Then explain why beheading civilian Western journalists and bombing爄nnocent civilian targets is 'approved' in the eyes of the terrorists aka hezbollah. In the eyes of the Muslim countries, it is the Zionists and the Western countries that have been oppressing Palestinians, but Hezbollah is no better, or worse. |
Wrong Debbie... too much hatred of Muslims have blinded your facts again... Hizbullah may be made up entirely of Muslims but Palestine & Iran consists of non-Muslims too...
Christians don't join in the terrirism ever, its a 100% muslim thing.
In fact muslims are terrorisisng Christians there.
The Church of Nativity where Palestinian Christians worship fired upon by Zionists tanks...
Muslimk terrorists chose to hide and fire from teh church.
Had Muslims respected the christianity, they wouldn't have hidden inside.
Note also that the muslims who hid in the church purposely desecrated the interiors and artifacts of the church.
So... still think the Zionists love or respect your Christian faith??
Definitely more than you muslims do. |
Reply #182 Debmey's post
Deb and Mentos, if you pple want to resort to religious bickering and insults, I think the arguments wont stop at the Palestinians nor the Hezbollah. It goes all the way further. It can go to the time when King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella prosecuted Muslims and forced conversions of Muslim Spain.
And yes, it wont stop there. U should read some books about Christian Arabs in Israel. One of them is entitled 'To be an Arab in Israel' by Fouzi el-Asmar published in 1975 to get some insights.
[ Last edited by RainbowSix at 20-3-2007 06:56 PM ] |
Reply #182 Debmey's post
Actually, there are Jewish and even Christian terrorists around. For every religion, there's always a radical group. However, no one can doubt that at the moment, mostl religiously motivated terrorist movements around the world are Islamic related. |
Reply #184 mentosonline's post
That is more correct. Radical groups in any religion exist. |
Reply #185 RainbowSix's post
Yep. For every major organisation, there is always a 'left wing' or 'right wing'. |
The issue of palestine is not a religion issue, there are large number of prominent Palestinians that are Christian, including Hanan Ashrawi, Emile Habibi, Edward Said, Anis Shorrosh, George Habash, Nayef Hawatmeh, Rifat Odeh Kassis and activist Raymonda Tawil, (mother of Yassir Arafat's wife Suha)
Hanan Ashrawi's father, Daoud Mikhail, was also the founding member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
Sanctity Denied: The Destruction and Abuse of Muslim and Christian Holy Places in Israel (December 2004)
http://www.arabhra.org/publicati ... ydenied_english.pdf
The wall not only effecting Palestinian muslims but also Christians
[ Last edited by ef/x at 20-3-2007 07:54 PM ] |
Reply #181 mentosonline's post
Did Hezbollah really made such statements about agreeing to beheadings?
Dun mix this up with Iraq. |
Reply #182 Debmey's post
Dweeb, I am laughing my head off! Look who is the extreamist now and with the tenacity of a fly. You are like this small fly buzzing around ending up on a pile bovine scatology. Have you given some thought about getting help?You should consider because I mean there is a real animosity here. I don't think its healthy. I mean we have been through this before, okay. So what if you failed SAFTI selection and ended in the NS. Still life is okay-you get to play soldier. You can't blame yourself too much for your mental capacity. Its a handicap but we still love you for showing yourself to be the forum idiot. |
Originally posted by RainbowSix at 20-3-2007 06:21 PM
Deb and Mentos, if you pple want to resort to religious bickering and insults, I think the arguments wont stop at the Palestinians nor the Hezbollah. It goes all the way further. It can go to the ...
Why don't you recall that it was muslims who invaded and occupied spain to begin with? |
Originally posted by ef/x at 20-3-2007 07:49 PM
The issue of palestine is not a religion issue, there are large number of prominent Palestinians that are Christian, including Hanan Ashrawi, Emile Habibi, Edward Said, Anis Shorrosh, George Haba ...
most of these people are anti terrorism. they may be Christian but they don't support this palestinian thing.
also, there are ahrdly any christians left among the palestinians cos they have been oppressed by muslims who treat them as second class citizens. |
Reply #190 Debmey's post
If thats the case than Columbus was trying to invade the Indians in America? Or Cortez in South America? What about the crusades to the Middle East? Invasion? The crusaders invaded Muslim lands in the Middle East first. Had they apaporached the Muslims in a better light, perhaps peace would be instil. Hmm....
Judging by your rule, the Indians have the right to eradicate the caucasian Americans and force them to convert to animism.
[ Last edited by RainbowSix at 20-3-2007 11:06 PM ] |
racist anti Islam ni masih kecewa pasai orang2 Spain dulu kalah kpd Islam dan masuk Islam beramai2 kat sana dulu, dia pun masih marah pasai Islam berjaya dikembangkan keseluruh dunia pada zaman tu, pasai tu dia dok meroyan lagi sampai sekarang dalam bilik dia sorang2, tak dapat terima hakikat kenapa Islam boleh berkembang keseluruh pelusuk dunia sampai jadi macam sekarang nih, dia cuba nak cari jawapannya, kenapa nenek moyang dia dulu tak lawan habis2an macam dia buat sekarang dari kerusi dia, kenapa depa biarkan Islam tu bertapak kat tempat depa, dia cuba menyalahkan depa tapi depa tuh nenek moyang dia, jadi dia tak leh nak marah depa, jadi dia marah ler kat orang2 Islam dulu kala yg berjaya menyampaikan ajaran Islam ni kpd orang2 kat spain. Pasai tu dia gila banget bila nenek moyang spain dia berjaya mengembalikan spain tu pada agama dia. Ni jenis tak leh terima hakikat kejadian alam dan sejarah dunia, mungkin dia berangan nak jadi diktator dunia kuat sangat kot.... tapi macam biasa ler, kalau kita layan dia lagi menjadi, baik tok sah layan jer la, orang macam ni, kalau hati dah tertutup dan hitam legam macam abu jahal dan abu lahab, ko cakap la apa pun, tak masuk punya, ader jer jawapan2 putaq belit dia, macam abu lahab dan abu jahal jugak. Lebih baik bo layan jer setan bertopengkan manusia yg dusta macam ni... kecuali kalau dia isytihar perang kat kita, maka wajib lah kita mempertahankan diri dan keluarga dan saudara2 kita semua.... kalau takat melalak jer, lantak dia ler, orang yg tak paham dan tak mau paham tak akan paham, so, paham2 jer ler... |
Reply #193 windof's post
huh? kuat nya membebel.... |
Reply #193 windof's post
Bukan apa beb, dia ni asyik tengok dari sudut dia aje. Nak kata bengap boleh cakap, nak kata buta masih boleh baca....bosan jugak...kalau ye pun at least pendapat tu biar lah seimbang. |
If thats the case than Columbus was trying to invade the Indians in America?
Columbus was an explorer, he did not invade.
Or Cortez in South America?
The Israelis did not invade. They return to their land.
What about the crusades to the Middle East? Invasion? The crusaders invaded Muslim lands in the Middle East first. Had they apaporached the Muslims in a better light, perhaps peace would be instil. Hmm....
the crusades came in response to 400 years of muslim invasion and occupation.
had there not been the jihads, there would not have been a crusade.
Judging by your rule, the Indians have the right to eradicate the caucasian Americans and force them to convert to animism.
so according to your rule, the buddhist can kick muslim out of afghanistan.
hindus kick muslim out of india, malaysia and indonesia.
christians kick muslims out of bosnia and albania. |
kan aku dah cakap, dia mesti belit lagi munya... dia lupa nak siasat Islam tu asalnya macam mana, betapa Islam dipertahankan sedikit umatnya pada mula2 pengembangannya, diperangi dari seluruh empayar dunia zaman tu yg tak mau tengok Islam naik, tapi dipertahankan sehebat2nya oleh umat Islam zaman tu sampai tak terlawan oleh musyrikin2 tuh, dan akhirnya ada yg akur dan kagum ngan kehebatan Islam lantas masuk lah mereka kpd agama Allah ni berduyun2 ramainya, bila Islam dah kuat, lantas agama ini diseru kpd umat manusia seluruh dunia, siapa yg mau ikut dengan rela boleh ikut, siapa yg tak mau ikut tapi sanggup hidup dalam undang2 Islam dibenarkan, tapi siapa yg memerangi terang2an baru lah diperangi, mana ada unsur Islam berkembang secara invasion, sebaliknya secara seruan dan diplomasi. |
'the crusades came in response to 400 years of muslim invasion and occupation.
had there not been the jihads, there would not have been a crusade.'
The Muslims were also explorers. Just like Columbus! However, the crusades are a whole different thing. I seem to recall the Europeans wanting to liberate Jerusalem from Saracens. And you actually accuse Muslims of wrongdoings in Palestine!
Israel return to their land....why would they leave the land if it was theirs? Because, it wasnt theirs.
A furtherance to Debmey's theory of historical development, America should be returned to the natives, Israel should not exist, Singapore should be handed over to Msia and.....hahaha! its really funny Deb..
Next time, I think you shouldnt be to hasty to accuse others. Even Christians are tempted to commit many ill things.
[ Last edited by RainbowSix at 20-3-2007 11:44 PM ] |
Reply #197 windof's post
Aku gelak gila baca dia punya arguments. Emotional betui! hahaha! |
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