2080# hatemetoday [/b
kak hate ni..
love bkn x nk bwk tp tade cuti la..
nk bwk g private mhl lak..
tension tul!! |
laa sian love..
emm kucing tu mebi kecacingan lau dah buncit tu.
tp walo apapun,syarat prtama bile dpt new cat/kittens,mmg kene bwk pi checkup kat vet dulu.
private pun ada tmpt2 jgk yg murah..kat ttdi jaya ni vet melayu.
murah jgk..rega xdelah semahal vet lain. |
thanks ati..
love pun tkot gak tgk perot dia yg bulat.. |
utk menebuz dose dr permasaalahan ini,
nidz dgn berbesar hati ingin menjumput pelepak tegar
cat lover's land ke majlis resepsi kakak nidz [DV3],
pada 5 july 2009 bertempat di dewan MBPJ jalan ...
nidzrain Post at 23/6/2009 11:35 PM
terima kasih bebanyak sebab jemput fly tapi fly tak dapat menghadir diri.... mintak maaf bebanyak sebab kena ikut husband p race on that day...
sorry ye{:2_73:}...
kepada yang akan menghadiri gathering 2, enjoy your self.... nanti tepek gambar bebanyak ye... |
knaper id fire_fly ader tambahan cmf_ plak kat depan tu...????
boleh edit nickname ker skrg...??? |
Post Last Edit by cmf_FiRe_Fly at 24-6-2009 17:50
knaper id fire_fly ader tambahan cmf_ plak kat depan tu...????
boleh edit nickname ker skrg...???
nidzrain Post at 24/6/2009 03:46 PM
tak tau le ape ke hel nye ngan cari ni:@.... fly dah brape hari tak boleh login... mintak tolong ngan Acehand n admin, pas 2 admin suruh login letak cmf kat depan.... baru boleh login.... hampeh betul lah cari baru ni... fly dah nak register nick lain dah sebab tak boleh login.
tak pasl pasal ade cmf_ kat depan |
Post Last Edit by Mizzsued at 25-6-2009 11:59
2083# nidzrain
Ehh nidz bukan ke nanti 5 july tu kita geng CLL nak wat gathering kerr??? Ke haku yg blur x sure perkembangan terbaru??
<-----wat muke blurr.... |
2083# nidzrain
wahh nidz...mekasey sbb jemput..ni kiranya geder2 sekali la kan.....kang aku bwk kucen haros dia melompat p kat lawok pranten plak nanti...hikhikhik *hampeh aku tak leh pakai emoticons...mencih!* |
2087# cmf_FiRe_Fly
Chief Minister of Feline_Fire_Fly...hahahhahahaa |
2090# hatemetoday
ada ada je lah akak ni.... fuh! kalau saya jadi Chief Minister macam macam saya buat.... tapi dalam mimpi lah gamak nya |
@ dv3..owwhhh ...paham paham... |
2083# nidzrain
thank you for the invitation nidz..
insyaallah ye |
2085# cmf_FiRe_Fly
err...kak fly..amanada gath laa
tu si nidz jemput pi majlis kakak die le...hohoh |
perhatian ye pd semua...
details cat lovers gathering akan diberitahu kelak..
selagi belom naik thread baru tentang pengumuman adanya gath CL,maknanya belom ada notification lagik utk any gatherings ya..
dont wori,kalau ada gath nnt me akan wat announcement ajak semua org..
in the meantime,me mintak semua betenang dan dun wori me akan wat announcement mcm biasa ye.
pd yg blom biasa menyertai gath CL,utk perhatian uol,mod akan buat announcement nnt.
sila jgn terima mana2 pihak lain yg mengumumkan gath kerana pernah berlaku sblm ni kes tipu dan sbgnya..bahaya tau sbb kitakan kenal secara virtual ni mcm2 boleh berlaku.
so,tungguuuu...... |
2095# ati1402
oh ye ke...ampun... |
Ha geng2 sumer...la ni masuk paper hari ni. Mari sesama kita serang MVEC weekend ni
Specially for pets and owners
Pet World Malaysia 2009, which will be held at the Mid Valley Megamall Exhibition Centre, Kuala Lumpur from July 3-5, will see an increase in the number of exhibitors compared with last year.
Some of the major exhibitors this year are DHKS (IAMS & EUKANUBA), Qian Hu and Blackwood while CSL Thean Yeang, Gladron, Yuushou Marketing (Nutriedge) and House of Groomers will be joining the exhibition for the first time.
Visitors of Pet World Malaysia 2009 will see more activities as compared to last year. The 2008 exhibition had Pet-N-You Dog Sports Competition and Cat Beauty Competition.
Besides the second series of dog and cat competitions, some of the new events are the “Be An Icon” The Malaysia International Grooming Competition, The 1st Malaysia Creative Styling Modelling Show and The 1st National Rabbit Show.
The organiser, Fairs & Events Management Sdn Bhd (FEMSB), has provided free space to the animal charity organisations such as Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Paws, Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), Malaysian National Animal Welfare Foundation (MNAWF), Malaysian Small Animal Veterinary Association, Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better (MDDB) and World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF).
The Department of Veterinary Services will be putting up displays to promote prevention of animal cruelty. Its officers will also give talks on pet health and care to the public.
Chief executive officer of FEMSB, Jonathan Kan said the Pet World Malaysia 2009 exhibition was an ideal platform to pull together pets and pet accessories suppliers, retailers, pet lovers and hobbyists.
Visitors can bring along their pets into the hall to enjoy the exciting activities lined up.
Entrance fee for this exhibition is RM5 for adults and RM2 for children.
The three-day exhibition will be open from 10am to 9pm daily.
Source: The Star
Jom...jom....bawak anak2 bulu sekali |
2096# ati1402
owh so maknenye yg jemputan dari nidz/dv3 tu jemputan biase oang kawen jek lah..bukan gath...kalau sape nak pegi boleh la pegi..kalau sape pat nak pegi pon tak pe kan? ok ok so i'll wait for our confirmed date then...tqs momod ati.... |
fuhhh lama giler tak masuk sini....semua dah berubah...eheheheh....so kiranye gath ni lom confirm lah ye... |
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