kencing ada protein ni kadang2 kalu pus cell byk pun dia bleh jd posive ikut pengalaman aku la |
camane boleh tau mase mule2 dulu TT ade kencing protein nih? kebetulan pegi cek ke mmg ada rasa saki ...
nooooor Post at 5-1-2012 20:44
kencing protien ni x rasa sakit.. tahu pun sebab buat check up masa nak sambung belajar.. |
kencing ada protein ni kadang2 kalu pus cell byk pun dia bleh jd posive ikut pengalaman aku la
pullahus Post at 5-1-2012 21:52
pus cell tu apa? |
mana2 prosedur pun ada risikonya termasuk renal biopsi ni.. tapi jangan risau, risikonya sangat rendah.. maknanya bila doktor dah suggest tu, maknanya risiko bila tak buat biopsi lagi tinggi dari risko buat biopsi.. lebih kurang gitu le, err paham ke.. banyak2 la doa dan tawakal semoga semua berjalan dgn lancar.. yakin pada Allah dan redha apa je yg berlaku.. insyaAllah semua okey..
kencing berprotein ni ada banyak punca, so kita tak tau yg mana satu.. dgn buat lab investigation, boleh bantu kita untuk kenalpasti apa puncanya.. contohnya bila dah buat biopsi tu, insyaAllah dapat la tau punca kenapa ada protein dlm kencingg.. dan bila dah tau punca, baru la tau macam mana nak rawat penyakit tu.. kalau punca pun tak tau, susah la nak bagi rawatan yg sesuai.. TT pikirla baik2 dgn mengambil kira semua faktor ye.. saya doakan semuanya selamat dan berjalan dgn baik.. |
What is the level of normal pus cells in the urine?
Q. I want to know what is the normal pus cells/ HPF in urine of males, females and pregnant women? I also want to know whether lemon is a urinary acidifier or alkaliser?
A. In males the normal range is 5-8 and in females upto 10 per high power field (HPF). Pregnancy doesn't increase pus cells but the situation is taken more seriously. But medicine is not as easy as that.
All investigations are to be interpreted in the background of patient's symptoms. Pus cells don't always mean infection. In theory, lemon is acidifier but can't be used clinically as it will be needed in large quantity |
Post Last Edit by razhar at 6-1-2012 02:41
Pus Cell in Urine: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment of Pus Cells
A urinalysis is one of the least expensive, yet very useful diagnostic tests. This analysis is used to detected the presence of any harmful chemical of other unexpected substances in the urine.
For example, the urine test can detect substances such as glucose (diabetics), blood (kidney problems), crystals (kidney stones) and also pus cells that indicate some kind of infection in your body. Pus Cells in Urine
- The presence of pus cells in the urine indicates an ailment in the body. In medical parlance, passage of pus cells in urine is called Pyuria.
- Pyuria can be microscopic or gross. With large number of pus cells, the urine may appear turbid or it may be purulent.
- Pus cells are white blood cells that signify infection in the body, especially if the urine also contains bacteria.
- Presence of pus cells in the urine may also be a sign of infection or inflammation in the kidneys and bladder. Since the urine has to pass through the kidneys and the bladder, it may pick up some pus cells from there before voiding.
- The mere presence of pus cells in the urine may not clearly indicate what type of infection or ailment the patient is suffering from.
- In such cases, urine test for culture and sensitivity is of great help.
- Further blood tests may be requested to check for certain levels of components and compounds in the blood.
Symptoms of Pus Cells in Urine
There may no be any visible and obvious outward symptom of pus cells in urine. However, some of the common symptoms are: - Painful, burning sensation when urinating
- Abdominal cramps
- Fever
- Vomiting
It is critical to identify these symptoms at an early stage so appropriate diagnosis and treatment can be administered. Causes of
Pus Cell in Urine
Possible causes of the presence of pus cells in urine include: - Kidney infection
- Bladder infection
- Infection in urethra
- Inflammation due to presence of bladder stones or kidney stones
- Immune disorders
- Allergies or growths anywhere along the genitourinary system
Predisposing factors contributing pus cell in urine: - Unhygienic habits
- Sexual intercourse with an infected person suffering from sexually transmitted disease (STD)
- Diabetes
- Pregnancy
- Sexual perversions
- Use of catheter
- Cancer of either urinary organs or the genital organs
- Use of steroids and immune-suppressant drugs for a long time. This lowers the immunity which may result in recurrent urinary tract infection and pus cells in urine
- Enlarged prostate in men
Treatment of Pus Cells in Urine - Treatment for this condition will depend upon what underlying cause the diagnostic tests reveal. There would be different treatment plans for the varying underlying causes listed above.
- Most of the time, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to help control infections, if these are the cause of the pus cells.
- If the pus cells are due to inflammation because of kidney or bladder stones, then these stones must first be dissolved or removed from the body, before other treatment is provided.
- Drinking enough water and fluids helps in expelling the pus cells out of the urinary system. Drinking alkaline mixture can give symptomatic relief from burning sensation while urinating. However, fluids by themselves will not eradicate the infection. For treating pus cells in urine, specific antibiotics are needed.
Reply 23# mtvirus
pus cell tu sel darah putih |
Reply 17# want2bhappy
bau kuat mungkin sebab kencing tu pekat sangat (kurang minum air)kadang2 bau kencing dipengaruhi jugak oleh makanan yg kita makan.. contohnya makan petai, kencing pun bau petai..
kalau kencing tu keruh warnanya dan busuk baunya, mungkin ada jangkitan pada saluran kencing..tanda2 lain jangkitan saluran kencing ialah demam, sakit kat bawah abdomen dan rasa sakit semasa kencing.. |
pernah mengalami kencing ader protein ms mengandung dulu..tp bila selesai bersalin semuanya hilang.. |
ambik dua2 ke isi buah pinggang... ??
mtvirus Post at 1-1-2012 22:06
satu je...btw..mmg penyakit nie tak sakit pun....leh hidup cm biasa as long jaga makan,ubat.. |
Ak nk higlight satu penyakit nie IgAN..kalau name panjang IgA Nephropathy......sila gugle and baca...ade kena mengena la protein, darah in urine nie.. |
Masa pregnant anak pertama dulu dah kena dah...dr advice suh bersalin segera takut kena pre-eklampsia(sawan bersalin). Ms dpt tahu tu dah msk 40wks dan sblm buat urine, dr check bp, ada darah tinggi..sedangkan sblm tu takde apa2 masalah pun. Trus dr suh beranak ari tu jugak secara ceasarian.
Memang nasib tak brapa baik..lepas operation sblh petang, malam kena sawan dan meracau2.. tak sedar (bkn koma) dlm seminggu. Alhamdulillah mgu kedua tu dah ok slepas berubat secara tradisional.. mmg pengalaman yg tak dapat dilupakan.. Sebelum@ semasa pregnant mmg tak aware pasal kencing ada protein ni.. |
Masa pregnant anak pertama dulu dah kena dah...dr advice suh bersalin segera takut kena pre-eklampsi ...
Audetom Post at 19-1-2012 23:52
bahaya |
thanks for info..aku kene buat check up urine ni..takut ada apa-apa nanti senang nk cegah |
pus cell tu apa?
mtvirus Post at 5-1-2012 23:55
Masa pregnant anak pertama dulu dah kena dah...dr advice suh bersalin segera takut kena pre-eklampsi ...
Audetom Post at 19-1-2012 23:52
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