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Paper yg sama, cerita berbeza
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SI Nuo, Law, PKU. Education experiences.186 upvotes by Anupam Jena, David Kohreidze, Saurabh Sharma, (more)
Everyone reads the very same newspaper.

Written 22 Aug
uols, jenuh i cari psl paper yg sama ni
so, this is what i get:
The Story Behind the Recycled Newspaper Prop
By Jonathan Rapoport
A Reddit user noticed recently that the exact same black-and-white newspaper prop has turned up in dozens of commercials, movies, and TV shows — including such diverse programs as Married With Children , Modern Family , Everybody Hates Chris , and Desperate Housewives . His compilation of screenshots has been going around the Internet, but without an accompanying explanation for why this particular paper keeps getting recycled.
Brow Beat has learned that the prop comes from a small newspaper prop company called the Earl Hays Press in Sun Valley, Calif. Started in 1915, Earl Hays is one of the oldest newspaper prop companies, and the paper in question was first printed in the 1960s (note the top-hat ad on the lower left), then offered as a "period paper," better suited for Mad Men (where it has not appeared) than Scrubs (where it has). The screenshots don't actually reveal the same prop — just various printings of the same file. The front is blank and can be customized, but the inside and back page are always identical. In fact, in No Country for Old Men , when Tommy Lee Jones is reading a paper at a diner, the section in his hands is the same as the one sitting on the table, suggesting that the prop master bought two copies to make the paper look fuller, but made the mistake of leaving the stock spread facing up.
Production companies use prop newspapers instead of real ones because getting clearance from an actual publication is usually more work than it's worth in potential fees and bureaucracy. (There are exceptions. When Tony Soprano picked up his paper each morning, it was always the Newark Star Ledger .) Rather than battle the legal department at the New York Times for that perfunctory breakfast shot, prop masters buy a stack of Earl Hays fake papers, which cost just $15 each. Sometimes if they have some left over they'll recycle them for another job.
In case you're curious about the headlines, here are a couple. Above the photo of the young woman with long, thick, dark hair: "She's 3rd Brightest But Hard 'Gal' To See." On the opposite page above what turns out to be a warehouse burning: "Compromised Housing Bill Sent to President for OK."
Last edited by alekxander on 10-12-2014 10:15 AM
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props yg disponsor kot... |
Hebat org yg perasan ni... |
Teliti benor sape yg perasan nih.. |
haha sampai paper pun abis dia teliti cek  |
props yg sama...xreput ke paper tu |
produksi guna fake newspaper ni sbb nk elakkan karenah birokrasi drpd sykt akhbar
& juga nk elakkan perlu byr kos guna akhbar tu (dr segi hak cipta)
thats why la guna fake akhbar ni
cuma yg i still dont get it
mcmana produksi yg berbeza2 ni (merujuk kpd gambar2 kt atas antaranya :
That 70's Show : Carsey-Werner Productions
Everybody Hates Chris : CR Enterprises, Inc.
3 Arts Entertainment
Paramount Television (season 1)
CBS Paramount Television
Desperate Housewives : Cherry Alley Productions
Cherry Productions
ABC Studios (as Touchstone Television (2004–2007)) )
boleh guna fake newspaper yg sama instead create fake newspaper sendiri
hollywood...nmpk mahal tp ade jugak yg cheap nye Last edited by alekxander on 10-12-2014 10:25 AM
Fake newppr tu.. lagi la unik... |
amyainsamad posted on 10-12-2014 01:54 AM 
props yg sama...xreput ke paper tu
bape copy paper tu die ada agaknya kan haha 
alekxander posted on 10-12-2014 10:23 AM
Gambar x boleh keluar??? |
bellaa posted on 11-12-2014 12:22 PM 
Gambar x boleh keluar???
dkt post #1 je ade gambar
xnmpk ke?
alekxander posted on 11-12-2014 01:11 PM
dkt post #1 je ade gambar
xnmpk ke?
X nampak lah?????????
I sorang xnmpak. Yg lain nampak kenape |
bellaa posted on 11-12-2014 03:45 PM 
X nampak lah?????????
I sorang xnmpak. Yg lain nampak kenape
i dunno how to help u to c those picca
u highlite tajuk & search kt gugel je la
sian plak aku dgn ko
alekxander posted on 11-12-2014 04:26 PM
i dunno how to help u to c those picca
u highlite tajuk & search kt gugel je la
Haa mcm tu lah perasaan nya bila u ckp xnampak post i yg ada gambar. Lol |
hebat org yg perasanpasai paper tu.. |
bellaa posted on 11-12-2014 04:39 PM 
Haa mcm tu lah perasaan nya bila u ckp xnampak post i yg ada gambar. Lol
ko dah kenape?
mental eh?
aku reply elok2 kot
Kadang2 yg supply pro hanya kedai sama ja di Hollywood |
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