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Ade sesape tau tak antivirus utk virus ni
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semua pc kat umah aku dah dilande virus yang name "Funny UST Scandal.avi"
korang tau antivirus ape yang boleh pakai..
setakat ni aku dah pakai AVG,Kapersky,Bitdefender ngan Avira...
tapi semue tu tak jalan..
external hardisk aku pun dah format,tapi still ade lagi...huhu..
please,aku dah tak tau nak wat ape dah ngan virus nie..
ni pic die
skuter..aku jumpa nih...try la..
HOw to remove this lame virus Funny UST Scandal.avi????
-first download taskiller in
and install it to
your computer because you cant use taskmanager to terminate the virus(the
virus automatically close taskmanager).
-run taskiller and left click it on the system tray(the one with a skull icon)
-click processes
-to close the virus, select process and click yes to the question
(process to close)
note: close only file that have the same icon of Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe
1-now, click "start" then "run"
2-type "cmd" without quotes
3-type "cd\" without quotes
4-type "attrib -h -s smss.exe" without quotes
5-type "attrib -h -s autorun.inf" without quotes
6-type "start c:" without quotes(a new window will open)
7-select smss.exe,autorun.inf,Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe and delete it
-if theres any drive or a partition type "d:" in command prompt without quotes
"d" is the drive letter then repeat the CMD STEPS number 4-7 above.......
-now type this on the command prompt "cd windows" without quotes(na naman!)
-type "attrib -h -s smss.exe" without quotes(uli)
-type "start c:\windows" without quotes(hay naku!)
-delete the file smss.exe
-now, goto c:\documents and settings\all users\startmenu\programs\startup
-delete lsass.exe
-click "start" then "run"
-type "regedit" without quotes then delete the registry entries below....
Entries-HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowNT\CurrentVersion\Wi nlogon=shell(killer.exe)
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\windows\Currentversion\Run =runonce(c:\windows\smss.exe)
If you have problems opening drives in My Computer open regedit find
"\smss.exe" then erase values like: "c:\smss.exe", "d:\smss.exe" etc..
[ Last edited by pdi76 at 10-12-2007 08:07 PM ] |
rasa2nye pun boleh virus MicrosoftPowerPOint.exe ari siot jek..letih mencari cure...sib baik ada gak..heeh...
virus ni originated dari filipin ah... |
Reply #3 pdi76's post
hoho..banyak nye step die..
nanti aku cube try ye..
hopefully menjadik le..
tq.. |
Reply #7 skuter_buruk146's post
okey..aku dah try buat dah..tapi memang ade banyak problem nak wat sume ni..
ni aku bagitau part mane yang tak bleh wat yea..
-first download taskiller in
and install it to
your computer because you cant use taskmanager to terminate the virus(the
virus automatically close taskmanager).
-run taskiller and left click it on the system tray(the one with a skull icon)
-click processes
-to close the virus, select process and click yes to the question
(process to close)
1.killer.exe (bende ni takde dalam list processes to close)
2.lsass.exe (yang ni plak,ble aku close,die terus restart)
note: close only file that have the same icon of Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe (icon yang same ngan virus ni takde,so part ni aku tak buat)
1-now, click "start" then "run"
2-type "cmd" without quotes
3-type "cd\" without quotes
4-type "attrib -h -s smss.exe" without quotes (yang ni plak, ble enter die kluar File not found. tapi tak pe,aku trus next step)
5-type "attrib -h -s autorun.inf" without quotes
6-type "start c:" without quotes(a new window will open)
7-select smss.exe,autorun.inf,Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe and delete it
step sterusnye aku tak wat sebab memang dah bleh wat..hehe..
btw, virus tu dah tak de..ape pendapat ko? |
Originally posted by ami_kidz125 at 10-12-2007 09:33 PM 
ko try remover ni
Funny UST Scandal Avi.exe Remover
kalau tak ok ko buat manual remove la
okey..aku dah try buat..
kalo dalam c: die dah remove..
tapi untuk external hardisk nie aku terpakse gune manual remove
tq.. |
Reply #9 skuter_buruk146's post
so virus tu dah clean dari komputer ko la? mungkin ada option lain nak delete virus ni.. try dalam safe mode.. atau cuba guna spybot/ad-aware (update dulu sebelum scan) sebab Funny UST Scandal.avi.exe ni malware tak silap aku bukan virus.. aku rasa spybot/ad-aware boleh buang benda ni.. |
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