The history of this phenomenal Tagged girls are so captured the imagination of Americans that she is remembered to this day.Musical [color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]"Annie Get Your Gun" , written by Irving Berlin once, still going on stages:
This is the true story of [color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]Annie Oakley ( [color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]Annie Oakley ), which was the legendary female sharpshooter America, widely known and loved it so far.Kudos to her came in the 19th century during her performances in [color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]"Wild West Show" [color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]Buffalo Bill .She became famous not only a masterful handling of weapons, but also its consistent position on the question of women's right to arms.Annie has trained at least 15,000 women in weapons handling.Her show presentation consisted of hard work and great talent, and do not contain any tricks cheating the audience.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] One of the earliest pictures of Annie
Annie Oakley - alias. The name given to her at birth was Phoebe Ann Mose (born Phoebe Ann Mosey). She was born August 13, 1860, the son of [color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]a Quaker Susan and Jacob Mose (died of pneumonia in 1866, when she was only 6 years old), surrounding Darke, Ohio, and was the sixth child in the family (and later gave birth to another - sister Emily: her mother married Daniel Brumbaugh, had another child and was widowed a second time). To support his mother and brothers and sisters, shoot and hunt Annie started as early as age eight. A wounded game she sold in the town of Greenville, as well as restaurants and hotels in southern Ohio. Older sister Annie died of tuberculosis, and soon after the family became saddled with huge medical bills and funeral expenses.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] House in Darke County Annie.
March 15, 1870, at the age of nine years, Annie was sent to the infirmary Darke County, along with her older sister Sarah Ellen. She was in charge of the hospital chief Samuel Crawford Eddington and his wife Nancy, who taught her to sew. That same spring, 1870, she was rushed to a local family, where Annie spent two years in conditions close to slavery. Their owners, it was referred to as "wolves". Initially her work was to help courting their young son, with a promise to pay fifty cents a week, and education (neither money nor education there Annie never received).Then she was forced to carry water, cook, clean the house, sewing, caring for animals, and much more. Once hostess drove Annie to frost without shoes as a punishment because she fell asleep on the darn. In his autobiography, Annie recalled:
"All good things gone for months. I got up at four in the morning, had breakfast, milking the cows, feeding calves and pigs, carried water for livestock, feed chickens, put your child to sleep, weeding the weeds in the garden, picking wild blackberries. Then picking potatoes on dinner and cleaned vegetables. Only after that could go on a hunt ... My mother wanted me to go back home. But they did not let me. I was in captivity. They wrote letters to my mother, telling her that I'm happy and I go to school . "...."One night I was given a large basket of clothes that I had a darn. Suddenly" Wolf "hit me in the ears, pinched by the arm and threw me out of the door into the deep snow and shut the door. I had no shoes, and a few minutes later my feet are numb. Slowly I froze. I knelt down and looked in the direction of the blue, God introduced and tried to pray. But lips froze and I did not say a word. "
Even in her autobiography, she never called the real names of the couple. After two years of this life, Annie ran away from the family, and took more than 20 miles until you get to the nearest train station. There she told her story to one person who took pity on her and bought her a train ticket. Thus, Annie returned to her mother. In the spring of 1872, after she was reunited with her family, her mother married a third time, for Joseph Shaw.
Annie continued to earn money for his family by selling the game she shot up to 1875. In that year, Annie went to visit her married sister who lived near Cincinnati.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] Annie in 1870.
So, on Thanksgiving Day 1875, Annie appears Cincinnati. This day will change her life. She took part in the competition shooters professionals, which took place in the city's opera house in Cincinnati. And - beat, beat the top contender - Sniper Frank Butler.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] The same picture, but larger.
Itinerant virtuoso shooter and former dog trainer [color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]Francis E. Butler (1850-1926), was an Irish immigrant. He put himself on a hundred dollar bet (current cost - about $ 2,150) in a bet with the hotel owner Jack Frost in Cincinnati that he, Butler, could beat any local marksman. Annie recalled: "The last was my rival Butler. Merriment He waited for me, a 15-year-old girl, standing four feet, named Annie." At the 25th shot, Butler missed and lost and the match and bet.
Frank Butler.
Although sung in the musical "Man dobudesh not using guns," Annie's all turned out differently. Butler stoically endured defeat from some unknown girl. Because he's in love with her. And when she got a little older, he began to care for Annie, and they were married August 23, 1876.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] Annie and Frank.
Married and earned a living, speaking in vaudeville, in a variety show and a circus. It was then that she adopted the stage name of Annie Oakley. She has appeared on stage in a cowboy hat, pleated skirt and socks, jumped into the saddle and galloped on horseback, shooting colored glass balls that are tossed into the air her partner.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] One of the circus poster showing Annie galloping on a horse at the same time - shooting.
Frank Butler pretty soon abandoned his career arrow and took on a more modest role of assistant manager and his wife. Her skill was astounding. Once, during a presentation of the 5000 Annie Balls bowled 4772. She could hit thirty paces delivered rib playing card and punch a few holes in it before it hits the ground map. These targets then snapped up as souvenirs. Such punched card dubbed "Annie Oakley." The name was also extended to the free tickets with holes. People mistakenly think that their holing his gun their favorite.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] Card, with a broken heart, Annie bullet.(Autographed).
She had left a lot of amazing tricks. Annie could get almost exactly in the center tossed a dime:
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] [color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] Dimes are not found, but punched odnotsentoviki registered users are.
Knock .. or cigarette ash, which is usually smoked on stage by her husband. When she got tired of just shooting glass balls, Annie turned back facing the horse with one hand holding a mirror in front, another gun and shot back:
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] Horse found only this: Annie shoots back with a mirror.
Oakley circus career start in 24 years. First, she and her husband arrived in the company of brothers Sells, but it lingered long. Relations with the hosts were quite tense. And when Colonel William Cody, known as Buffalo Bill, the famous hero of the border and then the organizer of the circus show "Wild West", invited Annie, and along with her husband, both without hesitation said yes.
In 1885, the couple began to work with Buffalo Bill and continued to perform with his band for seventeen years. Phone Annie stood in the program immediately after entry. Colonel Cody, whose life was a lot of real desperate skirmishes, was quite subtle psychologist. In order not to scare the children in the audience, he suggested Annie begins performances pistol shooting, and gunpowder charges put a little bit. Kind of a cute young woman had a calming effect and to the extent that, as an artist seized the public's attention, she moved from the gun to the gun, the charges have been made stronger, louder shooting, but it is no scarecrow.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] Buffalo Bill and Annie among the participants of the show.Photo very large [color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]here .
And here they are marked by circles:
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]
Oakley quickly became a favorite of the public, as well, however, as the entire troupe. Colonel introduced her to the Sioux Indian leader [color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]Sitting Bull . Once upon a time they were enemies and fought each other. Now peacefully performed together on stage.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill (1895)
Leader, is an expert in marksmanship, was fascinated by Annie. He gave her an honorary member of the Sioux, and called her his adopted daughter, and Annie, in turn, called him by his adopted father. She received her moccasins, which he wore at the Battle of Little Bighorn and the nickname "Baby Precise Shot." Nickname clung forever. Annie and Frank continued to perform with Buffalo Bill for 16 seasons and has toured across the country, visiting at least 130 cities in the season.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] Annie on one of the tours, vacation.
But soon rival Annie appeared in the show - [color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]Lillian Smith :
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]
Lillian was born in 1871 in Coleville, California, began shooting at the age of 7 years. In 1886, at age 15, she went to the Buffalo Bill show "Wild West Show", where she met her rival, Annie Oakley. Smith and Oakley had never been on friendly terms. Annie Oakley stated that "Smith was a braggart."
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] More Lillian.
Moreover, unlike Annie, who was extremely conservative in choosing your wardrobe, Lillian enjoyed flashy clothes and had a reputation as "unconscionable flirtuni."
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] She also.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] And more
Both Smith and Oakley went to the UK with "Wild West Show" and there met with Queen Victoria in 1887. Smith poor performance at Wimbledon (in contrast to the stunning Annie) led to mocking articles as the British and American press. All this led to the fact that Lillian Smith left the show in 1889.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] Portrait of Annie on the card of a cigarette pack / Miss Annie Oakley, Rifle Shooter, from World's Champions, Series 1 (N28) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes
Continue. As I said above, with 1887 participants show "Wild West" began to travel abroad. They had three long tour of Europe. In the first Annie performed before Queen Victoria of England into submission, arranged on the occasion of the royal "golden" anniversary. Queen Victoria saw her show twice, Prince Albert Edward (his wife Annie and shook hands before to make a statement about women's rights) was a huge success, and although at first in the eyes of the public court snipers from the American heartland looked uncouth hillbillies, all as it reacted very favorably. Ladies of light exploded learn to shoot and eventually approved and the style of her behavior and manner of dress. After Europe in the 1894th, Annie "Wild West Show" was invited to the studio of Thomas Edison to make a short film about her hit:
On the continent (in Europe) it willingly accepted other crowned heads. Russian Grand Duke Mikhail lost her match shooting, Prince of Wales organized, and Annie got a medal from Prince and exchanged with him photographs.
In 1893, the troupe for a while back in the United States to take part in the World's Fair in Chicago. Since the submission should have taken part master equestrian sports from around the world, Cody has renamed the show, now it's called "Buffalo Bill Wild West and the World Congress of rabid riders." Sound - more than enticing. But even in this dashing of Annie Oakley remained a recognized star.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] Annie on a horse.Rome.One of the European tour.
In 1898, Dorothy wrote to President McKinley with a project that women made up a part of the U.S. Army, which at that time was at war with Spain. She wrote: "A group of fifty women shooters ready to perform military service."
In 1902 began the third and last European tour. It lasted four years. When the company was in Germany, in the view kindly attended Crown Prince Wilhelm, the future German Kaiser. He lit his cigar in the arena, and Annie knocks smoking bullet tip. When the First World War, she remembered a joint room with a cigar, exclaimed: "I wish I'd missed that day!").
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] Performance in Pinehurst, USA.1918-th.
Annie Oakley continued to set records and 60 years of age. At the same time she was doing charity work and campaigned for women's rights. In 1922, the competition in North Carolina 62-year-old Oakley hit 100 ranked in the target from a distance of 16 yards (15 meters).
In the same 1922 Oakley and her husband had a car accident, which resulted in her had to wear orthosis on the right foot. In 1924, after eighteen months of recovery, she again returned to normal activity. However, in 1925, her health deteriorated and 3 November 1926 at 66 years of age died in her sleep. She died of pernicious anemia. Frank survived her by only 18 days.Immediately after her death, he stopped eating and began to melt before our eyes.He missed her very much.(!!)
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] Annie, Frank and their dog Dave
Although Annie and Frank never had children, they had a good relationship with their many nieces and nephews, whom they spoil permanent gifts. When they lived in Cambridge, they had an English Setter named Dave, whom they considered a family member.
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important] Annie trained in shooting at Dave, putting him an apple on his head.1921 th
In real life this woman had a lot of fame and love. About her made films (11 pieces!), Staged plays and musicals.
For example - [color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]"Annie Oakley" , 1935, with Barbara Stanwyck in the title role (entirely in Russian):
Wife are buried in Greenville, Ohio:
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]
It would be easy to imagine that Amazon, life does not leave with the weapon, rough, masculine singular. But in fact, Annie was a sweet, shy woman who is so modest that categorically not allowed to call himself the champion.
The only known case of Oakley found on people bad feelings associated with her partner crowned by the speech in Germany.
More photos of her, in different years (wonder whether that going?)
Already the 20th century:
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]
Christmas card Annie and Frank:
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]
In November 2013th in Dallas at auction "Legends of the West", conducted by the auction house Heritage Auctions has sold one of the guns Annie Oakley:
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]
Certificate for a gun:
[color=rgb(153, 0, 153) !important]
Shotgun manufactured by Parker Brothers (12 Gauge Parker Brothers Shotgun, Serial # 48767) came into the possession of a certain organization, who requested anonymity, for 293,000 dollars.Were also sold and some personal belongings Annie - including bracelet (sold for approx. $ 100,000):
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