salam semer.....
Saya sedang buat survey utk futher study obersea... saya masih mencari info...
saya nak tahu, klu nak study ke obersea, perlu ada A-level ker? pas2 test TOEFL / IELTS kene amik sebelum pergi sana?
Saya nak sambung study dalam bidang engineering.. sedang survey jugak spesifik eng yg nak amik...
dalam pilihan, sama ade oil & gas, electrical atau civil eng..any suggestion? . saya nak futher degree....
saya ade background study in civil eng kt politeknik tempatan.... certificate in civil eng...
Jadi saya nak tau ttg info course yg ditawarkan di University kt obersea ni....
Macam mana nak apply utk U kt obersea ni? ape qualification utk masuk U sana? qualification utk smbg degree sana?
Macam mana nak dapatkan loan,biasiswa? Mcm mana pengurusan kt obersea nanti? rumah, brg keperluan, semer..
Mcm mana dgn permohonan visa?
Saya cadang nak study di UK / US / Australia / NZ...
klu kt edinburgh, ok ker?
klu tak layak saya cadang nak smbg dip 1 thn then nak pi smbg obersea...jadi ape advice utk saya masa smbg dip ni?
perlu dptkan CGPA lebih dr 3 point utk lulus amik biasiswa / mara / jpa.
Harap forumer disini dapat berikan advice pd saya ttg nak study obersea ni yer...
Kira saya start dr kosong la ni...tak tau ape pun...
Thanks for all ur help.....  |
the best way to get information is, kalau nak belajar kat England, pergi dekat British council dekat KL sebab kat situ boleh dpt banyak maklumat, pamphlet dan booklet pasal education dekat UK. We all pergi survey kat situ dulu.
kalau tak dapat jawapan kat sini, cuba bukak thread ni kat board education. sana lagi ramai pakar.  |
Kalau hendak ke US, pergi lah ke MACEE. banyak info disitu and U boleh jumpa advisor disana and dia akan advise. Ke US memang dikehendaki mengambil TOEFL. Score TOEFL bergantung kepada university - ada yang hendak high score and ada yang hendak average aje.Anyway, gilah ke MACEE - ambil info disana.
Pasal scholarship - JPA ada offer but kena tunggulah iklannya. MARA pun ada and kena tunggu iklan juga. Tak silap iklannya akan keluar sekitar feb or mac. |
Reply #2 eyzlyn's post
British council ek... kat sana ade yg advice ker? |
Reply #3 uda's post
MACEE ni mcm british council tu jugak ker? |
paling penting is ur financial status..
if u have no problem with it..
lain2 isu tu blh di bincangkan such as which is better.. |
Reply #4 ocean_gurl's post
MACEE and British Council mmg keja derang assist sesapa yg nak buat apa2 urusan (esp education ) kat US n UK.
British Council opis dia kat Bangunan Selangor Dredging, ngam2 mengadap KLCC, MACEE haku x tau la plak. As for application, actually ko leh apply uni kat UK melalui British Council. Dah abis sumer borang n reference ko submit, they will refer ur application to the respective uni la. Lagipun BC punyer website mmg sgt2 extensive, ada direct link to the website of those unis, so ko nak carik info pasal course atau uni tu pun mmg senang. kat opis BC plak mmg byk counselor yg boley tolong. Kat sini gak ko leh amik IELTS coz tu adalah salah satu entry requirement.
As for whether ko leh apply ke tidak, ko kena refer bebetul la whether they accept cert. Haku bukanla nak patahkan semangat ko, malah aku puji semangat ko nak belajar, tp tu la, maybe minimum derang nak diploma???Tp apa2 pun find out info dr dedua tpt ni coz they are the ultimate point of reference.
Kalau nak info pasal study kat Australia, ko leh pegi ke IDB Australia, opis dia pun kat Selangor Dredging, selang beberapa pintu ajer. Kalau x silap, kat sini pun ko leh forward ko nyer application n they will do the necessary.
Pd aku, kalau ko x sure nak major in whc discipline, u have to selami dirimu sendiri (chewahh... ) n find out whc one ko betul2 minat. Jgn takat sbb tau bab tu leh dpt gaji besar ko pun nak buat, then masa study nanti ko mengeluh bidang tu susah sgt or ko jadi x minta plak, susah la....nak study obersea pakai byk duit woo....
Apa pun, good luck!!! |
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Reply #7 Mizzsued's post
thank you very much....
this is a very good info....
terima kasih yer  |
besides TOEFL, kene amik SAT exam gak kalo nak sambung degree kat US..
almost every university kat sane nak result SAT..
kalo sambung master, kene amik GRE exam..
slh satu syarat loan/scholarship MARA utk sambung study kat US , kene dptkan tempat kan top universities kat US..
biasenye top 20 la.. |
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kalau nk gi Aussie, amik IELTS
ade kawan bab, amik American Degree Program
leh sambung US |
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hah lupe nak cakap
kalau nk g Aussie, leh amik South Australian Matriculation.
amik subjects engineering slalunye, English(wajib), Mathematics(wajib), Specialist Maths, Physics and Chemistry.
pastu amik IELTS tapi slalunye dah amik English pon dah cukup. leh refer kt university yg you nk pegi tu. |
kalo amik IETS kena band 6 ke atas kalo ikut university...tapi kalo loan mara or jpa or ape2 jela...dorang nk plg kurang 5 je...so conclusion amik ielts kne 6 ke atas utk lepas university and loan/biasiswa...
xsemestinye nk g oversea kne a-level...tu bg yg lepas spm then amik a-level 1-2thn...kalo dip or foundation pon ley...
kalo psl biasiswa tu ssh sket nk cr...dia kne ikut time dia kua...kalo utk dak2 pas spm sng jek dlm bbrp bulan abes spm ada kua iklan utk biasiswa...kalo yg bkn lps spm lain tarikh...kne cek tol2...saya pon xtau yg lain sbb saya amik pas spm...tp abg saya amik pas dip g aus..kalo nk g ngr2 mcm eropah or aus mcm yg best2 tu...lebey baik cr biasiswa/loan sbb sne kne gn dwet byk...xsilap me la kan...kalo nk stadi kat aus...kne make sure dwet dlm bank ada simpanan brp puluh ribu tah...ni utk make sure student xmerempat...kalo biasiswa or loan sng sbb dorang tlg..
kalo nk g aus..ada cbg ejen dia kat subang and nilai...cbe cr kat tenet...saya xsalin address dia sbb abg yg nk g...heheh...tu utk university...then lps tu kne cr biasiswa or loan lak...kne 2-2 cr...amik ms lme gak...
ape2 pon...gud luck... |
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mcmna plak klau pakai result first sem degree?
Apa citer tuan tanah sekarang ni? Agaknya dah balik kalo study overseas dulu... |
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