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Peru: Ajaib, Indah & Unik (45pics+3videos)

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Post time 28-3-2014 09:44 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Peru: Ajaib, indah & unik
Teks dan foto oleh Zulkarnain Zakaria
Penulis bersama warga peribumi Peru di Dataran Pahlawan Cusco, Peru.

MATAHARI terpacak terik. Tetapi tidak saya hiraukan kerana pemandangan di sekeliling begitu indah. Di bawah, sungai melingkar bagaikan ular, membelit kaki gunung. Di sekeliling saya, awan memutih menutupi puncak gunung yang bertanjak-tanjak dan diliputi glasier.
Di atas sana, langit membiru. Manakala di belakang saya adalah Machu Picchu, salah satu monumen sejarah paling ajaib di dunia.
Ia bagaikan sebuah lukisan yang menggabungkan kebijaksanaan manusia dan keajaiban alam ciptaan Ilahi. Sangat indah dan menakjubkan.
Ya, Peru memang indah. Berada di titik tertinggi kota batu itu pula adalah saat yang sungguh istimewa dan sukar dilupakan.
Sampai sekarang, walau sudah beberapa bulan berlalu, saya masih sukar untuk melupakan kenangan melancong ke Peru, khususnya ke Machu Pichu.
Saya ke Peru mengikuti rombongan tiga orang pegawai POTO Travel & Tours Sdn. Bhd. untuk membuat tinjauan awal ke Amerika Selatan.
Tujuan POTO Travel adalah bagi memulakan destinasi baru pelancongan mereka di sana, dimulai dengan Brazil, Argentina, Peru dan Uruguay.
Peru - negara ketiga kami lawati selepas Argentina dan Uruguay - istimewa kerana keindahan alam semula jadi, sejarah serta keunikan budayanya.
Tentu sekali tidak ada ertinya kita melancong ke Peru kalau tidak menjejakkan kaki ke Machu Pichu.
Untuk ke kota batu itu, kami keluar awal pagi dan menaiki kereta api dari Ollantaytambo. Perjalanan menyeronokkan itu memakan masa satu jam setengah.
Sepanjang tempoh itu kamera kami tidak henti merakam keindahan bukit-bukau, gunung-ganang, kabus, glasier serta sungai yang menemani sepanjang perjalanan. Dari situ, kami menaiki bas pula mendaki gunung Machu Picchu.
Bagi saya, keajaiban Machu Picchu sama seperti Piramid. Bayangkan, kompleks kediaman kaum Inca ini dibina pada kurun ke-15, di lereng dua buah gunung setinggi 2,430 meter dari paras laut. Di kota itu mereka membina teres pertanian, kubu, rumah, kuil, pasar, sistem perparitan dan sebagainya.
Dari mana mereka angkut ketul-ketul batu besar itu? Bagaimana mereka memotongnya dan kemudian membina Machu Picchu? Apa teknologi yang digunakan? Persoalan terbesar, mengapa ia dibina nun jauh di dalam hutan dan tinggi di puncak gunung?
Semuanya masih menjadi misteri. Bertambah misteri lagi kerana Machu Picchu sebenarnya masih belum siap sepenuhnya. Ia tiba-tiba ditinggalkan begitu saja selepas kira-kira 90 tahun mereka membinanya.
Mengapa kaum Inca meninggalkan Machu Picchu begitu saja? Misteri itulah yang membuatkan kita berasa takjub dan sekali gus bangga kerana dapat berada di sana.
Selain Machu Picchu, saya turut berasa kagum melihat keajaiban kota-kota batu lain yang dibina oleh orang-orang Inca. Antara yang sempat saya lawati ialah Sacsayhauman, Pukapukara dan Ollantaytamboo.
Sacsayhuaman terletak di puncak bukit setinggi 3,700 meter di atas paras laut, dibina sekitar tahun 900-1200 Masihi. Ia merupakan kubu pertahanan Inca seluas 3,100 hektar. Bayangkan, bongkah batu itu ada di antaranya seberat 200 tan dan disusun sepanjang 400 meter!
Terdapat juga ketulan batu besar yang dipotong menjadi bentuk burung kondor dan ilama, iaitu haiwan yang dianggap suci serta penting dalam kepercayaan tradisi peribumi Peru.
Uniknya, potongan bongkah batu itu dibuat dengan begitu rata dan tepat. Ia dicantum rapat hingga sebatang jarum tidak dapat menembusinya dan takkan runtuh apabila dilanda gempa bumi.
Apabila Sepanyol sampai, mereka terkejut. Tetapi disebabkan jahat dan sengalnya orang Sepanyol ini, mereka runtuhkan binaan yang ada, kemudian ambil batu besar tadi dan digunakan untuk membuat bangunan-bangunan kerajaan serta rumah mereka.
Saya sangat sukakan Cusco. Untuk pengetahuan, Cusco terletak 3,200 meter di atas paras laut dan menjadi kota diraja empayar Inca pada abad ke-15 dan 16. Dataran Pahlawan (Plaza de Armas), Cusco, bukan sekadar cantik, malah merakam sejarah pahit manis warga peribumi Peru.
Di situlah dahulu tersergamnya istana raja Huayna Qapac, tetapi telah diruntuhkan oleh Sepanyol, lalu diganti dengan Gereja Kemenangan. Kuil Matahari (Quricancha) pula dahulu dindingnya disaluti emas. Bagaimanapun, emas itu telah diambil oleh penjajah Sepanyol dan difaraidkan sesama mereka.
Di dataran yang cantik inilah dahulu pahlawan-pahlawan Inca serta pejuang-pejuang kemerdekaannya dibunuh dengan kejam oleh penjajah Sepanyol. Antaranya ialah Tupac Amaru dan Tupac Amaru II.
Setelah menghayati sejarah duka itu, saya menikmati pula keindahan bunga-bungaan, beranda yang berwarna-warni, warga peribumi berpakaian tradisional, anak-anak muda berdagang lukisan serta kedai-kedai menjual pelbagai cenderamata di sekitar dataran. Unik dan klasik sekali.
Suatu yang istimewa tentang Peru ialah biarpun sebahagian daripada negara tersebut terletak di kawasan gurun, namun tanahnya hijau dan subur. Saya khayal memerhatikan bunga-bungaan pelbagai warna serta ladang jagungnya yang saujana mata memandang.
Satu pesanan saya, sebahagian besar tempat-tempat menarik di Peru terletak di tanah tinggi. Hari pertama menjejakkan kaki di Cusco, kita akan diserang sakit kepala, letih dan seperti hendak demam. Kenapa? Itulah kesan sampingan apabila berada di altitud tinggi.
Untuk itu, kita perlu berehat dulu, banyakkan minum air dan bernafas dalam-dalam. Jangan tergesa-gesa sebab kawasan altitud tinggi kurang oksigen. Semua akan jadi normal semula pada hari kedua.
Saya ulangi, biarpun Peru nampak macam tidak glamor, tetapi apabila sampai di sana, anda pasti terkejut. Peru rupa-rupanya negara yang sangat cantik, unik dan eksotik. Cuma kita saja yang tidak tahu.
Kota raya Lima yang terletak di tepi pantai Lautan Pasifik pula menyajikan pemandangan laut yang indah. Jangan terkejut, Lima adalah sebuah padang pasir yang hampir tidak dituruni hujan sepanjang tahun.
Tapi uniknya, ia mempunyai sistem pengairan yang sangat hebat hingga pokok-pokok boleh hidup subur dan berjuta-juta penduduknya tidak menghadapi masalah air.
Bagaimana dengan shopping? Jangan risau. Terdapat banyak tempat untuk anda membeli cenderamata. Di sekitar setesen kereta api Machu Picchu, Pisaq dan Cusco misalnya, ada banyak kedai yang menjual T-shirt, fridge magnet, baju sejuk dan beg.
Sehelai T-shirt biasanya berharga lebih kurang RM15 sahaja. Murah, bukan?
Sedikit lagi fakta, bahasa utama di Peru ialah Spanish. Tapi jangan risau, ramai juga yang boleh bercakap Inggeris, walaupun tidak lancar. Nama minuman tradisi mereka ialah chica. Ia diperbuat daripada peraman jagung dan memabukkan, macam air tapai.
Saya jamin, anda takkan puas menikmati keindahan alam di Peru, keunikan budaya dan sejarah serta keajaiban seni bina warga peribuminya. Itulah yang saya rasakan sekarang.
Anda mahu melancong ke sana? Untuk pengetahuan anda, POTO Travel & Tours Sdn. Bhd. kini menawarkan pakej istimewa ke Peru, Brazil, Argentina dan Uruguay. Sila hubungi tel: 03-92006640/ untuk maklumat lanjut.

Ollantaytambo - megaliths Lemurian giants
Cuzco region rich in numerous ruins of ancient buildings, some of which have velikansky character. Same as giant blocks and walls Saksauaman can be found in Ollantaytambo (Ollantaytambo), located 60 km north-west from the city of Cusco. Ollantaytambo lies at an altitude of about 3000 meters above sea level. The name of this small settlement - Ollantaytambo - hence the vernacular Quechua (Quechua) «pantry my God."
The settlement, as well as the city of Cusco lies in the sacred valley of Urubamba (Urubamba), through which flows the river of the same name. Central attraction of this town are the remains of the ancient city with numerous terraces scattered on the slopes of the valley.
Let's learn more about it ...
Photo 2.

As in Cusco, in Olantaytambo seen layering structures of our dwarf races in the later built the giant races. On an example Olantaytambo is clearly visible. From the photos you will notice that the giant building blocks are just on top of the mountain (in a scattered way), as well as in the first row of terraces (but only in the first). All other buildings (including themselves terraces) built of small cobblestone. These facts suggest that initially settled on top of the mountain giants, the Lemurians, who had an amazing technique of stone processing. They built a number of buildings on the mountain. After natural disasters, accompanied by a powerful earthquake, which resulted in velikanskie buildings were destroyed, this cyclopean culture faded. Traces of natural destruction of buildings visible in different remote places of the valley, where lie scattered giant building blocks. These giant blocks locals call "tired stones" (Spanish piedras cansadas). After the earthquake, these areas of Lemuria sank to the ocean floor.
After many, many, many centuries this land has risen to the surface, and at these places settled our dwarf race who used the remains of the giant buildings for their own purposes. Therefore, the walls of buildings made velikanskih first, most top tier terraces, and all the lower terraces are made much later from a small cobblestone. In view of this close layering of cultures today is impossible to accurately recreate the original structure of the Lemurian giants.

Photo 3.

The greatest interest is the technology of stone processing machinery and ligaments blocks in the wall. Residues in the pictures of giant walls visible protrusions of various shapes - line-shaped, dotted, tochkoobraznye. As can be seen from the entire surviving walls (for example, in the first tier of terraces on the mountain Olantaytambo) tochkoobraznye projections are arranged on the outer side of the bottom of each building block. Other pictures can be seen that the dotted line and the projections are arranged on the inner sides of the building blocks, which speaks in favor version that these projections serve to solid binder walls.
That is, when laying the blocks in the wall projections included in certain forms of grooves having the same form on a nearby block. This achieves strength of the masonry, which does not use any type of liquid binders solutions cement etc.

Photo 4.

If you look at the photo quarry that Lemurian giants-mined the building blocks for their buildings, we have to wonder which way to cut, cut down or carved blocks of data. Completely flat on the form of niches left in the rock, it can be concluded that the Lemurians used some other technology that is different from the well-known today. In our time, the fifth root race, use the following technology quarry: a rock in a linear series of drilled holes which then drives a wedge, forcing the desired piece of rock to break away through the holes. Previously this work was done by hand, then used pneumatic tools, and today make this work fully automated huge machines.


Use magic Report


 Author| Post time 28-3-2014 09:45 PM | Show all posts
Photo 5.

But in all these cases used the same technology, which resulted in both sides - and the rock, and block - are deepening of drills in the form of parallel lines. Then, these modern units can be cut using a diamond circular rotating disks on plates, cubes and other regular geometric shape having flat surfaces. But the initial block of stone has traces of any drilling. All this is not observed in Lemurian technology. In the quarries are no traces of any drilling or crushed - visible only flat niches as if someone sliced ​​a giant knife blocks of plasticine rock. The building blocks themselves are of irregular shape which, however, adapted so tightly to each other that the distance between neighboring blocks is practically absent.

Manual (top) and mechanized (bottom) modern quarry. In the picture below showing the imprint of the holes made by the quarry machine.

The quarry is located near the town of Olantaytambo where Lemurians mined the building blocks for their buildings. Notice the characteristic point projections and a smooth surface niches

Photo 6.

Moreover, as in the Lemurian quarry on blocks so you can see strange point projections that do not fit together - if the block ledge, then his place in the quarry, in theory, should remain hollow.But in reality, here and there there are only projections, which is illogical and therefore surprising. Similarly, the functional purpose of these projections tochkoobraznyh sticking out of each block is unclear. These protrusions do not serve as a binder for strength, for example, the projections on the inner faces of these blocks. Then there is only one purpose of these projections - for transportation. But how were transported up the steep slopes of these giant blocks weighing tens and hundreds of tons? Puzzles more than clues ...

Photo 7.

Interesting to see the fragment of a cyclopean wall on top of the mountain close to the terraces Ollantaytambo showing ornamental stone and thin layer between the building blocks. The impression is that these flat stones interlayers were once not stones, and soft sponges, filling the space between the huge building blocks. Again, the impression of soft rock material, which was itself during the construction of these buildings.

Photo 8.

Of all the above facts, we can make the following assumption. We know from the Secret Doctrine that these huge buildings owned by the late Lemurian sub-race, which according to the same Secret Doctrine has certain magical powers that modern people have completely lost. From this it follows that the Lemurians used his superpowers in everyday life, particularly in construction.Characteristic shapes of blocks and niches left in the quarries, say that the Lemurians had the ability to soften the stone. If we recall that the Lemurians (due to the then evolutionary step) has enormous amount of psychic energy that the rule over all physical laws, including over matter, it becomes clear that the Lemurians were able to perform the most amazing wonders in terms of our present civilization . With the help of Psychic Energy may soften any matter to a plastic or gelatinous state.

Detail of Inca palace built in the city of Cusco. In this photograph shows the same projections as tochkoobraznye blocks and terraced town of Ollantaytambo. These balances velikanskih masonry walls were supplemented with small cobblestones modern Peruvian builders.

In records EIRoerich dialogue with the Master Teachers includes a phrase from April 15, 1929: "Notice how can worry seemingly solid surface. This expansion of lower matter by psychic energy." Thus, via its psychic Energy Lemurians softened rock fabric to a gelatinous state, cut it into large blocks of arbitrary shape, these blocks are transported by air telekinetically to the construction site, and there they were placed in the wall by fitting these plastic blocks one by one by the same method as the softening of rock blocks to plastic substance, giving them the desired shape on the spot. The only way to explain the strange shape, which have built velikanskie Ollantaytambo, or Inca palace in Cusco, Saksauaman walls, the ruins of Tiahuanaco, pedestals ahu on Easter Island and other similar buildings.

Photo 9.

It is interesting to draw a parallel between the walls of the palace in the Inca city of Cuzco, which lies in the same valley Urumamba as Ollantaytambo. One can clearly see the same characteristic projections at the bottom of a huge blocks. But the building blocks of Ollantaytambo have a flat (close to geometric) form. That is, technology Ollantaytambo more perfect than the technology Inca palace. Therefore, we can assume that built Ollantaytambo emerged later than the Inca palace.
But these two buildings share one feature - point projections on the outside of the blocks. For these common features can be said that the walls of the palace of the Inca and the walls were built in Ollantaytambo in the same era, in the same technology. Of course, it is difficult to believe in the authenticity of the theory of modern archeology, ascribing all these buildings Incas lived in the 13-16 centuries AD, because modern archeology and have no idea about the theosophical anthropology which only can explain all the archaeological "miracles" of giant buildings, which passes in front of modern science. If you follow the theosophical picture, the central Andes were once part of the Lemurian continent (see " [color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]Localization of the continent of Lemuria "). It was at this time the Giants-Lemurian, whose growth was about 18.3 meters, the structure built of huge stone blocks, some of which have survived in the form of ruins Saksauaman, Tiahuanaco, Ollantaytambo.

Photo 10.

Near the ruins of Ollantaytambo are cyclopean ruins dwarf buildings (compared with cyclopean scale) of the form of terraces. But why these terraces were built dwarf (our size) races? As you can see from the photos, the terraces are located not only in the mountains near the town of Ollantaytambo, but also on the slopes of the nearby mountains, as well as in the neighboring valleys a few kilometers from the village of Ollantaytambo to which unites one name - Historic Reserve Machu Picchu (Spanish Santuario Historico Machu Picchu). This reserve has about fifteen residues terraced mountain villages. To name just a few: Machu Picchu (Machu Picchu) - 2,400 m above sea level, Llaktapata (Llactapata) - 2600 m above sea level, Vinayvayna (Winaywayna) - 2,700 m above sea level, Fuyupatamarka (Phuyupatamarca) - 3600 m above sea ​​level, Sayakmarka (Sayacmarca) - 3600 m above sea level. All these mountain communities (as well as others) are located next to the fertile valleys on the mountain slopes.
What made the ancient inhabitants of the region to climb the mountain? - The only marine water mass that filled the valley. That is, there were times when the central Andes were far below today's global sea level, so much so that protruded from the ocean only the tops of the mountains, forming a kind of island-type region today Micronesia. Says the Secret Doctrine, it happened during the descent into the water continent of Lemuria, when the time came the existence of Atlantis. It was only with the advent of the Aryan race - the Fifth Root-Race - rose to the surface those continents that we have today. And along with them, and some parts of ancient Lemuria, and in particular the central Andes (as well as Australia, Madaskar, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands).

Photo 11.

Ultimate conclusion that the terraces Ollantaytambo had the same fate as the Easter Island - Lemurian buildings were destroyed by the earthquake and submerged beneath the sea, and then at the dawn of the fifth root race is gradually raised to the surface. Thus, the giant of the terraced buildings arose in the Peruvian Andes Lemurian period and appeared in their place all the other buildings made of small cobblestone were met representatives present Aryan race, when the land gradually rises to the surface of the ocean. In particular, all the mountain terraces and cities were built when the Andes rose only part of the ocean, ie when the Andes were the insular region. That's why its residents decide questions of lack of fertile land by the construction of mountain terraces. Over time, the Andean region rose, and ocean freed fertile valleys, where builders and moved terraces. In the valleys already emerged later buildings, already related to our historical epoch. Often these buildings of the ancient Incas were springing up on the ruins of the ancient Lemurian giant that is taking place, for example, in the city of Cusco - the magnet place works even after millions of years.
Theosophy gives a clue to the many questions of modern archeology. Of course, today's official science advocated by scholars of the fifth root race, never accept anthropological theosophical doctrine. But the Secret Doctrine and Living Ethics are given for the next root race - the sixth, whose representatives have already embodied in many different nations. It is for them I write this article, it is they develop a new archeology. Dare young archaeologists, scientists sixth race! - For your future, because on your side of the truth and power of evolution!

Photo 12.

Point projections on the blocks on top of the terraces Ollantaytambo and stone thin layer between the individual building blocks (side view).

Photo 13.

Here's another theory:
Spanish chronicler Garsilyaso de la Vega in his book leads who had, according to him, a fact one of the rulers of the Inca decided to deliver a "tired stone" to the construction site. He gathered 20,000 Indians who had to drag him on the ropes. Attempt was tragic. Stone fell over a cliff and crushed about 3,000 people. By the way, "tired stones" lie not only on the road leading to the quarry, but also in the village in the opposite direction from the quarries.

Photo 14.

Let's imagine that the Indians could move the stones on the ground. But they being taken across the turbulent river? Riddle.
When you look at the different sized and shaped stones, there is an idea that their first softened to the point of clay or wax, and only then, inexplicably, cut way to specifically desired shape.
In addition to gold and bronze, the Incas did not know any other metals. The question arises: what the Incas treated the giant stones of the hard rock?? Experts say that because you can treat or high stone cutter or laser, and the official version is that they treated blocks manually, using primitive tools. Meanwhile, on the blocks there is no trace tooling. Their surface is highly polished.

Photo 15.

Many masonry blocks are small paired projections. But, in order for them to do, it was necessary to remove the surface layer of stone, thick with these projections. For what?? The purposes for which it was necessary to spend so much effort??
Monoliths, some have multiple cutouts corresponding recesses of the neighboring blocks. (Imagine the Incas, with primitive tools, making these slots up to millimeters.) This was achieved phenomenal adhesion strength blocks. But how the Incas laid stones weighing several tons, so that the grooves of two adjacent blocks included in each other? Why and who needed such exorbitant bond strength?
On many blocks have concave, very similar to the marks of the giant fingers. Who are the giants, collecting as puzzles, multi-ton stones cyclopean structures? What tools do they cut out multi-ton blocks? How was their service? Questions, questions, questions .... Questions that are still unanswered.

Photo 16.

Is no less a mystery and "polygonal" giant machinery masonry blocks. How fit monoliths weighing tens of tons so artfully carved corners and grooves on adjacent blocks into each other as parts of the children's designer? One hypothesis is based, however, only on Indian legends that ancient Peruvians were able to soften the granite using vegetable juices to state plasticine. Later stone surface solidified and acquired the original property.
And another interesting fact. In cyclopean masonry buildings meet the Peruvian blocks having one or two trapezoidal projection. Their functionality is not clear. Most units do not have such projections. Such technological method (granite block with protrusions) meets Peru except in only one place on the planet. Namely, in the lining of the great pyramids of Giza plateau. How can we explain the presence of such a specific architectural element in the table two remote in time and space civilizations?

Photo 17.
Photo 18.
Photo 19.
Photo 20.
Photo 21.
Photo 22.
Photo 23.
Photo 24.
Photo 25.
Photo 26.
Photo 27.
Photo 28.
Photo 29.
Photo 30.
Photo 31.
Photo 32.
Photo 33.
Photo 34.
Photo 35.
Photo 36.
Photo 37.
Photo 38.
Photo 39.
Photo 40.
Photo 41.
Photo 42.
Photo 43.
Photo 44.
Photo 45.


Use magic Report

Post time 30-3-2014 10:39 AM | Show all posts
Wow semoga berpeluang melawatnya satu hari nanti

Use magic Report

Post time 1-4-2014 10:42 AM | Show all posts
mula terbaca tentang machu pichu ni tahun 1994 dalam novel remaja...  berusaha mencari info pasal tempat ni.. sejak tu.. teringin sangat nak ke sini... tapi rasanya hajat tu tak mungkin jadi kenyataan kot... sangat suka tempat2 yg punya kesan sejarah macam ni... tapi rasanya hanya sekadar tengok kat tv, internet atau baca pengalaman orng lain saja la nampaknya....

Use magic Report

Post time 1-4-2014 01:35 PM | Show all posts
unik sangat

Use magic Report

Post time 1-4-2014 05:08 PM | Show all posts
Unik sangat tapi tak larat le nak jelajah

Use magic Report

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Post time 1-4-2014 05:17 PM | Show all posts
wow amazing..teringin nk kesana nnti..

Use magic Report

Post time 8-4-2014 03:31 PM | Show all posts
kalau gempa?  

Use magic Report


Post time 8-4-2014 04:21 PM | Show all posts
abgsedapmalam posted on 28-3-2014 09:45 PM
Photo 5.

But in all these cases used the same technology, which resulted in both sides - and the ...

cantik gila
aku always teringin nak visit tempat2 sejarah camni

Use magic Report

Post time 12-4-2014 10:27 PM | Show all posts
unik betul batu-batu blok tu..besar tp kemas..

Use magic Report

Post time 12-4-2014 10:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mmg terign nk pg machu picu lepas tgk dlm 1 rancangan tv huhu

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