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HEBRON Kota Suci 3 Agama Dunia.(52pics+1video)

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Post time 20-4-2014 08:44 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Some cities you fall in love, some disappointing. Sometimes, strolling through the streets of a new place, you have left a lot of questions.In Hebron, everything is different. City asks questions to you.

Very strange sensations. Write a story about Hebron easy. Perhaps this is the weirdest city on the planet. He almost became extinct. A ghost town. And at the same time - very much alive, all are bubbling as in the metropolis. 250 thousand Arabs - 600 Jewish population. But their presence is more visible than anywhere else in Israel.

Large settlement physically divided in two: the same street can be chipped in half between Jews and Arabs. The Berlin Wall is resting.

1 If you drive into Hebron on the Arab side - nothing unusual, ordinary Palestinian city. Overall market and trade to drive in these conditions - need nerves of steel and steel balls.

2 Hevrontsy live their lives here verblyuzhatinkoy trade. This is a local delicacy. Stewed camel in Hebron - a famous dish. And every day you can score only one camel.

3 Today, the city is located on the territory of the Palestinian Authority, but it is divided into two parts, H1 and H2, Arab and Jewish. Both that and another forbidden to cross the border, the city exists as two separate. Here's a typical street of Arab Hebron. Worth a look up, see a large Israeli flag and booth-tower on the roof. Israeli army checkpoint. Big brother is watching.

4 Once these streets were a single entity, and did not even have separate quarters. Both Arabs and Jews lived together, side by side little by little, traded with each other, and sometimes even went to visit. Now do this, shall we say, problematic. Stairs inundated Razor barbed wire windings streets simply covered with concrete blocks.

5 There was a noisy shopping street. Today, the shop - the last one. Merchant-Arab points towards a high wall, which has a security door at the Jewish territory. It does not open from the inside.

6 Hevrontsy seems almost accustomed to this state of affairs. But they are all very well remembered. Any spark will cause a new, more powerful explosion.

7 Because of what a conflict and why the town was cut in two? Because of the shared roots of Jews and Arabs. Specifically - because graves forefathers known each Bible: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. These bones are significant for all three world religions, especially Jews and Muslims. For the latter, it does the fourth holiest place after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.

So, Hebron was historically more Arab city (although Islam came here later, but stuck in people's heads tighter), but the Jewish community existed there from the base. And they lived relatively peacefully. Until 1929, when here, in Hebron, there was a pogrom. As you know, in the twenties, thirties, many people from around the world coming back here, to the Holy Land, even before the creation of the state of Israel were many years. But the Arabs do not like very much was a sudden influx of emigrants. As a result of skirmishes killed 67 Jews were burned about a hundred houses. Residents were frightened and began to run away, to move to other cities.

8 For almost forty years the Arabs happy solitude: first, after the War of Independence of Israel, the entire West Bank, including Hebron, departed Jordan. Connection of the Jews with their shrines was interrupted, not only here but also in Jerusalem (as we remember, the Temple Mount, for example, is still in Jordanian hands). But in 1967, during the Six Day War, these territories back under Israeli control.Third, the return of Jews to Arab residents did not like it, since began the bloodiest chapter in the history of the city. Which, in fact, is not still unfinished.

9 Sentinel tower - not just. In armored booths staffed by IDF soldiers. This guy long watched as I wandered through the streets and shooting them from different angles. Jewish soldiers watched height, I walked through the Arab part. At some point I got out onto the roof of a house and our eyes met. Nothing, absolutely nothing. And looked away. Man with a camera was not interested. In these parts it means a tourist and not a spy.

10 Here was an ordinary city street. In the separation of the city, it remained in the Arab part perpendicular to it - in the Jewish. So just blocked the street blocks. But to block another twenty meters band security, barbed wire and fence.

11 "Second floor" one of the Arab street. Iron canopies protect trade rows from the sun, no more.

12 Compared with noisy Nablus or TOURIST Jerusalem , uncrowded here. Like almost everywhere in Palestinian cities, almost every street bazaar. But here sluggish trade, literally fighting for customers.

13 Stone of the past. This plaque in Hebrew hanging still. Arabs do not touch it for some reason.


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 Author| Post time 20-4-2014 08:45 PM | Show all posts
There are 14 rows of souvenir offer everything. Must also something of interest to the few foreign tourists. Foreign - because the Israelis can not be here. What souvenirs here? Well, for example, first-class craftworks, made by the hands of Palestinian women. More old coins today in the ordinary course of autonomy in Israeli shekels, and once they had and their money.

15 One of the tents is very strange. Here show pictures of Israeli settlers occupied Arab homes: just pictures of ordinary people. And next - an Arab in a wheelchair.

16 Another man marketer shows video from the camera, where the Israeli army disperses weekly peaceful march Hebron Arabs. The video, in fact, be seen as opening the gate and Israeli people come in helmets and flak jackets. After that, everything is reminiscent of what ends almost every Russian rally: riot policemen dragged people into paddy wagons. Where dragged here - is unclear. Video will begin immediately with vintilova that precedes it, it has not shown. You have to understand that soldiers are not angels, and Arabs - not innocent yagnyatki.

17 very old city of Hebron. Real, genuine Middle East. There are many alleys and courtyards. Realities of today forced spoil view sky now in the box. Each courtyard closed mesh: say settlers and Israelis indulge dump trash on the Arabs.

18 I make this picture with the Palestinian side. Where stands booth - is Israel. In some places, the Arabs and the Jews still coexist, but through the door they do not go to visit. Through the window, too.

19 Many neighborhoods almost completely abandoned this beauty disappears.

20 streets were cut off from each other, once a bustling thoroughfare becomes a dead end. Arabs do not like to live in constant tension, many are leaving, leaving behind empty houses.

21 Scariest of all understand that this is hardly ever end. You look at these kids, ordinary boys are out of school. There, on the other side of the wall, returning from his school Jewish guys. They could be friends, but they can not even meet. But since childhood, they hear about the invaders and enemies that the one that the other side.

22 In computer club they play shooters. I remember, there was a game "Counter-Strike". I never liked it, can not be said about the vast majority. There were all playing on the network with each other. Some of them - on the side of the terrorists, others for riot police. And the scenery was such pohzhe Hebron.

So, in a sense, the wall helps. Do not put a computer game to life. Here it seems quite simple.

23 In the booth today sentinel duty cat.


25 But the market street. Despite the heat of the day, quite empty. All the shops are closed. Moreover, it seems to me, many years.

26 Steel Cage PPC between Hebron. For tourists not particularly stick, I did not even check your passport. It is evident that the checkpoint is done directly in the arch of the former street, you see all the same retail shops on both sides?

27 Where more control we are waiting for a hundred meters from the checkpoint. Here the entrance to the Cave of the Forefathers: the very building, because of which the whole city was divided in half. Armed to the eyebrows police check documents, ask religion and taken sharp objects.

28 We enter the Muslim side, this mosque. Near the entrance gate is very unusual: it can hide the soldiers in case of attack. And all this - on purpose. It was here, exactly twenty years ago, in 1994, there was carnage. Settler Baruch Holstein, regular doctor, burst into the Muslim part of the Caves in the night before Ramadan and shot a bunch of people. History is extremely muddy, if you want - read online chronology and consequences. But it was after the incident between the two parts of the same building built an impressive save.

29 On this side - an ordinary mosque. "Houses" represent grave. In fact, people are buried deep beneath. Actually, in a cave.

30 Cave - a place sacred to Jews, Muslims and Christians. Besides Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are buried their wives. And yet, according to legend, this is where Adam and Eve are buried. But getting there could not be considered sacrilegious. You can look at a candle flame deep down through the hole. On the Israeli side can not be viewed.

31 In special circular room with windows, but no doors are sarcophagi. Just they represent ancient tombs "patriarchs". Opposite the window - the Jewish part. Between them - bulletproof glass. Just in case.

32 And here is the door separating the building. Very close, but to get "the other side" can not be local. Just like me, tourists with passport third country.

33 Tourists in Hebron do not carry. Some get their own, but they usually look either one or the other Hebron: whether the time is not enough, then whether the military is not allowed, as in the case with the Israelis. Of course, I could not pass up the opportunity to see both sides of the fence. Israeli policemen politely check the documents, see that I have no relationship to the parties to the conflict and allowed to pass into the Jewish area.

34 Hence, all generally looks quite bloody. But somehow releases. In Arabic often experience stress, and not only in Hebron, but in general. There eternal bazaar hype: it's fun and colorful, but quickly become boring. Addictive traders not added comfort. On the Israeli side - almost complete silence.


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 Author| Post time 20-4-2014 08:45 PM | Show all posts
35 mitzvah-mobile. This Jews around the world have adopted from America, where the sermon with all popular wheels tsekrvey. In this case, the mobile synagogue. You can come and talk with the rabbi, take religious literature.

36 Cave of Patriarchs, Machpelah, on the other hand. There is reason to believe that it is the oldest existing building now, has not lost its original purpose. They say that the structure of two thousand years, and it was built in the days of Herod the Great. The complex is completed and never been rebuilt.

Yes, the best angle opens from the Israeli side. And after a long time, almost vosemsot years, it was quite the opposite. Eight centuries the place was reserved for Muslims. Jews entrance to the cave was banned. Until 1967, Jews could pray outside as the Wailing Wall .. Molivshimsya was forbidden to climb higher than the seventh stage. Israel lifted the ban after the Six Day War, and the "seventh stage" was destroyed. However, and after that the Jews were allowed to go inside only during certain hours. Everything changed after the terrorist attack in 1994, the same slaughterhouse. Ever since the government of Israel divided the building wall, and today Muslims have only 35% of the area.

37 Building Machpelah huge, but open to the public only a very small part: the caves can not, can not be on the upper floors, the roof - and the more so. In fact, the only one available to floor: from the Arab side is a classic mosque, well, Jewish - typical synagogue.

38 The decor here - opposite the mosque. There all quiet and sedate, people praying on his knees alone. The Jews - a happy holiday, people dance in a circle and sing a song.

39 But the same sarcophagus that we saw earlier. Pay attention to the trash on the floor: put bulletproof glass, and people still rush into each other.

40 Doors-partitioning on the other hand. Castles from this side, and here sits an armed policeman.

41 But where we were before - not even the Israeli side of Hebron, but only the Jewish part of Cave of the Patriarchs. Real "Hebron-two" starts a little further. We pass another post, show your passport and find ourselves in a completely dead zone: no man around. This exclusion zone,

42 Although "Hebron-two" by itself does not look very alive. So after all the inhabitants here, as stated above, six people. In these houses live just a nobody. Balconies covered with small bars to avoid throwing stones and Molotov cocktails. These balconies - Arab, and the street itself - Jewish. I wonder what it is - to live and look out the window at the world where you can not get there? Though this world - the nearby street.

43 Hebron wall in all its glory.

44 on the Israeli side.

45 Another abandoned street. Today it is no man's land.

46 From the Jewish side, climbed onto the roof and went to the soldier's booth. Israeli soldiers never forbid take pictures. Stand and watch with it can be quite easy.

47 Not only soldiers, but also hundreds of cameras watching what is happening on the Arab side of Hebron. Arabs under the hood.

48 Palestinians meet their own "flag attack." Although there is no one to watch them, except that tourists.

49 But one of the few buildings on the living Jewish side. It seems that this synagogue.

50 It looks like a small checkpoint between areas. Inside - frame metal detectors and soldiers. When you go out to the Arab Hebron, nobody asks documents and did not even turn his head to peep framework. There you - for themselves.

51 Walking through Hebron is very interesting as a photographer, but as a person is very disturbing. Very quickly realize how small can be your own problems.

52 But both side for a minute may seem that the world is old enough and experienced, and history is full of examples of living. But not yet, not navoyevat. And the planet proves it every day.

Other Photo Country Palestinian Territories :


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Post time 20-4-2014 08:49 PM | Show all posts
internet diorang msti lg laju dari malaya

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Post time 21-4-2014 11:12 AM | Show all posts
ye la tu kot

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di akui sgt

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Post time 21-4-2014 11:58 AM | Show all posts
i was there ...

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Post time 21-4-2014 12:46 PM | Show all posts
Ooo kesahnya

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