Kaspersky Partners with Bit9! How About That?
- New features for Kaspersky's solutions
Kasperskysigned a deal with Bit9 Inc., "the leading provider of applicationcontrol and device control solutions" in a move meant to make itssecurity technologies more powerful when it comes to computer protection. Bit9 owns a 4 billion files databaseincluding "commercial applications, open-source software, drivers,libraries, and malware" but it also receives about 50 million entriesper day. Among the details provided by Bit9, we can mention theoriginal name and size of the file, the publisher that created thefile, the products in which the file appears, all sources of data andthe threat level of the file.
"We are thrilled to add Kaspersky Lab to our rapidly growing partnerprogram," said Doug Cahill, Vice President of Business Development,Bit9. "As one of the industry's security software providers mostrespected for its technology leadership, Kaspersky Lab will be able toenhance their threat protection products with Bit9's innovative andflexible whitelisting technology. Kaspersky Lab's customers will gain awhole new level of understanding of what software is on theirenterprise desktops, and whether or not it should be trusted."
In this context, we're all waiting for new versions of Kaspersky'ssecurity technologies equipped with Bit9's features but there is noofficial date for the new launch.
"We are very pleased to partner with Bit9, whose extensive softwarecatalog complements Kaspersky Lab's own protection technologies formore comprehensive and multi-faceted data security," said EugeneKaspersky, CEO of Kaspersky Lab. "Kaspersky Lab plans to combine Bit9'sinnovative whitelisting technology into some of the future productofferings to provide users with more granular threat protection."
Just like always, you can download and install many of the Kaspersky technologies straight from Softpedia using this link.At this time, Kaspersky offers almost any security product you mightneed starting with antiviruses and ending with complete security suites.
[ Last edited by Mehacomp_91 at 8-11-2007 08:56 PM ] |