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Dream from Holy Men.....are we living end times???
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Edited by Truth.8 at 19-3-2016 09:51 AM
Last night I was so restless and could not sleep. why ? than I went back to bed again and noticed time 3.40 am being to sleep in deep...probably 4am....than I received a dream from holy man....
explaining to me in details about the ages of the earth.
1) golden age ( good and spiritual peoples)
2) bronze ( average)
3) silver ( moderate)
4) evil age ( present time)
Than holy man told me that you now in evil age.....things will get worst from time to time.
than he vanished.
Holy man did not says about end times, I guess we heading to it....
Thanks GOD, I am increasing my spiritual level....
when this increased, I noticed lotof tiny incests to big, being to close to me....
May humans get closer to Supreme to act spiritual directions ...before too late
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Edited by Sephiroth at 19-3-2016 07:01 PM
End times? No such thing in Buddhism and Hinduism.
The Era will change - no doubt about that. The World will change - no doubt about that either.
A lot of people will die and the whole Planet will finally become quiet and peaceful.
It will be so peaceful that you can walk barefoot across green grass, smell the wonderful fresh air and hear the wind blowing peacefully in your ears. Tigers, lions and many more animals will walk with you, but they will have no malice toward you because each will have plenty to eat.
The rivers will be clean and full of fishes that you could pick them by hands for your food or eat from the trees freely, or drink the water without fear of sickness.
Mankind will gather in the open grassland and pray to God just as their forefathers had done in the past - no temples, no Churches, no nothing. Just them, the green grass below their feet and blue sky above them. No one will argue whose religion is the best because ALL religions will disappear. ONLY the knowledge of God will remain and that will be given freely to ALL, just as Man once had before, long ago, before he shed each others blood and curse himself.
And finally, I could walk this green grass, stick my sword into the ground, laid down and finally die in peace, for I have waited for a very long time to do so.  |
Edited by Truth.8 at 21-3-2016 12:04 PM
I believed 'end times' to wipe out wicked and sinful humans in earth....the earth remaind with good peoples..
And finally, I could walk this green grass, stick my sword into the ground, laid down and finally die in peace, for I have waited for a very long time to do so. 
u can do it now not make any differences
It makes a lot of difference. There are things which only I can do and these tasks are given to me to be completed.
These tasks can only start once the World started to burn and many start to die. But God, being too merciful for His own good ( <.< ) is still reclunctant to do what is necessary. He kept waiting for more and more humans to repent and turn away from evil and as He become more reclunctant, the World become worse and worse every day.
I cannot die until I have finished my tasks (don't ask, I will not tell). And He is keeping me waiting for my own Death. 
I cannot die until I have finished my tasks (don't ask, I will not tell). And He is keeping me waiting for my own Death.
you only task here is wasting time here ...meaning no life...get a life ok
You're a piece of $hit and you know it. Stop replying to my post. You are a waste of time.
at least I have colorful life....i m proud of it
Whatever, Snake. 
mirip sgt dgn mimpi Nebukadnezzar yg dirungkaikan maksudnya oleh Daniel..
Mimpi Nebukadnezzar? Yang saya kenal adalah cerita Daniel yg tinggal dalam gua dengan singa sahaja. Cuba kamu huraikan.
U baca buku Daniel dlm Bible - Old Testament
Raja Nebukdnezzar mimpi melihat patung yang punya kepala dari emas, dada & lengan perak, pinggang - pinggul dari tembaga, paha dan kaki separuh dari besi dan separuh lagi dari tanah liat...bacalah dalam Daniel 2.
Kemudian cari dalam sejarah, zaman apa yang mewakili semua logam itu..
kami percaya kita hidup pada zaman di tapak kaki..sekejap lagi akan ada batu tanpa buatan tangan manusia akan menimpa tapak kaki tersebut...
Oh, cerita pasal tiga zaman yg dikatakan dimimpikan oleh Raja Nebuknezzar - zaman batu, kayu dan besi. Pernah dengar cerita tersebut di Youtube hentak bila. Apa kena mengena mimpi tersebut dengan thread ini? Kamu nak menyamakan T.8 dgn Raja Nebuknezzar ke? 
mimpi tt yang mirip
bukan dia yang sama dengan Nebukadnezar
mimpi raja tu bukan zaman batu, kayu dan besi.. |
Memang betul kamu ckp...tengok aja dunia skg...penyakit-bom sana dan sini..politik di sini semakin kotor....semua ini dah hampir ke kiamat...
mereka yg kuat dlm 'spiritual' aja yg selamat..
Amin |
tak hairanlah dah memang begitu yang dah diramalkan
dunia kita yang sudah tua ini memang sudah sampai ke penghujungnya
sama2lah kuatkan diri dalam iman
mudah-mudahan dengan kasih karunia Tuhan Yesus Kristus
kita akan selamat dalam perlindunganNya
Oi T.8 ... Why are you crying for bomb blast in Medina? It has nothing to do with Non-Muslims. |
it is not all going being soon.....
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