Original taken from [backcolor=transparent !important]see_dreams in Dolls machines-Pierre Jaquet-Droz dolls.Pierre Jaquet Droz, the famous watchmaker and engineer, was born in 1721 on a small farm sur-le-Pont, located near the small town of La Chaux-de-Fonds (La Chaux-de-Fonds). He initiated one of the most prestigious brands and became a skilled creator of animated clock with singing birds and fountains, musical clocks, as well as automatic mechanisms - automatons. most vivid picture of the level of Swiss craftsmen gives automaton "Scribe." Pierre Jaquet-Droz began its creation in 1768, parallel to conducting research in the field of mechanics of animation and motion simulation of living beings by technical means. In work on the automaton was attended by Jean-Frederic Lesho and Henri-Louis Jaquet-Droz, who later made ​​some modifications. Automaton "Scribe" height of about 70 cm is a boy sitting on a stool at the table of mahogany. Its mechanism consisting of four thousand (!) Parts, is the most complex of the three mentioned humanoid automata. Automaton can be programmed so that he wrote any text of 40 characters, ranging in three lines. Right hand "Scribe" dunks quill in the inkwell, turning his eyes towards the pen, shakes his head and begins to write the text is automatically moved to the handy piece of paper. The spectacle is to recognize quite spectacular - especially when you consider that an automaton created nearly 250 years ago and still look great rabotaet.Priyatnogo!)) "The Artist" is a boy like "Clerks" that draws "on request" customers miniatures in particular dog. Doggie between historical animal: dog is a favorite of King Louis XVI.
Last edited by abgsedapmalam on 22-4-2014 07:37 PM
kan ada citer dlm hbo berpa kali ulang dah..pasal robot lama ni la yg budak kecik tu nk selamatkan.
aku baca buku encylop fakta robot pertama dicipta di paris ni initally utk buat jam pastu idea dia relate kepada pencipataan satu mechanism utk melakukan kerja boring yg manusia tak suka maka terciptala robot yg pertama ni utk merekod sesuatu dalam jangkamasa yg panjang.
Robot "Girl playing cymbals" (1780)April 26th, 23:39
Girl playing the dulcimer (The Joueuse de Tympanon, 1780god). Creators: German watchmaker Peter Kintsing (Piter Kintzing) and master cabinetmaker David Roentgen (David Roentgen). The robot was presented at Versailles in 1784, and in 1785 it acquired the Queen Marie Antoinette. Hairstyle and dress dolls were the same as that of the queen. Finger cymbals girl robot, was the acme of perfection of robotics technology of the late 18th century.Tunes that she performed were written by Christoph Willibald Gluck (Christoph Willibald Gluck). In the manufacture of individual parts for this robot, attended by about 100 party masters.
doll still in working condition and can play 8 passages of music proizvedeniy.nahoditsya the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Paris.
Video in French, interesting and understandable!