Not only the people can adopt other people's children and love them as their own. The animals have gone further - they are reared, and help to stand up cubs entirely different species, or even predators. Dogs, nursing kittens, and vice versa, pigs fed cubs, and vice versa - it is not only in this post about moms and babies from different families.
![]( A. Isabella - a golden retriever from Kansas, which took on the role of mother to three Bengal tiger cubs. The mother stopped feeding Nasir, Aniku and Sidani within 15 hours after birth. Zoo keepers had to find her replacement. It seems, Isabella, managed very well with the role of foster mother. (Tom Harvey and Keith Philpott)
![]( Two. Amy gladly took Rocky to his family - the little squirrel, dropped out of the hollows. Jim and Karen Watkins from the city of Carthage, Mississippi, saw in his yard a tiny little squirrel. They immediately brought him home. Fortunately, their cat, Emma has just given birth, and they decided to see whether it will allow this squirrel drinking her milk. Amy happily accepted. (Caters News /
![]( Three. Katina dog living on a German farm, became a mother for vislobryuhogo pig. The tiny black pig named Paulinhen was so small at birth that his mother simply did not notice it. Owner Katina Roland Adam found a pig and frozen, and then brought his 8-year-old dog. "She immediately fell in love with him as his puppy love - says Adam. - A few days later, she had milk, and she fed the pigs. Perhaps now she considers him one of his children. " (Fame Pictures)
![]( 4. When the house of squirrels cut down, a poodle named Pixie came to the rescue. We still had Pixie milk after the birth of the first litter a few months ago, so it took squirrels as native. She fed them five weeks, and then the workers took over the role of a special animal care center, after which the firmly-established and self-squirrels were released into the wild. (Ashley Steven Ayscue / The Daily Dispatch via AP)
![]( Five. If you look closely, you'll see that the Siamese cat named Amanda is not only feeding their kittens, puppies and others. In Debbie Girting of Beaver, Pennsylvania, in addition to Amanda is Pomeranian Lucy, who gave birth to seven puppies in the same day that Amanda - her kittens. Unfortunately, four days later Lucy had died due to illness, and Amanda was the mother of an orphan. (Lucy Schaly / AP)
![]( 6. Shepherd Lusk instantly saw myself as a mother of two abandoned baby wild boar who were on the verge of death when they found the owner of Laski in Hamburg, Germany. Ellis and Hekersa brought home, and Lusk immediately proceeded to the duties my mother - she warmed them at night, carefully licked and raised, when they fell. (Barcroft / Fame Pictures)
![]( 7. Cat Smeygel not only nursed her kittens, and puppies in the house of his master's in Amman, Jordan. Mother of the puppies died under the wheels of the car, and Smeygel assumed the role of their mother. (Muhammad Hamed / Reuters)
![]( Eight. This is a deer farmer was rescued from the floods in South Korea in July 2009. His dog immediately took on the role of his mother, came out and put on his feet. (Inje Municipal Government / Hand / EPA)
![]( 9. Pomeranian Chia has adopted four abandoned kittens. At the very Chia had their own two-week kids, but it is implicitly accepted and kittens, which are found on the streets of her fellow housewives. (David Doemland / AP)
![]( 10. For the gorilla Koko growing kittens is nothing new - it does so in 1984. Volunteer organizations for the protection of gorillas, Janis Turner brought to the center of orphaned kittens. Coco especially liked the red-haired cat named Tiger. "Something like this in her kitty, and she began murchat - said Ternert. - I have goose bumps go, when I heard it. She was so muffled murchala, and it was such a loving expression in his eyes ... Kittens are calmer when they are with Koko. She has a great maternal instinct. " (Ron Cohn / The Gorilla Foundation /
![]( 11. The famous exhibition of "Happy Family" in a zoo in Thailand - it is something. Here you will find no ordinary family of animals, and mixed. That's one of the mothers-heroines: a pig, who brought up fearlessly tiger droppings. (Barbara Walton / EPA)
![]( 12. Cat Titus became a mother, not only for her cat, but for this little squirrel, who was the mistress Tity found wounded in his backyard. (ALBEIRO LOPERA / Reuters)
![]( 13. The female lion tamarins Juanita from the London Zoo has such a strong maternal instinct, that he was pleased adopted a baby of another species of monkeys - the Emperor Tamarin. Juanita started wearing it on his back everywhere. (The Zoological Society of London)
![]( 14. The three little pigs with his "mother" Sai Mai, eight tigress, the zoo in Thailand. Sai Mai sees their young pigs, but not breakfast. (Sukree Sukplang / Reuters)
![]( 15. Many animals are very strong parental instincts. Take at least this macaque from Bali, Indonesia. But it is not even female. This male is called animal lovers of all emotion, when he took on the role of parent for this red-haired kitten. (Anne Young / |