mesyuarat persediaan audit...
Terim kasih kepada supeemod seribulan...semoga dimurahkan rezeki kerana anda tidak kedekut utk memberi point....wa caya sama lu... |
Doakan selamat di audit
Kenapa aku perlu marah.
Kenapa aku perlu sedih.
Kenapa aku perlu gembira.
Sebab, Aku manusia biasa.
Ada perasaan. Ada hati.
Macam kau. |
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Terimalah amanah yang di beri
Betulkan nawaitu
Ikhlaskan diri
Yang lain lain akan datang kemudian
InsyaAllah yang baik baik sahaja |
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for year i've been protecting my lifestyle.. i achieved great things, things that people can only imagine in their dreams..
Now as im growing older its time for me to be a normal and live mundane "boring" lives just like most of us do.
so that i have moral and social authority to condemn people who are just like who i was before.. |
Alcohol and Depression
The link between alcoholism and depression is complicated, and many patients have both conditions. Find out why abusing alcohol while depressed can increase the risk of suicide.
By Ben Martin, PsyD
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What Makes a Highly Sensitive Person?
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How to Keep the Blues From Turning Into Depression
Alcoholism is a disorder that produces many similar signs and symptoms required for diagnosis of major depression. Although alcohol often initially causes a "good mood," alcohol is a depression-causing drug.
While no studies have shown that depression actually causes alcoholism, the two disorders are commonly seen in the same patients at the same time. Thirty to fifty percent of alcoholics, at any given time, are also suffering from major depression.
What you should know about alcoholism and depression:
Family history of either depression or alcoholism puts a person at increased risk for developing either illness.
Alcoholism may cause a relapse in patients with depression.
The depressive symptoms from alcohol are greatest when a person first stops drinking, so recovering alcoholics with a history of depression should be carefully monitored during the early stages of withdrawal.
The symptoms of depression in alcoholics are greatly reduced after three to four weeks of stopping alcohol intake.
A person suffering from major depression and who abuses alcohol has a much higher risk of attempting and succeeding at taking his own life:
Alcohol abuse can exaggerate depression and increase impulsiveness.
Alcohol is frequently detected in suicide methods involving driving a moving vehicle or overdosing.
Alcohol impairs judgment, which explains its association with painful suicide methods.
Because of the risk of suicide, it is critical that people suffering from major depression and abusing alcohol receive prompt medical attention.
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fighting mod!
i have reports to deliver today... tapi malasnya ya Tuhan 
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Tegas terhadap diri sendiri, sentiasa positif dan lakukan yang terbaik. Tenangkan hati kerana gelisah itu hanya milik mereka yang putus asa
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sebab malam tadi menengok HIMYM -
"There is a word in German, Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz and the closest translation would be lifelong treasure of destiny.
It is not something that develops over time. It is something that happens instantaneously. It courses through you like the water of a river after a storm, filling you and emptying you all at once. You feel it throughout your body, in your hands, in your heart, in your stomach, in your skin…
If you have to think about it, you have not felt it."
- Klaus (HIMYM) |
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stuck in traffic jam for 2 hours this morning
made me think that a traffic jam is kinda a commuting version of buffering
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apa-apa pun weekend kita enjoi 
Being patient doesn't stop you from seeking help. Patience actually prepares your ego to accept help. |
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Manusia selalu buat salah
Menyesal tak sudah sudah
Tapi manusia boleh berubah
“I believe that everything happens for a reason and now i’m trying to be a better person“
~ |
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