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Di Tolak Ngesex Kali ke3 'kembar' Angelina Jolie Tikam Driver Teksi

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Post time 10-4-2014 05:55 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Ditolak bercinta, kembaran Angelina Jolie tikam sopir taksi - Seorang supir taksi asal Rumania mengaku kembaran Angelina Jolie yang haus akan seks menikamnya setelah ia menolak memuaskan 'Jolie' untuk ketiga kalinya.
Nicolae Stan, supir taksi tersebut berujar bahwa Luminita Perijoc (30) telah mengancamnya dengan pisau agar dirinya mau berhubungan badan. Ia juga mengaku bahwa Perijoc sebelumnya meminta bantuan dirinya membawakan tas ke dalam apartemennya. Perijoc lantas memintanya berhubungan badan. Ketika Stan menolak, Perijoc dikatakan mengeluarkan pisau dan memaksanya.
Polisi kini menyelidiki pernyataan Stan tentang perilaku kembaran Jolie ini. Fakta yang sudah ditemukan, ternyata Perijoc sedang menjalani pengobatan.
Belum cukup penderitaannya karena ancaman Perijoc, Stan juga diejek rekan-rekannya. Ia diolok lantaran menolak ajakan kembaran Jolie tersebut.
"Setiap orang membicarakanku sekarang. Mereka tak mengerti mengapa aku menolaknya. Mereka tak tahu rasanya berada di depan wanita yang meneriakimu sembari membawa pisau," keluhnya.
Stan bercerita bahwa dirinya berhasil selamat setelah berlindung di dalam kamar dan menghubungi 999 dari handphonenya. Menurut laporan polisi, Stan dibawa ke rumah sakit dengan lebih dari setengah lusin luka tusukan di tubuhnya.
Polisi juga menginterogasi kedua pihak untuk mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya terjadi.
Beberapa teman Perijoc mengatakan kepada media setempat bahwa wanita tersebut adalah penggemar berat Jolie sampai ia mendandani dirinya mirip seperti sang aktris. (dym/dka)

Sex-crazed Angelina Jolie lookalike is given suspended sentence for forcing a taxi driver to have sex with her twice and then stabbing him when he could not manage a third time
  • [size=1.4em]Luminita Perijoc, 31, forced Nicolae Stan, 35, to have sex with her
  • [size=1.4em]She stabbed him more than half a dozen stab times
  • [size=1.4em]Originally sentenced to five years but reduced to her medication she was on

[size=1.2em]By JILL REILLY
[size=1.2em]PUBLISHED: 11:09 GMT, 9 April 2014 | UPDATED: 16:05 GMT, 9 April 2014

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[size=1.2em]Luminita Perijoc, 31, forced her victim at knifepoint to perform sex acts

[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]A sex-crazed Angelina Jolie lookalike has been handed a suspended jail sentence after a taxi driver claimed she had tried to kill him when he refused to perform a sex act on her for a third time.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]Nicolae Stan, 35, told police Luminita Perijoc, 31, had already forced him at knifepoint to have intercourse and perform oral sex during the incident in 2012.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]He claims he met Perijoc while he was hired to deliver some bags of shopping to her apartment in the city of Tulcea, in eastern Romania, and when he turned up at the door she had asked for his phone number so that she could engage his services again.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]He said several hours later she called and asked him to pick up some bottles of wine and come back to her apartment to deliver them.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]When he turned up at the door, she had grabbed him and dragged him inside and demanded sex.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]When he refused she pulled out a 10cm knife and forced him to undress, he told the court.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]Mr Stan says he only escaped when he managed to barricade himself into a bedroom and dial 999 on his mobile phone.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]Police confirmed that they had rescued him from the flat of the half-dressed young woman and that he had been taken to hospital with more than half a dozen stab wounds.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]She was initially jailed for five years after a court rejected her claim that she was really the victim.

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[backcolor=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)]

[size=1.2em]Friends told local media that Perijoc is a huge fan of actress Jolie and models herself on the Tomb Raider star

[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]But an appeal court has now confirmed that the jail sentence be suspended for four years after experts testified that Perijoc's behaviour may have been down to the fact she was on medication at the time.


[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]She had apparently been taking high strength painkillers following an operation.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]Mr Stan complained that while she had been let off with a suspended sentence, he had been given a life sentence as he had become miserable due to his friends teasing him.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]He said: 'It is terrible. I am now a local celebrity, everyone is talking about me.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]'They don't understand why I refused her, but they do not know what it is like to have a mad woman yelling at you at knifepoint.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]'They look at her, then look at me and laugh. But I think anyone would find it impossible to perform with a knife at their throat even if they were with Miss Romania.'  [size=1.2em]
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]The married father-of-three added: 'I think she wasn't used to anyone saying no because she flew into a rage when I declined.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]'She took out a knife and forced me to undress and have sex with her.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]'But she wasn't satisfied and wanted sex again.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]'When I refused she attacked me with a knife, and forced me to have oral sex with her but she still stabbed me,' he added.
[size=1.2em][size=1.2em]Friends told local media that Perijoc is a huge fan of actress Jolie and models herself on the Tomb Raider star.


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Post time 10-4-2014 06:21 PM | Show all posts
Fuihhh...kali ketiga nak tu.

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Post time 10-4-2014 07:25 PM | Show all posts
Bagi la pemandu teksi tu minum tongkat ali dulu ke..
Barney stinson pun pakai energy drink ngan energy bar


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Post time 10-4-2014 10:42 PM | Show all posts
Cantik tapi mental...
I tak tau nak gelak atau kasihan pada lelakiyang jadi mangsa tu...

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Post time 10-4-2014 11:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Patutnya kembar angelina jolie ni pg kat india kat sana x pyh nak tikam ni dah bersedia je org2 dia nak merogol.. Baru padan buku bertemu ruas

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Post time 11-4-2014 10:40 AM | Show all posts
awat la die berkenan kt pemandu teksi ka dr retis yg lain?

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Post time 11-4-2014 11:41 AM | Show all posts
poyohabis posted on 10-4-2014 11:23 PM
Patutnya kembar angelina jolie ni pg kat india kat sana x pyh nak tikam ni dah bersedia je org2 dia  ...

.. setuju..suka suki je paksa org..haha

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Post time 11-4-2014 11:47 AM | Show all posts
pengalaman sex tu xmenyeronokkan la tu
sbb sampai kena paksa utk kali ke3

if yummy sgt
xyah perempuan tu mintak
lelaki tu free2 bagi

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Post time 11-4-2014 11:51 AM | Show all posts
Macam-macam hal

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Post time 11-4-2014 02:01 PM | Show all posts
kalau x best x d nye pemandu taksi tu nk tolak

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Post time 11-4-2014 02:12 PM | Show all posts
mcm2 hal .......... ayooo

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Post time 11-4-2014 03:23 PM | Show all posts
3X TU............

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Post time 12-4-2014 04:17 AM | Show all posts
ni ha pemandu teksi tu....
tgok muka pun dh tau barang mcm gajah...
sah2 la pompuan tu suke...


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Post time 12-4-2014 08:27 AM | Show all posts
anees~nuhara posted on 11-4-2014 10:40 AM
awat la die berkenan kt pemandu teksi ka dr retis yg lain?

baca biar faham kak

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Post time 12-4-2014 08:50 AM | Show all posts
rasanya main kali pertama cepat sgt pak supir tu pancut..tunggu 2nd round pun sama tu yg minta lagi ..round ketiga 'abg' pak supirpun takleh bangun lagi tu yg kena tikam...hahaha
ada pompuan kalau dah buat mesti nak klimak kalau tak dia memang marah sgt selagi tak klimak..tak sempat klimak kot atau nak yg berkali2 baru kenyang.

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Post time 14-4-2014 10:00 AM | Show all posts
masa_lalu posted on 12-4-2014 08:27 AM
baca biar faham kak la

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Post time 14-4-2014 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Pompuan ni 'sakit' ni... kan ada orang yg menghidap 'ketagih seks'.. memang sehari dia boleh berkali2... dorang memang kena masuk pusat pemulihan kalau nak control ketagihan dorang.. kalau tidak memang akan memudaratkan perhubungan dorang... macam pelakon X-File tu.. kan dia pernah masuk rehab  untuk atasi masalah yg sama....

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Post time 14-4-2014 12:28 PM | Show all posts
ganas tui pompuan nih

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Post time 15-4-2014 10:04 AM | Show all posts
laki teruna tidak selamat lagi.. huhu..

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Post time 20-4-2014 10:13 AM | Show all posts
RatuDunia94 posted on 12-4-2014 04:17 AM
ni ha pemandu teksi tu....
tgok muka pun dh tau barang mcm gajah...
sah2 la pompuan tu suke...

tgk cam gagah perkasa.. baru sekali dh xlarat..


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