakaran yang mengakibatkan kematian. Dan sejak dari itu, bangunan itu dibiarkan begitu sahaja tanpa bumbung.

Hujan turun hari demi hari dan mengakibatkan air bertakung dan di bahagian ground floor pula menjadi kolam. Kesannya? 2003-2004 nyamuk membiak dengan bermaharajalela di kawasan itu dan menyebabkan ketidakselesaan pada penduduk sekitar.

Bagi mengatasi masalah berkenaan, penduduk sekitar meletak beberapa ekor ikan dalam kolam itu untuk mengawal pembiakan nyamuk. Hasilnya? Berkesan!

Sejak dari itu, ikan-ikan mula membiak. Namun kisah kolam ini hanya diketahui oleh penduduk kawasan itu sahaja. Entah bagaimana ia boleh tersebar di Facebook.

Semenjak perkhabaran mengenai kolam itu tersebar di laman sosial, ramai orang luar datang dan hal ini sampai ke pengetahuan pihak berkuasa tempatan.

Pihak berkuasa tempatan terpaksa menutup kawasan terbabit atas faktor keselamatan. -

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Post time 2-7-2014 11:37 AM | Show all posts
mak aih... dah mcm taman plak.. siap jadi kolam. ikan cantik2 & bosar2 plak tu

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Post time 2-7-2014 11:40 AM | Show all posts
uiii.... banyak nya ikan.... macam nak geram nak pi memancing plak...

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Post time 2-7-2014 11:41 AM | Show all posts
byknye ikan..
tp tpt tu mmg skeri la  

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Post time 2-7-2014 11:44 AM | Show all posts
bnyk nye ikan....goreng pun sodap ni....

renovate la sikit2 tmpat  tu....boleh buat tempat relax2 sambil tgk ikan yang bnyk n besar n cantik...

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Post time 2-7-2014 11:45 AM | Show all posts
boleh dimajukan nih jadi spa ikan

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Post time 2-7-2014 11:45 AM | Show all posts
idea nih buleh laa buat kat plaza rakyat...

dok kempen perangi aedes... kat situ je dah jd takungan besar..

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Post time 2-7-2014 11:47 AM | Show all posts
kat mane nieyh?? kalau renovate jadi vertical garden mesti bez... dapat mengatasi masalah kekurangan taman di bandar2~~

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Post time 2-7-2014 11:49 AM | Show all posts
huuiii seram pn ada

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Post time 2-7-2014 11:51 AM | Show all posts
cantik cuma takut je roboh bangunan tuh


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Post time 2-7-2014 11:56 AM | Show all posts
plaza rakyat tu bila nk buat kolam ikan macam ni?

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Post time 2-7-2014 12:00 PM | Show all posts
ni mall kat bangkok, Thailand ni. smlm aku ade baca kt yahoo.

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Post time 2-7-2014 12:22 PM | Show all posts
banyak ikan macam kat mines.......

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Post time 2-7-2014 12:28 PM | Show all posts
pergh...lawa tu ikan...besar2 lak tu...mancing best ni

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Post time 2-7-2014 12:45 PM | Show all posts
byk sungguh ikannye, membiak dgn jaya nye

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Post time 2-7-2014 12:56 PM | Show all posts
menarik minat gue mau pegi memancing..

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Post time 2-7-2014 01:38 PM | Show all posts
tilapia kalo d biarkan jd mcm tu le...tau2 je da berlambak2 dlm kolam...

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Post time 2-7-2014 01:47 PM | Show all posts
bnyaknya ikan...

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Post time 2-7-2014 03:11 PM | Show all posts
sangat menarik.... ingat kan kat malaysia td...

sebab mcm ikan talapia je tuhhh...

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Post time 2-7-2014 03:47 PM | Show all posts
Abandoned Bangkok shopping mall becomes incredible koi pond after years of neglect

The unique aquarium formed after the roofless, four story structure puddled feet of water in the basement, creating a 1,600-square foot water body. Thai locals added koi to the water to combat a growing mosquito infestation. This is not your average koi pond.

An abandoned shopping mall in Bangkok, Thailand has turned into a massive aquarium filled with thousands of fish. Incredible images of the water-filled New World mall show the bizarre contrast of a decrepit, unused escalator soaked with water, fish swimming by as natural light filters into the roofless, four-story structure.

The mall was first built in the 1980s as an 11-story building. But the top seven levels were not approved in the original construction permit, forcing it to shutter in 1997, according to the website Coconuts Bangkok.

Two years later, someone set the building on fire, killing some people in what was a suspected arson fire lit by a competitor. And in 2004, someone was killed by falling debris as demolition of the extra top floors was underway.

One those floors were removed, the mall was left empty - and roofless - allowing rainwater to puddle and pool into several feet.

The “man-made” waterbody, measuring some 1,600-square feet, became a breeding ground for mosquitos, though, annoying vendors and residents near the mall, nearby Khao San Road at the Banglamphu Intersection, according to Coconuts Bangkok.

Locals added koi, a large species of colorful carp, and they quickly reproduced, creating the bizarre aquarium filled with fish.

The Coconuts Bananas site, first exposing the pond in 2013, gave readers as detailed description of how to find the site, covered by a green tarp to ward off curious residents.

But pictures of the aquarium have gone viral this week and the pond, normally visited by nearby locals who feed and watch the fish, has attracted tourists, the Bangkok Post reported.
City officials have since become concerned with the attraction inside a dangerous, decrepit building, forcing them to erect barricades to keep visitors out “for safety reasons, with immediate effect,” the paper reported.

If the building is found to be unsafe, the building will be demolished and the fish removed, the Bangkok Post reported.

A blog post written by Jesse Rockwell in June 2013 was discovered this week by the website, The Verge, which sparked renewed interest in the incredible attraction.

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