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Filipinos in Israel
As a service to the large English speaking Filipino community living in Israel, mostly contract workers, we have provided some information to ease their integration into the Israeli lifestyle. We welcome you to join our social groups an participate in our social activities.
The Anglo-list would like to thank the Philippine Embassy for contributing the information in this article.
The estimated number of Overseas Filipinos living in Israel now stands at 39,000 and distributed as follows:
Tel Aviv and environs
Haifa and other northern cities
Rishon LeZion and Rehovot
Eilat and other cities in Israel
Profile of the Filipino Community in Israel
The Philippine Embassy estimates that there are approximately 39,000 Filipinos working and living in Israel. A large majority is concentrated in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa. There are also a considerable number of Filipinos working in Beersheva, Netanya, Rehovot and Rishon Lezion however, most of them maintain apartments in Tel Aviv where they normally spend their weekend.
Religion, has always been a facet of expatriate Filipino workers, and is very pronounced with their awareness of being in Israel. Filipino worshipers usually flock at St. Anthony Catholic Church along Yefet St. in Jaffa for the Saturday masses at 5:30 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. Weddings are usually scheduled during the 5:30 p.m. mass. The church which is run by the Franciscan friars can accommodate about 1,500 people at any one time. In Haifa, Filipinos frequent the St. Joseph Church. In Jerusalem, the Notre Dame Church and the Church of the Terra Sancta. Saturdays are also the day for worship for some Filipinos who belong to other religious orientations. Filipinos in Israel practice their faith freely.
Under the Israeli law, foreign workers are only allowed to stay in Israel for a maximum period of five years. However, they may continue to stay in Israel after five years provided that they are working for the same employer. Although official working days in Israel commence on Sunday until Thursday, working days for majority of the Filipinos start from Monday until Friday noon.
Most of the Filipinos in Israel work as caregivers. There are also a small fraction who work in hotels and restaurants. Women outnumber men by 6 : 1.
The Federation of Filipino Comnnunites in Israel (FFCI)
The Federation of Filipino Communities in Israel (FFCI) is the umbrella organization of allFilipino associations/groups in Israel. Represented by the Presidents of each organizations, the FFCI conducts sports and social activities for the Filipino Community. They also extend assistance to Filipinos in Israel on case to case basis as well as work on projects assisting Filipinos in the Philippines.
Filipino carer wins Israeli X Factor with My Way Rose Fostanes, 47, says she hopes her participation in the show has helped to draw attention to low-paid foreign workers
Filipino carer Rose Fostanes blows judges and public away during the final of Israeli X Factor in Tel Aviv. Photograph: David Bachar/AP
Israel's invisible force of Filipino carers of elderly people and those who are infirm was a little more visible on Wednesday after 47-year-old Rose Fostanes won Israeli X Factor, stunning judges and the public with her rendition of My Way.
Fostanes, who has worked in the Middle East for 20 years to send money home to her family in the Philippines, said: "I'm speechless, I cannot say anything now. I can't believe this has happened to me."
Comparisons have been made with Susan Boyle, the 52-year-old Scot who won fame for her performances in Britain's Got Talent in 2009. Fostanes sang a string of popular numbers in the Israeli X Factor, including Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody and Lady Gaga's You And I.
One of the judges, Israeli singer Shiri Maimon said: "She's amazing. I really want her life to change, she's a great singer." The show is hosted by the Israeli model and actor Bar Refaeli.
Before Tuesday night's final, Fostanes said she hoped her participation in the show would draw attention to low-paid foreign workers in Israel, about 40,000 of whom are Filipinos. Many work as full-time carers, housekeepers or cleaners.
"Everybody in the world will know that Filipinos, even [those] working as a cleaner can also share their talents and they can also be a part of a big event like this," she said.
In another interview, she said: "Not all workers and cleaners from the Philippines" could share her good fortune. "It's like Cinderella."
Fostanes came to Israel six years ago and most recently looked after a woman in Tel Aviv. She shares a crowded flat in south Tel Aviv, a rundown area that is home to most of the city's migrants. A friend encouraged her to enter the X Factor.
Fostanes' female partner, Mel Adel, earlier said that she had feared the disclosure of the carer's sexuality would harm her chances of winning. "But I was elated that she did not disown me," Adel told a television station in Manila.
A spokesman for the Philippine president, Benigno Aquino, said: "We know the situation she was in and we are very proud that she has again given the Philippines pride in the showcase of her talent. The Filipino has an innate advantage when it comes to the arts … It clearly shows that the excellence of the Filipino can be expressed anywhere, everywhere, when they are given the opportunity to show their talent."
An estimated 10 million Filipinos – about 10% of the population – work abroad in order to send money home to family members.
Last edited by abgsedapmalam on 17-4-2014 09:29 PM