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-[ LOTR 3 ]- Return Of The King

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Post time 19-12-2003 05:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sayangidaku at 18-12-2003 03:31 AM:
baru jer lepas tengok... tapi rasa mcm sekejap je...

aku bagi 10/10 bintang utk LOTR-ROTK.....

sini rupe nye tempat nak discuss... thanx sayangidaku!..sbenornye
confius sbab bnyak sgt thread tntang LOTR

about this film.. kasii full* sbab crite dier.. pergh!
fantastic!.. mmang x rase 3 jam lebih.. rase
mcam skejab sgt..

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Post time 19-12-2003 05:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 19-12-2003 05:15 PM:
sini rupe nye tempat nak discuss... thanx sayangidaku!..sbenornye
confius sbab bnyak sgt thread tntang LOTR

about this film.. kasii full* sbab crite dier.. pergh!
fan ...

Bukan SIni...tapi thread yg ada tulis untuk yg dah tonton ROTK sahaja....

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Post time 19-12-2003 09:47 PM | Show all posts
Aku rasa Jackson cuma faithful pada story jer... sebab sebelum buat LOTR dia buat cerita pasal Lesbo... Girl Power!

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Post time 20-12-2003 02:42 AM | Show all posts
LOTR ROTK dah cecah US$34.1m untuk hari pertama tayangan

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Post time 20-12-2003 02:56 AM | Show all posts
uh...diorg tunjuk tak trailer spider-man 2 sebelum ROTK bermula???kalo driog tunjuk aku nak gi tgk ROTK.

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Hooded This user has been deleted
Post time 20-12-2003 02:53 PM | Show all posts
aku paling tak suka si frodo tu, lembik sgt..kekekke

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Post time 20-12-2003 03:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Hooded at 20-12-2003 02:53 PM:
aku paling tak suka si frodo tu, lembik sgt..kekekke

mana der lembik... kan sapa yg pegang the ring.... the power will takeover him... tuh yg dia kengkadang cam org gila... tapi... aku tak minat gak frodo... but tanggungjawab dia la yg paling berat... sbb yg lain tuh tak sanggup pun nak jadik ringbearer....

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Post time 20-12-2003 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by GAIA at 19-12-2003 05:58 PM:
Bukan SIni...tapi thread yg ada tulis untuk yg dah tonton ROTK sahaja....

lor... pnin'..pnin'..:stp::stp:
susah jugak ek kaloo ade bnyak thread yg same.. bley
confius dbuatnye!

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Post time 20-12-2003 06:07 PM | Show all posts

Spider-Man 2

Originally posted by IrvingLorenzo at 20-12-2003 02:56 AM:
uh...diorg tunjuk tak trailer spider-man 2 sebelum ROTK bermula???kalo driog tunjuk aku nak gi tgk ROTK.

hmm.. aku pon tringin bnor nk nengok SM2 trailors.. tp
sblum start crite ROTK x der plak dier tyangkan trailors..
pergh!.. aku nk nengok laa trailors dier.. sesape tau website mane
bley download trailors.. kaloo scare online.. susah skit laa aku
nk nengok.. connection aku x laju laaaa..!

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Post time 20-12-2003 06:16 PM | Show all posts
yea..baru jer tengok giler babie..akhirnyer abis jugak citer nie lepas 3 thn aku berturut2 ikut citer nie..nie kena tengok lagie skali nie..yg plg besh maser sumer org tunduk hormat kat 4 hobbitses

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Post time 20-12-2003 06:53 PM | Show all posts

...baru tengok pagi tadi.... kat marathon GSC

...really great battle kat Paleanor Field tapi tak intense & tak tension sgt cam helm's deep.....  seronok ngan leka sgt tengok battle detail... realllllyyyyyyy impressss ngan very huge massive and big creatures..... binatang kepebendebyetuhhhh:bg:... Minas tirith... architecturenye fuhhh.. detail giler...  Gandalf ,:2cool: superb.... esp when he helps Faramir`s & the gang escape from nazgul,tabik spring ngan design team PJ.. lepah nieh terpengaruh lak nak tengok film by PJ... pippin so cute & naive, memang bodoh skit.. aragorn cool jer lead hantu2 tuh.. cam biase lah macho slalu... x take my eyes from himmmmmmmm........


...armed mumakil

[ Last edited by True-X on 20-12-2003 at 07:33 PM ]

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Post time 20-12-2003 06:59 PM | Show all posts


.... sedih lak criter nieh dah abih...


...lepas nie tak der lah lagi criter yg ditunggu... xget enough LOTR AND ARAGORN ELESSAR

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Post time 20-12-2003 07:37 PM | Show all posts
...makhluk yg kiter kesian sgt, kasih sayang kat cincin sampai ke mati... tapi naik menyampah lak kekadang

...nenek kiter kater...'dier nie toyol ker"

....alast kuar gak muker real actor yg play gollum kat memula starting ROTK

[ Last edited by True-X on 20-12-2003 at 11:59 PM ]

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Post time 21-12-2003 03:55 PM | Show all posts
Aku baru tengok cerita nih semalam. Tak sangka kat JB nih pon boleh full house. Tongsan-tongsan dan melayu-melayu bukit sekarang dah pandai tonton filem macam nih. Menyesal jugak tak book ticket semalam, tapi seat yang aku dapat oklah, tak depan sangat. 1 word of advice, jangan tengok movie dengan kawan korang yang bodoh/bangang! Aku dah terbuat kesalahan tuh semalam, dan menyesal tak sudah masa tengok filem nih. Every 5 minutes aku nak kena explain kat dia apa yang terjadi. Aku pon dah naik buhsan asik nak explain. Tanak explain, dia asik tanya aku. Kalau tanya slow-slow aku tak kisah, tapi nih satu panggung boleh dengar. So ingat, jangan tengok wayang dengan kawan korang yang bongok, kecuali kalau tonton citer Senario atau cerita-cerita melayu yang tak berilmiah tuh.

Ok, lets go to the movie. Aku memang memang tabik spring dekat director filem nih. Peter Jackson go from nobody, to the most expensive paid director in Hollywood. Seriously, sebelum nih siapa yang kenal siapa Peter Jackson? (before FOTR) So janganlah nak tipu kalau korang kata yang korang kenal siapa Peter Jackson nih. Memang amazing cara dia merealisasikan buku Tolkien ni. Span 7 years to make this movie, only 3 years to show it public. Imagine the pressure. Seperti korang tau, LOTR adalah satu literature yang paling dihormati. Jadi untuk turn it into a film, memang satu risky business sebab tersalah langkah, bersedialah nak kena bomb ngan critics sebab korang pon tahu, book to film conversion bukan satu kerja yang mudah, nak mengadapt buku tebal-tebal kepada 3 movies.

First aku komen tentang graphic movie nih. WETA New Zealand has done a great job! Environment filem nih memang betul amazing! Very very beautiful. Walaupun sesekali korang boleh tengok jugak ketidak-real lan graphic nyer (seperti gunung salji yang nampak licin semacam, dan jugak semasa Frodo lari masuk ke gunung berapi tuh, his movement tak berapa sekata dengan background) Yang aku suka dalam filem nih of course, the fight scene. The fight scene semuanya..... tak tau nak cakap ada dah. Kalau korang dah tengok mesti korang faham ler apa yang aku nak cuba terangkan .

Sound filem nih, aku tak dapat komen banyak sebab panggung wayang yang aku tengok filem nih speaker dia macam sial. Suara pecah-pecah, pastu kadang2 suara dia macam kena tutup dengan bantal. Tapi for some scene, seperti the fighting scene between Orcs dengan yang lain, the sound is good. Dan bunyi scream creature yang Nazgul ride tuh, macam nak pecah aku nyer gegendang telinga. Bingit betul, tapi memang realistic, rasa macam kat depan aku pulak Nazgul tu . Tapi yang penting adalah soundtrack filem nih, yang seperti FOTR dan TTT, mempunya orchestra paling best. Aku terkilan gak sebab Enya hanya dipanggil nyanyi untuk filem pertama. Kenapa tidak ketiga2 filem. Aku skarang dalam proses untuk mencari soundtrack filem nih, sebab memang one of the must have.

Story, takyah citer banyaklah. Memang paling best di dalam trilogy LOTR. Tak bleh nak nafikan lagi. Paling boring, of course FOTR, banyak benar cakap :cf:. TTT is ok, sebab the story dah mula pick up. Cuma aku watak Frodo tuh, memang kadang2 aku rasa menyampah tengok dia. Mungkin sebab muka Elijah Wood seperti aku bangang/down syndrome, itu yang menyebabkan aku nyampah kot. Rasa Smeagol lagi best dari dia. Atau mungkin jugak sebab watak Frodo nih selalu dibuat dalam keadaan lemah, kita jadi putus asa dengan dia. At one time during the movie, aku rasa macam nak masuk dalam screen tu pastu tempeleng muka si Frodo sebab dia tak percayakan si Sam. Aku tak pernah buku2 LOTR (pernah cuba, tapi tak berhasil kerana tak paham ). Jadi mungkin kalau aku pernah baca the background story, mungkin takdalah perasaan nak tempeleng si Frodo tuh, sebab dah tau story kan. Aku tak berapa pasti filem ni fokus ke mana, tapi rasanya agak bercampur aduk, dan banyak character yang tak dapat coverage banyak dalam cerita nih, especially Legolas dan Gimli. Walaupon diorang tak berapa penting, tapi kalau boleh perbanyakkan scene between diorang berdua, the tension, sebab si Gimli nih kan seems to have a problem with Legolas. Begitu juga Arwen. Kalau nak diikutkan aku nih, mungkin jadi 6 hours kot movie ni. So tak bleh nak komplen banyak banyak .

Tapi walaupon filem nih best, ia tak dapat lari dari mistakes. Bukan mistakes dari segi perfileman, tapi dari segi casting dan jugak dialogue. Aku sampai sekarang memang tak suka si Elijah Wood tuh jadi Frodo. Seperti yang aku mention kat atas, muka dia macam orang cacat/bangang. Dan filem nih mungkin akan jadi lebih baik kalau mereka menggunakan sistem "All-British Cast" seperti filem Harry Potter kerana seperti korang ketahui, American Ruin Everything. Itu sebab JK Rowling taknak filem Harry Potter nyer menjadi terlalu "La La Land" dan mengekalkan storyline asal dengan menggunakan British Cast. Dan dialogue filem nih, sesekali it gets to corny. Mungkin sebab bahasa dia berbunga-bunga sangat, itulah sebabnya, to stay true to the book.

Overall, it is a great movie. Aku bagi A-

[ Last edited by cocklea on 22-12-2003 at 12:39 AM ]

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Post time 21-12-2003 08:33 PM | Show all posts
....12hours marathon kat GSC... STILL CANT GET ENOUGH.... nak lagi.. dan lagi...dan lagi....sepnjang ari tuh kiter cumer senyum jer... tapi sedih lak.. sbb lepah nie tak der lagi filem yg ditunggu2

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Post time 21-12-2003 10:00 PM | Show all posts
kesian ko koklia...kire tak konsentret la ek tengok rotk. takper, boleh tengok sekali lagi kan?. aku mmg bernasib baik betul masa tengok aritu, sbb suasana dlm panggung betul2 memuaskan hati. semua penonton memberi kerjasama yg baik(maybe semua khusyuk sgt nak tau kesudahan lotr).

pasal citer ni, aku mula setuju dgn beberapa pendpt wartawan yg bagi komen bhw filem ni kurang fokus pada aragorn(tak sepatutnya sbb tajuknya return of the king kan?).

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Post time 21-12-2003 11:00 PM | Show all posts
...tul tuh rasenyer TTT lebih fokus pada aragorn.... ROTK lebih pada gandalf lak rasenyer.... esp ketika battle kat Paleanor Field

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Post time 21-12-2003 11:36 PM | Show all posts
aku pun geram pada watak frodo yg macam org hilang semangat aje sepanjang masa.... kalau tak mengenangkan yg power of the ring tookover him memang aku nyampah sungguh kat frodo. pandai lah elijah wood buat muka blur/ terpinga2/bangang.  sib baik ada sam...

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new_rule This user has been deleted
Post time 22-12-2003 12:20 AM | Show all posts
3+ hours was definitely too short....rasa macam tak puas....

however i thot the kiss between aragorn and arwen was not quite the one i was waiting for. wanted it to be passionate, ni mcm rather sexual pulak. to me tak romantic langsung....that's what i thot ler...

but the movie was great, beyond words.....wish there would be more though!!!

watching the marathon was also great, among the hardcores, rasa macam tak nak keluar dari cinema je semalam!!!

tapikan the huge spider (gaia - apa nak tempat tu, yg before sampai mordor? lupa.....i need to look back at the book to recall all the names!!) reminded me of harry potter....british writers ada a kind of trend yang similar rasanya.....

la ni tgh nengok felllowship kat hbo, but after seeing the extended version, cam tension je nengok yang shown kat hbo nih!!!!

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new_rule This user has been deleted
Post time 22-12-2003 12:42 AM | Show all posts
satu part tak berapa faham is that what happened to saruman? i mean, after isingard went down, did he die? who killed him? the last i saw of him was he was up on the tower when isingard went down.....then treebeard (ent) was asked by gandalf to do something to saruman? something like that was it? so who killed saruman? since he appeared on the first 2, i expected something about him on rotk...

overall movie was great and fantastic. battle was beyond words, tapi rasanya when aragorn summoned the dead people (can't remember what the name of those were....buku lum habis baca!), tak banyak sangat tunjuk how they fought at gondor...setakat a sweeping of green light je.....tak dramatic/impressive sangat ler, considering they were the saviour of the battle.

gay issues...yeah, it was practically everywhere, sam-frodo, legolas-gimli, legolas-aragorn!! (legolas would always be helping aragorn bila aragorn dah cam nak kena bunuh or something...) i don't think peter jackson meant that. more of a friendship and a strong bond. people nowadays will of course link it to gay, kita ni bukan boleh nengok orang baik sesama same sex!

but the movie definitely was great, great effects and bring great money to american film industry...cheh!!! ( aku lah salah satu penyumbang nya...ish, ish, ish...)

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